I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 368: Awakening

Chapter 368: Awakening

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As of now, the patreòn is 5 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AgentMonke!🏆 (A/N: The two time!👑)

With Danny finally breaking free from his cell, the battle between the army of Monks and Peter's group continued to rage on.

The clash of weapons and the grunts of effort filled the air as both sides fought with unyielding determination.

Peter danced along the battlefield, his agility and reflexes allowing him to effortlessly dodge attacks and return them in an instant, decimating countless Monks along the way.

He used his webs to swing around, finding no reason to use any of his more overpowered abilities on such weak opponents.

His fists alone packed a powerful punch, sending opponents flying and crashing into the ground.

MJ moved with calculated precision, her spider abilities enhancing her already impressive combat skills.

As a member of the Avengers, she was forced into basic training like everyone else, and luckily, she was taken in by Natasha, who she learned from like a sponge.

She weaved through the chaos, her movements fluid and graceful.

Her silk threads lashed out, immobilizing the monks and rendering them helpless before she delivered precise strikes that swiftly incapacitated them.

Lily, in her Spider-Girl persona, showcased remarkable acrobatics and speed. She somersaulted through the air, landing devastating kicks on her opponents.

Her small size allowed her to dart in and out of the fray, striking with lightning-fast precision.

Unlike her mother, who spent months upon months training under the Black Widow herself, Lily cheated her way to martial arts mastery.

As an AI, she was able to analyze countless videos, specifically the surveillance footage from the tower's many training rooms, and incorporated everything she saw into one fighting style.

'It's practically Instant Mastery...' Peter thought jealously. 'Lucky little cheater...'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The army of Monks fought valiantly, displaying their years of training and discipline. Though it wasn't enough.

Their strikes were powerful and precise, their coordination almost seamless. But they were simply met with a stronger enemy.

Peter, MJ, and Lily didn't go very easy on them. They only held back just enough to leave the Monks alive and without any serious injuries.

As the battle intensified, Lei Kung, still bewildered by the turn of events, decided it was time to intervene.

With his fists clenched, he launched himself into the fray, his every move a testament to his legendary martial arts prowess.

"Decided to finally join the fun, old man?" Peter quipped, a playful smirk hidden beneath his mask.

Lei Kung's lips curled into a knowing smile as he stroked his long beard. "I can't let you young people run wild, can I?" he replied, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

His presence boosted the morale of every Monk, who redoubled their efforts to overpower Peter's group.

They fought with renewed vigor, their determination to defend their sacred city evident in every strike the threw.

But MJ and Lily were not easily defeated. They fought back with unwavering resolve, their individual skills combining to create an unstoppable force.

"I'll let you have the first move, Gramps." Peter offered as he took a calm stance, waiting patiently for his opponent.

With that, the two combatants squared off, their eyes locked in a silent exchange.

Silently, Lei Kung harnessed the Chi in his body and launched himself forward, his strikes swift and precise, aiming to exploit any weakness in Peter's defenses.

Peter simply stood there as hit after hit pummeled his body, not making any moves to dodge or parry whatsoever.

Lei Kung's strikes landed with calculated precision, connecting with Peter's body.

The impacts reverberated through his frame, causing the onlooking Monks to cheer in elation.

They were witnessing their esteemed elder, the champion of K'un-Lun, fighting against a seemingly invincible opponent.

The Monks' morale soared as they watched Lei Kung exchange blows with the powerful intruder.

They were inspired by their leader's unwavering resolve and saw a glimmer of hope that victory was within their grasp.

However, Lei Kung himself knew the truth.

Despite his best efforts, he could sense that Peter was not exerting his full strength. In fact, he wasn't even trying.

He could feel the power that the young masked man was holding back, almost as if he were toying with him.

"Fight! You insult me with this behavior!" Lei Kung called out between strikes, his voice filled with urgency.

He instinctively knew that Peter and his group meant no harm to K'un-Lun, especially after seeing how they didn't kill a single monk.

So, Lei Kung wanted to test Peter's true capabilities and gauge the extent of his power. And in doing so, gauge his own as well.

Peter nodded, acknowledging Lei Kung's request. "Just remember that you asked for it."

With a sudden burst of speed, he disappeared from the elder's sight, his figure reappearing behind him in an instant.

Lei Kung, caught off guard, turned just in time to see Peter's fist hurtling toward him.

He barely had time to react as the blow connected, sending him flying through the air, crashing into a group of Monks, who quickly scrambled to help him to his feet.

The battle momentarily paused as Lei Kung regained his composure, his eyes locked with Peter's. There was a newfound respect in the elder's gaze, an acknowledgment of the true extent of Peter's abilities.

Or at least, what he thought was Peter's true extent.

"Well, this was fun, old man." Peter comments as he cracks his knuckles. "But I think it's time to end this."

With a newfound determination, Peter's eyes blazed with an intense focus as he prepared to bring an end to the battle.

The remaining army of Monks stood before him, their faces etched with a mix of fear and determination.

Lei Kung stood in front of them, his emotions hidden under a calm facade, seemingly ready for whatever was about to come.

In a blur of motion, Peter darted forward, his speed leaving a trail of afterimages behind him.

His strikes were swift and lethal, each blow finding its mark with surgical precision.

The Monks attempted to defend themselves, but their efforts were futile against the overwhelming force that Peter unleashed upon them.

The battlefield transformed into a whirlwind of action as Peter weaved through the ranks of the Monks.

His fists moved like lightning, shattering their defenses and rendering them unconscious with each strike.

The clash of his blows echoed through the streets of K'un-Lun, drowning out the cries of the defeated.

Within a matter of moments, the once formidable army lay defeated and motionless at Peter's feet.

The ground was littered with bodies, both young and old, as every Monk and Elder bore witness to the might of Spider-Man.

As the last Monk fell, Peter's attention turned to Lei Kung, who lay on the ground, his body motionless but his breathing steady.

Standing over him, Peter's presence was both imposing and triumphant. 'Now let's find Danny and-'

Speak of the devil...

Suddenly, a disheveled Danny Rand burst onto the scene, sprinting down the road with worry etched on his face.

He had followed the sounds of battle, fearing for his friend's safety. But what he witnessed upon his arrival shattered his expectations.

With a mix of shock and anger, Danny took in the sight before him.

The bodies of countless Monks and elders strewn across the city street, and Peter standing over the seemingly lifeless body of Lei Kung, a man who raised him like his own son.

The assumption that formed in Danny's mind was one of betrayal and bloodshed.

Filled with righteous anger, Danny's voice cracked with fury as he confronted Peter. "What have you done?!" The words dripped with accusation, his fist shining in a dangerous yellow light.

Peter's mask hid the genuine surprise that washed over his face. He didn't expect Danny to arrive at such a bad time, nor did he think a misunderstanding would form.

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could form the words, Danny's attack began.

Driven by a sense of justice and his misinterpretation of the scene before him, Danny unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks upon Peter.

His movements were fueled by a combination of anger, betrayal, and sorrow, his strikes carrying the weight of his accusations.

Peter's reflexes kicked into overdrive as he expertly evaded Danny's attacks, each blow landing just inches away from its intended target.

Despite his skill, Peter refused to retaliate, instead attempting to explain the truth.

"Danny, It's not what you think..." Peter said, his voice calm and collected. "If you just calm down, I can explain."

But his words fell on deaf ears as Danny continued his assault, his anger blinding him to any reasoning or explanation.

The clash between the two allied acquaintances echoed through the streets of K'un-Lun in a battle born out of misunderstanding.


Meanwhile, in a nearby cave, hidden behind the ancient city, two large red eyes opened, shining ominously in the darkness.

A/N: 1490 words :)

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