I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 365: Complications...

Chapter 365: Complications...

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AlienWarlord!🏆 (A/N: I am the King of Sexism!👑 Wait...🤨)

Danny stepped out of a golden portal, his heart pounding in his chest as he returned to the familiar mountainous landscape near the entrance of K'un-Lun.

The air was crisp and carried a sense of tranquility, but Danny couldn't fully enjoy it. The weight of his recent actions weighed heavily on his conscience.

Truthfully, if he didn't have a very important letter to deliver, Danny definitely wouldn't be returning to K'un-Lun right now.

Especially not after abandoning his post.

As he made his way towards the towering gates of the ancient city, Danny's footsteps echoing through the silence, he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation with the Order of the Crane Mother.

The elders and leaders of K'un-Lun, the ancient warrior monk society that took him in and trained him as their own, would undoubtedly be disappointed in him for leaving his post without a word.

Passing the gate, which was now being guarded by members of the order, Danny quickened his pace as his former comrades stared at him in shock.

Though that shock swiftly turned into harsh, piercing glares.

And after a short trip through the city, where every citizen of K'un-Lun parted, making way for the Iron Fist as they eyed him in confusion.

After all, word of his disappearance spread all across the city only a day after he left.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Murmurs throughout the crowd containing words like traitor and deserter caused Danny to hang his head lower as he passed by.

Finally, Danny arrived at a huge Chinese-style temple, which sat at the center of the city.

The temple stood tall and majestic, its vibrant colors and intricate architecture was a testament to its rich history and spiritual significance.

The entrance, adorned with ornate red pillars and golden embellishments. A carving of a tranquil Crane stood proudly on the towering double doors.

Dragon motifs coiled around the pillars at each side, their scales shimmering in the sunlight, symbolizing strength and wisdom.

Stepping forward, the gates creaked open, and Danny entered the courtyard where a few elders have already gathered, waiting for his arrival after hearing of the Iron Fist's return.

Their expressions were a mix of concern, disappointment, and sternness. He could feel their piercing gazes on him as he approached.

One elder, with a long white beard and wise eyes, stepped forward. "Danny... Iron Fist, you have returned to us." He said in a solemn voice, his tone laced with a hint of relief and concern. "You left your duty without explanation. Explain yourself."

Danny bowed respectfully before the elders, his head lower than usual. "I apologize for my sudden departure," he began, his voice filled with guilt. "But I had to leave to seek answers and confront the truth about my family's past."

Another elder, a woman with a stern expression, spoke up. "And what answers did you find?"

Danny took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I discovered that the Hand, our sworn enemies, have undergone a transformation." He revealed.

"?" Questioning looks flashed on each elder's face.

Danny continued. "Although I wasn't able to investigate, I've been told they're no longer the organization they once were. They now operate as a force of small-time heroes, helping people in need."

"If you weren't able to investigate, how do you know this?" The bearded elder asks doubtfully.

"I... I met their new leader." Danny says, his words sending waves of confusion and suspicion amongst the Elders.

The elders exchanged glances between one another, unsure how to handle this odd bit of information.

The female elder spoke again, her voice tinged with skepticism. "You expect us to believe that the Hand, the ancient enemy of K'un-Lun, has suddenly changed its ways? This is nothing but another deception. How could you fall for this, Danny?"

Danny's eyes met the elder's gaze, his determination evident. "I understand your doubts, but the leader of the Hand, Spider-Man, has requested a meeting. He wants peace." He takes out a sealed letter an Avengers 'A' stamped proudly on the front. "He sent me to deliver this letter."

"This is obviously a trap!" An Elder scoffed.

"I thought that as well." Danny nods his head. "But apparently, we get to choose the location and time of the meeting."

The elders exchanged glances once more, their expressions softening slightly.

The bearded elder took the letter from Danny's outstretched hand and began to read it, his eyes scanning the words carefully.

Silence hung in the air as the elders absorbed the contents of the letter. Danny could feel the weight of their decision looming over them all.

Would they accept the invitation for peace? Would they trust the words of a former enemy?

Finally, the bearded elder folded the letter and looked at Danny with a mix of contemplation and worry. "Iron Fist, you have returned to us with a proposition that holds great significance. The decision lies with the Order of the Crane Mother, and we shall convene to discuss this matter further. But until then..." The elder sighed as he eyed Danny regretfully.

"?" Danny frowned in confusion as he saw this.

He had taken a risk by returning after leaving his duty behind...

As Danny frowned, the courtyard of the temple was suddenly surrounded by countless members of the Order of the Crane Mother.

The stern expressions on their faces made it clear that they were prepared to enforce the consequences of Danny's actions.

The weight of his choice to abandon his duties as the Iron Fist hung heavily in the air.

The bearded elder, who had been the first to confront Danny, looked at him with a mixture of disappointment and concern.

He had been like a father figure to Danny since his arrival in K'un-Lun, but even he couldn't protect him from the consequences of his actions.

"Danny," the bearded elder said with a heavy sigh, stepping forward to stand beside him. "I understand your frustration, and your desire to seek the truth, but you know that abandoning your post is a grave crime in K'un-Lun. Especially for the Iron Fist."

Danny's fist tightened and began to glow involuntarily as his anger and frustration surged.

He contemplated fighting his way out, but the bearded elder's calming presence and pleading voice urged him to reconsider.

"Please, Danny," the elder pleaded, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Resorting to violence will only strengthen the belief that you are a traitor. Many already questioned the decision to grant the Iron Fist to an outsider. We need to handle this situation with wisdom and diplomacy."

Danny's fist slowly dimmed as he realized the truth in the elder's words.

He had always believed in the principles of peace and harmony that the Order of the Crane Mother upheld.

His actions now could either restore or shatter that belief, as well as his reputation.

Reluctantly, Danny nodded, his expression showing his acceptance of the consequences.

He turned himself in, raising his hands in surrender as members of the order approached to restrain him.

Chains with odd carvings were placed around his wrists, binding him tightly, but also suppressing his Chi at the same time.

As he was led away, the bearded elder's voice echoed in his ears. "I will do everything in my power to fix this, Danny. The decision lies with the Order of the Crane Mother, but I will advocate for you. We will convene and discuss this matter further. Have faith."

Danny's heart felt heavy as he was taken through the winding corridors beneath the temple.

The chains clinked with each step, a stark reminder of his actions. He couldn't help but wonder if he had betrayed the trust of those who had raised him, trained him, and believed in him.

The cell door creaked open, revealing a small, dimly lit room with cold stone walls. Danny was pushed inside, the heavy door slamming shut behind him.

Alone in the darkness, he knew he had to gather his strength and hope that the letter he had delivered would sway the Order of the Crane Mother in his favor.

As he sat on the cold stone floor, Danny couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation. His fate now rested in the hands of the order, and he could only wait, hoping that his actions would be understood and forgiven.




Outside K'un-Lun, on the lush mount top, the portal that Danny arrived in floated ominously.

Inside the portal, the meeting room back in the Avengers Tower could be seen, where Peter, Lily, and MJ sat, waiting patiently for Danny's return.

A/N: 1439 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎WOW!🤩 you're so kind!😇🚨


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