I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 367: Escape

Chapter 367: Escape

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of now, the patreòn is 4 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


😞Insert Sad GIFs here - Most likes wins😢

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AgentMonke!🏆 (A/N: A new King rises above the masses👑)

(A/N2: Since I've seen a lot of comments about it, I'm moving up the timeline for the into the spider-verse arc.)

The messenger from the gate hurried through the corridors of the temple, his footsteps echoing against the stone floor.

His heart raced with urgency as he sought out the elders, knowing that time was of the essence.

Finally, he arrived at the spacious meeting room where the elders had convened earlier.

Breathless, he burst into the room, bowing deeply. "Elders, I bring grave news!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency. "There are intruders at the gate!"

Lei Kung, the champion of K'un-Lun, raised an eyebrow, his wise eyes narrowing in concern. "Intruders? Are they hostile?"

The messenger nodded fervently. "They claim to be here to see the Iron Fist. They say he delivered their letter."

Whispers of alarm and suspicion filled the room as the elders exchanged worried glances.

That letter was from the Hand, and their supposed arrival raised immediate red flags.

One elder, a woman with sharp features and a steely gaze, spoke up. "This must be an attack orchestrated by the Hand. They seek to infiltrate our city. We must keep them at the gate. They can't be allowed inside!"

Lei Kung's expression grew grave as he considered the implications. "If the Hand is involved, we cannot afford to underestimate the threat they pose. We must mobilize our forces and prepare for an imminent attack."

The other elders nodded in agreement, their faces etched with determination. The safety of K'un-Lun and its Dragon was their utmost priority, and they would not allow either to fall into the hands of their most hated enemy.

The scene inside the temple had transformed from a room filled with doubt and debate to one of united action and preparedness.

"Summon every able-bodied warrior monk under our command!" declared an elder with a deep voice and a stern demeanor. "Prepare the defenses and station guards at key points throughout the city. We must be ready!"

As the elders hurriedly organized their forces, Lei Kung stood from his seat at the head of the table, his voice resonating with authority. "I will lead our main force to assess the situation outside the city gates."

The room buzzed with a sense of urgency as the elders rose from their seats, each taking on a specific role in the preparations.

They knew the importance of swift action and unity in the face of such a grave threat.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lei Kung turned to the messenger, his eyes filled with a steely resolve. "Take us to the gates..."

The messenger nodded, leading the way as the elders followed closely behind.

They moved with purpose and determination, their thoughts consumed by the impending battle and the protection of their sacred city.

Outside the temple, the warriors of the city gathered, their expressions grim and their weapons at the ready.

The air crackled with tension as they awaited the arrival of their leaders and the imminent clash with the intruders.


In the dimly lit cell beneath the temple, Danny Rand, the Iron Fist, sat with his back against the cold stone wall.

His hands were bound tightly by chains, each link etched with ancient chinese symbols that suppressed his Chi, rendering him as powerless as any other normal man.

He had been left alone in his confinement, the only sounds echoing through the silence were his own steady breaths and the faint drip of water in the distance.

Though that suddenly changed as guards, who were supposed to be stationed around the prison, were ordered away, rushing passed his cell with weapons in hand.

Danny's mind raced with worry and frustration.

He had trusted in Lei Kung's words, believing that the Elder would handle his situation diplomatically. But the sudden absence of guards outside his cell made him uneasy.

"What's happening?" he muttered to himself, tugging at the chains that held him captive.

He strained against their unyielding grip, feeling the weight of his situation pressing down on him.

Danny couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The urgency in the air, the guards rushing off to join the defense... It all felt too coincidental.

'Was Spider-Man lying to me?' Doubts clouded his mind.

As his thoughts raced, Danny's determination grew. He couldn't sit idly by while his fate hung in the balance.

He had to find a way to break free and discover what was truly happening.

Summoning his focus, he channeled his Chi, attempting to draw upon Shou-Lao's power. But the chains sapped his energy, leaving him weakened and unable to access the full extent of his abilities.

Gritting his teeth, Danny continued his struggle, twisting and turning, hoping to find a weakness in the chains that bound him.

He had trained since he was 10 years old, honing his martial arts skills to such an extent that he was able to become the Iron Fist.

He couldn't let himself be defeated by mere chains.

A glimmer of hope flickered in Danny's eyes as he noticed a hairline fracture forming in one of the links.

Encouraged by this small victory, he redoubled his efforts, pouring every ounce of his remaining strength into breaking free.


Meanwhile, in the city, the army of K'un-Lun gathered, their footsteps resounding with purpose and determination as they marched to the gate.

The warriors lined up in disciplined formation, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight.

At the forefront stood the elders, their expressions stoic and unwavering.

Soon enough, they arrived meters from the gate and Lei Kung, the champion of K'un-Lun, raised his hand, signaling a halt to the marching army.

He glanced at the gate, eyeing the three oddly dressed intruders, wondering where the Hand could have found such weird individuals.

Peter, MJ, and Lily still sat comfortably on the couch, watching the army across from them.

Peter had hoped to avoid a confrontation, to find a peaceful resolution to this tense situation. But that didn't seem to be possible.

Just as Lei Kung was about to give the order to proceed, Peter stood up, his red and blue suit standing out among the sea of warrior monks.

Beside him stood MJ and Lily, both ready to fight at any moment.

"Hello!" Peter called out, his voice echoing across the open space between them. "We're not here to fight. We just want to talk and find out what's going on with Danny."

Lei Kung nodded, grateful for Peter's intervention. "Stand down," he ordered the army, hoping to defuse the tension. "Let them approach."

As Peter, MJ, and Lily cautiously made their way passed the gate for a second time, the other elders exchanged wary glances.

They were not as willing to listen and negotiate. Suspicion clouded their judgment, and they saw only intruders threatening their sacred city.

One of the elders, a stern-faced man with a staff gripped in his right hand, stepped forward. "You dare speak such flagrant lies after the Iron Fist's betrayal?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "You, who are allies of the Hand?"

Peter shook his head, a smirk hidden under his mask. "I'm not an ally of the Hand. I am the new leader of the Hand." Peter revealed, shocking the army of Monks before him.

"Then your death would be a great blow to our enemies, wouldn't it?" That same elder scoffed as he rushed forward, raising his staff dangerously.

Without hesitation, MJ sprang into action, launching forward as she swiftly evaded the elder's attack.

Her movements were fluid and graceful as she countered with her own strikes, her punches and kicks delivered with precision.

And seconds after a member from both sides clashed, the rest wouldn't sit still either.

The army of Monks yelled a deafening war cry as they charged forward without receiving any orders from the Elders.

"Stop! Halt this instant!" Lei Kung ordered, though no one could hear him.

Not even the other Elders, who have already joined their army, charging forward at the enemy.

Lily, not one to be left behind, joined the fray, her small frame darting in and out, striking with lightning-fast kicks and punches.

Her agility was matched only by her determination, and she fought with the ferocity of a seasoned warrior.

Peter, too, joined in on the action, his enhanced strength and acrobatics on full display.

He gracefully dodged attacks while delivering his own, taking out a handful of Monks every few seconds without a single scratch on his pristine suit.

Even the Elders that came his way were thwarted with relative ease.

The battle raged on, the clash of metal against metal and grunts of effort filling the air.

The warriors of K'un-Lun fought with discipline and skill, their numbers seemingly endless. But the spider trio weren't deterred one bit.

In fact, they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"Mom!" Lily called out excitedly as she jumped into the air. "Watch this!" She said as her legs extended, kicking two monks square in the face.

"Good job, sweetie!" MJ encouraged her like the loving mother she was, whilst roundhouse kicking a group of monks into the ground.

"Lily!" Peter called out as he pulled out his phone, dismantling any monks that came his way while focusing his full attention on his daughter. "Hold still! I want to take a picture of your first large-scale battle."

Lei Kung stared at the spider family, bewildered. 'What the hell is happening?' He felt as though he was dreaming.


Back in Danny's cell, time seemed to stretch on, the sound of his labored breathing filling the confined space.

Sweat trickled down his brow as he fought against the constraints that held him captive.

He tried everything to break the chains, from using his body as leverage to simply bashing it against the hard stone floor.

And then, with a resounding crack, the weakened link finally gave way, setting a single hand free.

Danny exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, a mixture of relief and determination coursing through him.

His task was far from complete. He still had to free himself from the remaining chains and find out what was happening outside his cell.

With renewed purpose, Danny focused his attention on the remaining restraints, determined to break free and reclaim his power as the Iron Fist.

As he worked, the distant sounds of battle reached his ears, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline. His instincts told him that time was running out, and he needed to act swiftly.

With each chain that snapped apart, Danny's resolve grew stronger, as did his access to his Chi, making every following chain easier and easier to break.

He had a responsibility not only to himself but to K'un-Lun. He would face whatever challenges lay ahead and protect his home at all costs.

Finally, the last chain fell to the ground, leaving Danny standing tall, his body pulsing with renewed energy.

He took a moment to steady himself, the weight of his decision settling upon his shoulders. His fist glowed a bright yellow, illuminating the dark cell.


And with one smooth punch, the heavy door that held him captive was blown off its hinges, impacting the wall on the other side of the hall before clattering you the floor.

A/N: 1878 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎*Offers bribe*💰🚨


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