I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 345: Meeting

Chapter 345: Meeting

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Fr1day_!🏆 (A/N: A contender has emerged...😒)

Under the cover of darkness, Peter stood with his daughter Lily near an abandoned hospital on the outskirts of New York City.

Despite its supposed abandonment, the presence of heavily armed guards surrounding the desolate structure suggested otherwise.

Although they would be hidden fairly well for normal people not to recognize their presence, Peter and Lily were a whole different story.

As soon as they laid eyes on the place, their spider senses started tingling, informing the two of the danger in their surroundings.

The night air hung heavy with an eerie stillness, adding to the tension that filled the atmosphere.

Peter and Lily crouched on a nearby rooftop, their eyes scanning the perimeter of the hospital.

The faint glow of the nearby street lights cast long shadows over the cracked pavement, and the sound of sirens echoed in the distance, which was fairly normal for New York City.

It was most likely going to be a gruesome sight inside, and Peter knew that bringing his young daughter along wasn't the greatest idea, but he also knew that she was stubborn and headstrong like her old man, so it was best to appease her even a little bit.

With a glance, Peter signaled to Lily, reminding her of their agreement. Her role was to remain outside, vigilant and watchful, capturing anyone who tried to enter or exit the area.

Though he knew she probably wouldn't have to act, he wanted to be sure no one slipped through the cracks.

Lily nodded, understanding the importance of her task, even as her youthful excitement mingled with a hint of apprehension.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This was her first real mission in the field, after all.

"Stay safe and don't do anything stupid." Peter said softly, his voice laced with concern. "Remember, if you have any problems, call for me and I'll rush back out, okay?"

Lily nodded once more, determination shining in her young eyes. "Yes sir!" She gave him a mock salute.

An amused smile played on Peter's lips as he watched his daughter take her position, her small frame disappearing into the shadows.

He couldn't help but feel both proud and worried, knowing she was growing up in a manner far different from normal children.

'Though most children would probably kill to have Spider-Man as their father, especially since it comes with the added bonus of superpowers.' Peter thought to himself.

With Lily settled outside, Peter took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. With his experience and power, this would most likely be a piece of cake. The only thing that he was worried about was the gruesome sights he may or may not find inside.

'No dead kids... No dead kids... No dead kids...' He repeated in his mind, not in the mood to see something like that.

Launching himself into action, Peter bounded toward the building with acrobatic grace, his every movement a testament to his years of training and experience.

Without wasting a single second, Peter stealthily rushed to each hidden guard, knocking them unconscious with a single hit before rushing to the next and doing the same.

Repeating this, he managed to incapacitate every armed guard that protected the hospital's perimeter.

Meanwhile, just beyond the hospital's walls, Lily watched in awe as her father dispatched the guards with an effortless skill that didn't cease to amaze her.

She watched as her father stepped out into the light of a street lamp and gave her a quick wave before rushing to the now-unprotected building.

Peter soared through the air and latched onto the hospital's walls, allowing him to scale its exterior with remarkable speed.

As he reached the rooftop, he peered down through a shattered skylight, surveying the interior of the building.

The scene below was a maze of dimly lit hallways, discarded medical equipment, and shattered glass, far from the facility that he expected to see.

'Maybe they use the lower floors?' He guessed.

Nonetheless, it was clear that nefarious activities were taking place within the supposed abandoned hospital.

Determined to uncover the truth and put an end to whatever this was, Peter slipped inside unnoticed, blending with the shadows like a ghost.

His enhanced agility and training in stealth allowed him to navigate the labyrinthine corridors without setting off any alarms or attracting unwanted attention.

As Peter prowled through the shadows, he utilized his enhanced senses to detect the faintest of sounds, relying on his spider sense to alert him to any danger that might lie ahead.

Soon enough, he encountered a group of armed guards patrolling one of the lower-level corridors, their weapons in hand.

Without hesitation, Peter got to work, his lightning-fast reflexes and expertly shot webs rendering the guards incapacitated within seconds.

Not wasting any time, Peter left these guards where they fell and moved swiftly through the dimly lit corridors, navigating the shadows with practiced ease as he made his way toward the lower floors, where he began to notice a new addition to each of the hallways.

Security cameras appeared around every corner, watching for any anomalies, though Peter ensured he remained undetected them.

After all, his suit made him invisible to any and all recording devices.

As Peter descended into the sub-levels below the basement, the absence of radio chatter seemed to catch the attention of the guards stationed in the security room.

They grew suspicious, their senses heightened by the unnerving silence.

Something was amiss.

Realizing that their comrades had gone dark without any explanation, nor did any of them appear on the countless cameras, they knew something had to be wrong.

With no other option, the guards activated the alarm system, the blaring sirens shattering the previously eerie silence.

The sound reverberated throughout the halls, bouncing off the peeling wallpaper and broken equipment.

Peter, unfazed by the sudden alarm, merely shook his head and shrugged. He had anticipated this turn of events. It was only a matter of time before his presence was discovered.

Seeing as he didn't need to be stealthy anymore, Peter abandoned that approach, opting for a more direct and decisive strategy.

He moved with unparalleled agility and reflexes, dodging bullets with ease as he incapacitated the guards one by one, making his way lower and lower into the facility.

The abandoned hospital instantly erupted into chaos as armed guards scrambled to secure their positions.

The echoing shots of gunfire filled the air, bringing fear to every guard who hadn't seen the enemy yet.

And as he kept moving, Peter started to see signs of some seriously f*cked up sh#t.

One entire floor was filled with old worn hospital beds, and many of these beds were occupied by bound men and women, who looked absolutely exhausted with clear signs of extreme torture visible on each of their bodies.

And as soon as they saw him arrive in his iconic red and blue suit, their dead eyes instantly sparkled with signs of hope.

Seeing this, Peter sighed in relief.

Yes, they were in a horrible state, but so far it didn't seem like there were any children in this facility.

'Maybe that girl was their first underage target?' Peter wondered as he turned to the many captives. "Wait here while I clear the place out!"

As he disappeared from the captives view, the gunshots returned once again, though they soon grew distant as Peter made his way deeper into the abandoned hospital.

They could only wait in anticipation, hoping that this wasn't some decision brought on by the weeks and weeks of nonstop torture.

Finally, after clearing out two more floors, where he found all sorts of sickening torture rooms, Peter arrived at a small room tucked away in the corner of the floor.

And inside, trapped in a pod-like chamber of reinforced glass, a figure writhed in agony. His disfigured body filled the scars of immense suffering.

He looked like a burned ballsack...

Immediately, Peter froze as he caught sight of the man, his eyes widening in recognition.

'F*ck me... It's Deadpool!' Peter exclaimed in his mind, shocked that Wade Wilson actually existed in this world.

Well, he did meet Dopinder a while back, so it made sense.

Deadpool's lungs strained against the confines of his chest, struggling for every breath.

Though he seemed to be acclimating to his torturous situation rather quickly, as the strain on Wade's face started to slowly ease up with each passing second.

'He must have just unlocked his powers.' Peter surmised as he rushed up to the chamber, pulling it open. "Good morning, Sunshine! Did you have a good nap?"

Of course, since this was Deadpool he was dealing with, Peter decided to skip the normal pleasantries and went straight to the banter.

Gasping for that sweet precious air that now filled his surroundings, Wade looked up at Peter, instantly realizing who he was. "*Heavy breathing* It was alright... I'll give it a 6 out of 10 on Yelp. If there were chocolates on my pillow, then maybe it could've been a 7, but sadly the owners of this establishment aren't so accommodating."

"I know what you mean." Peter nodded understandingly as he reached over and tore the straps off of Wade's body. "The second I walked into this place, the staff started shooting at me. Can you believe it? It's like they don't want any new customers."

Smirking as he rose from his former torture device, Wade dropped the act. "You know, I told Francis my spidey senses were tingling but he just didn't believe me..." He said with a shake of his head.

"!" Peter's eyes instantly widened as he heard this. 'Holy sh*t... Does he actually have 4th wall-breaking powers?'

A/N: 1624 words :)

🚨Hand over the💎STONES💎or I'll shove this knife up your nose!🔪👃🏼🚨


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