I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 366: Clash at The Gate

Chapter 366: Clash at The Gate

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Scar_Justice!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

In the spacious meeting room of the temple, the elders of K'un-Lun gathered around a large round table.

The atmosphere was tense, and the elders sat in silence, their expressions revealing the weight of the decision they were about to make.

At the head of the table sat a formidable figure with a long white beard, Lei Kung, the champion of K'un-Lun and the most respected elder in the city.

He promised to help Danny get out of this precarious situation, and he would do his meat to uphold it. His wise eyes scanned the room, taking in the faces of his fellow elders.

"We have gathered here today to discuss the matter of the Iron Fist's return and his actions." Lei Kung began, his voice firm and commanding. "It is undeniable that he has committed a grave offense by abandoning his post. However, we must consider the circumstances that led him to make such a choice."

One of the elders, a stern-looking man with a bald head and a scar across his cheek, raised his hand to speak. "Lei Kung, I understand your compassion for the boy, but we cannot overlook the fact that he broke our laws. He is an outsider, and his allegiance has always been questionable."

Murmurs of agreement echoed through the room, and several elders nodded in support of the bald elder's words.

Doubt and suspicion hung in the air, threatening to sway the decision.

Lei Kung's gaze hardened as he met the eyes of each doubting elder. "I acknowledge your concerns, but let us not forget that Danny has served K'un-Lun with honor and bravery. His devotion to our cause has been unquestionable up until now, and we cannot discount that."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A female elder, her voice filled with skepticism, interjected. "But what about this letter he claims to have delivered on behalf of the Hand? How can we trust the words of our sworn enemies? Is it, not a trap, a ploy to deceive us? The boy must be in on it!"

"Danny would never." Lei Kung shook his head, his gaze shifting to the sealed letter that lay on the table before them. "Though I have considered the possibility of this being a deception, but we cannot dismiss the potential for peace. If the Hand truly desires a new path, it is our responsibility to explore that possibility."

A burly elder with a grizzled beard leaned forward, his voice laced with anger. "And what if this is all a ruse? What if the five fingers of the Hand aren't dead, as the letter says? What if the Iron Fist has been compromised, and his allegiance lies with the Hand? Should we risk the safety of K'un-Lun for his sake?"

Lei Kung's eyes blazed with determination as he stood, his voice resonating with authority. "We shall not rush to judgment! Instead, we shall investigate the truth. I propose that we set an advantageous meeting point and assess the situation firsthand. We must determine the sincerity of the Hand's offer."

The room fell into a tense silence as the elders contemplated Lei Kung's proposal. The weight of the decision hung heavily in the air, and the fate of the Iron Fist rested on their judgment.

Finally, a few of the elders nodded in agreement, their doubts slowly dissipating. It was clear that Lei Kung's words carried great influence, and they respected his wisdom.

Lei Kung turned to the doubting elders, his voice filled with conviction. "Let us not forget our core values of honor, forgiveness, and the pursuit of peace. We should give the Iron Fist a chance to prove his intentions. If he has indeed betrayed us, we shall deal with him accordingly. But if there is a possibility for reconciliation and peace, it is our duty to explore it."

The room erupted in a heated discussion as the elders debated the course of action.

Some still held onto their doubts, while others were willing to grant Iron Fist a chance. Voices clashed, each elder argued with no end in sight.


Peter, MJ, and Lily had been waiting patiently in the meeting room of the Avengers Tower for hours, hoping to see Danny return through the portal.

They ordered some food and watched TV to pass the time, but no matter how long they waited, Danny didn't seem to be coming back.

The room was filled with tension as they exchanged concerned glances, their worry mounting with each passing minute.

Peter sighed, his fingers tapping anxiously on the table. "He should have been back by now. It shouldn't take this long to deliver a letter."

MJ nodded in agreement. "Something must have gone wrong. Maybe the monks didn't take too kindly to Danny leaving his post."

Lily, who had been sitting quietly for some time, fidgeted in her chair.

Her mind couldn't help but imagine the worst-case scenarios. "Do you think he's in trouble, Dad? We should go check on him."

Peter hesitated for a moment, knowing the dangers that awaited them in the hidden city of K'un-Lun.

Of course, he wasn't worried about the monks. It's the dragon that made him cautious.

Not a lot is known about Shou-Lao, the mystical dragon of K'un-Lun, so he wasn't sure how a fight would go between them.

But seeing the genuine concern in Lily's eyes, he couldn't bring himself to refuse her. "Alright, but you both have to promise to follow my orders. K'un-Lun is more dangerous than you realize."

Lily nodded, her eyes filled with determination as she hopped out of her seat. "Yes! Now let's go!" She couldn't help but feel excited.

After all, K'un-Lun is a mystical hidden city, so she felt like an explorer, heading out to discover the Chinese version of Atlantis.

With a nod of agreement, Peter led his family toward the portal that had brought Danny back earlier.

Stepping through, they found themselves transported to the lush mountaintop outside K'un-Lun. The portal snapped shut behind them.

As they approached the towering gates of K'un-Lun, the gate guards stepped forward, blocking their path. Their expressions were stern and unwelcoming.

Peter held up his hands, trying to reason with the guards. "We're here to see the Iron Fist. He came here to deliver a letter for me. We just want to make sure he's okay."

The guards remained unyielding, their weapons at the ready. Ignoring Peter's words, they lunged forward, attacking without warning.

Instantly, MJ and Lily's reflexes kicked in, their Spider-Sense tingling as they rushed forward, dodging the guards, and launched a few attacks of their own.

Meanwhile, Peter stood back, his demeanor calm and collected, as he watched his girls effortlessly take down the monks.

They seemed to work in perfect synchronization, knocking the guards unconscious before binding them in web.

"How was that, Dad?" Lily asked as she held her head high beside her MJ. "We were practicing our teamwork at a bank robbery earlier. Cool, right?"

"Very cool." Peter nodded as Lily bounced on her feet, happy with her father's praise.

But their victory was short-lived as more guards emerged from the city gate, ready to avenge their fallen brothers and sisters.

It became apparent that talking their way through wasn't an option.

Peter sighed, knowing that this wouldn't be as easy as he originally hoped. "Alright, now it's time to let Daddy show you how it's done-" He stepped forward, hoping to show off a bit for his daughter but...

Lily was already gone. "Haha!" She laughed melodiously as she dove headfirst into the second group of warrior monks, her mother following closely behind her.

As the battle raged on, Peter couldn't help but feel dejected as MJ and Lily took all of the fun for themselves. 'I want to fight too, you know?'

The girls' enhanced strength and agility proved invaluable as they swiftly incapacitated their attackers.

Peter wanted to make peace with K'un-Lun, so they both knew that killing would be extremely detrimental to his plans.

Finally, they passed through the massive city gate, guarded by the few remaining guardsmen.

They looked on in shock as MJ and Lily stood before them, with Peter following along, making sure not to step on the countess unconscious monks that littered the ground.

"We're not here to cause trouble," Peter said as he stepped over the bodies of their fellow brothers and sisters. "We just want to see Danny Rand. Please, let us through."

The guards exchanged glances, uncertainty flickering in their eyes.

It was clear that their presence had caused a bit of a stir, and their intentions were being questioned.

One of the guards, a burly man with a spear in hand, stepped forward. "If you'll wait a moment, I can send someone to inform the Elders of your arrival..." He offered, hoping to use that time to gather more forces and come back with a few elders, who would undoubtedly be able to handle these intruders.

Or at least, he thought they would.

Peter nodded his head as he and his family stepped back outside of the gate. "Sure, we'll just wait here." He says amiably as he conjured a comfy couch, which they all sat on, shocking the monks.

And as they settled in, the burly monk sent a messenger off, who would no doubt inform the Elders.

A/N: 1572 words :)

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