I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 384: [Hidden Title at the Bottom]

Chapter 384: [Hidden Title at the Bottom]

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As of now, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


💰Insert Entrepreneurial GIFs here - Most likes wins💰

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AllenWarlord!🏆 (A/N: I'm on a roll lately👑)

Peter leaped down from the control room, his landing sending a shockwave through the air. He stood before the dazed and battered Kingpin, his expression filled with cold anger.

"Enough games, Kingpin," Peter growled, his voice low and filled with venom. "Your actions have hurt a very kind woman. And now, it's time to pay."

Kingpin struggled to his feet, blood dripping from his mouth. He attempted to steady himself, but his legs wavered, weakened from the devastating blow Peter had delivered. Fear flickered in his eyes, but he tried to mask it with false bravado.

"You think you can defeat me?" Kingpin sneered, his voice strained. "I'm the Kingpin of crime. I've gutted guys a hundred times your size!"

Peter cracked his knuckles, a chilling smile spreading across his face. "Well, you know what they say. Size isn't everything."

(A/N: Small d*ck copium)

In a blur of motion, Peter launched himself at Kingpin, his fists a blur as he unleashed a barrage of lightning-fast punches. Each strike landed with bone-crushing force, shaking the building with every impact.

Kingpin's attempts to defend himself were feeble at best. His massive frame was no match for Peter's agility and strength. Blow after blow landed, leaving Kingpin staggering, bloodied, and broken.

The room echoed with the sickening sound of flesh meeting flesh, accompanied by the grunts and groans of Kingpin's pain. Peter's movements were a symphony of precision and power, his years of training as Spider-Man honed to perfection.

"You're nothing more than an overgrown bully," Peter taunted between strikes. "A coward hiding behind a criminal empire."

Kingpin's body trembled with each blow, his once-imposing figure reduced to a mere punching bag. His face contorted with agony, his attempts to fight back becoming weaker and slower.

With a final surge of power, Peter delivered a devastating uppercut, lifting Kingpin off his feet and sending him crashing into the ceiling. The impact left a gaping hole in the structure, debris raining down around them.

Kingpin came crashing back down onto a floating bus, barely conscious. His breathing was labored, his body battered and broken. Peter approached him, his expression cold.

"You still alive?" Peter asked, his voice laced with a dark amusement.

Peter raised his hand, a fiery energy crackling around it, as he tapped into his Phoenix powers. The air shimmered with fiery currents, the room growing tense with anticipation.

Kingpin's eyes widened, fear replacing his arrogance. "Wait... please..." he pleaded, his voice barely a whisper.

But Peter's resolve was unyielding. With a swift and decisive movement, he released a surge of fire that coursed through Kingpin's body, overwhelming him with excruciating pain.

The area filled with the smell of burnt flesh and the sound of Kingpin's agonized screams. Peter's eyes remained locked on his target, his expression cold and unwavering.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As the seconds stretched into eternity, the flames dissipated, leaving nothing behind. Not even a charred corpse was left. Just a bit of ash that blew away moments later, disappearing into the wind.

'Hopefully, this will help Aunt May move on...'


Miles groaned in pain as he hit the ground, his vision momentarily blurred. The impact had knocked the wind out of him, leaving him gasping for breath. He struggled to rise to his feet, his mind racing with conflicting emotions.

"Uncle Aaron..." He whispered between labored breaths, his voice unheard.

Prowler stood over him, his menacing presence looming. His face hardened into an intense glare.

Miles could see the cold look in his uncles eyes as he stared down at him.

Without an ounce of pity, Prowler lunged at Miles once again, his movements fueled by a mix of anger and loyalty to his criminal employer.

Miles barely had time to react, narrowly evading each strike. His heart sank as he realized that his uncle's actions spoke louder than any words.

"Unc-" Miles tried to create some distance between them, hoping to find a moment to talk and reveal himself, but Prowler relentlessly pursued him, his strikes becoming faster and more ferocious.

Miles' thoughts raced as he dodged and weaved. He couldn't give up. He had to find a way to reach his uncle, to show him that they were family. But each attempt to reveal his true identity was met with a barrage of attacks that left him unable to get the words out.

In a brief moment of desperation, Miles reached for his mask, hoping that removing it would break through the Prowler's aggression. His fingers barely grazed the edge before a powerful punch slammed into his gut, knocking the wind out of him once again.

The pain intensified, forcing him to collapse to his knees, his mask still securely in place.

Miles tasted blood in his mouth as he staggered to his feet. His vision blurred for a moment, but determination fueled his every move. He began to realize that he couldn't let his emotions cloud his judgment. He had a responsibility as Spider-Man, no matter who his opponent was.

Prowler circled him, a smirk playing on his lips. "Didn't think I'd be this tough, did you, kid?" he taunted, his voice dripping with venom.

Miles gritted his teeth, throwing away the idea of revealing himself. "You're not the strongest guy I've faced," he replied, his voice tinged with determination. "Peter hits way harder than you."

With renewed determination, Miles launched himself at Prowler, his fists swinging with a newfound intensity. He weaved through the air, striking with expert precision.

Prowler blocked and dodged, his movements slowing ever so slightly. Miles could see the fatigue setting in, his uncle's stamina waning. This gave him a glimmer of hope.

"You can't beat me, kid! Just give up and go home." Prowler growled, attempting to land a blow on Miles. But the young Spider-Man was too quick, sidestepping the attack and countering with a powerful punch of his own.

As their fight raged on, Miles tapped into his mentors teachings. Peter's experience and skill melded with his own, creating a unique style that was becoming increasingly effective against his uncle.

With a calculated move, Miles flipped over Prowler's head and landed behind him. He seized the opportunity and delivered a series of rapid punches to his uncle's back, each strike filled with a mix of anger and resolve.

Prowler stumbled forward, his strength fading. Miles pressed on, his movements fluid and precise. He spun a web around his hands, like a boxer taping his knuckles, and deliverer a powerful uppercut to Prowler's jaw.

The impact sent his uncle sprawling backward, crashing into a nearby wall. Dust and debris rained down, shrouding him momentarily. Miles stood there, panting heavily, his heart pounding in his chest.

As the dust cleared, Prowler struggled to rise. Blood trickled from his split lip, his purple suit torn and ripped. He glared at Miles, a mix of anger and surprise in his eyes.


Only a couple days ago, after Miles' first day in his new school, he managed to sneak off and visit his uncle, whom he usually had to visit in secret.

After all, his father always did everything he could to keep them apart.




"So, you like this girl (Gwen)?" Uncle Aaron turned to Miles, who hesitantly nodded his head. "Alright, then let me teach you something important."

Confused but intrigued, Miles looked up at his uncle. "?"

Aaron leaned in closer, his voice filled with wisdom. "Getting a girl is all about confidence, Miles. When you want to ask a girl out, you gotta make your move with style. Watch and learn."

With that, Aaron straightened his back, took a deep breath, and walked up to him.

Miles watched as his uncle approached, casually placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey," he said, his voice oozing with charisma.

(A/N: Rizz god)

His nephew stared at him doubtfully. "Seriously? That's it?" Miles asked as he reached over and placed a hand on his uncles shoulder. "Hey..."

Aaron laughed, a twinkle in his eye. "Haha! Yeah, just put your hand on her shoulder and say 'hey.' Works every time. It's science. I'm telling you..."

-Flashback End-

Miles smirked as he thought of a way to get back at his uncle for the beating he was just given.

Walking up to his downed opponent, Miles crouched down to eye level, pulled off his mask, and places a hand on his uncles shoulder. "Hey..." He says, activating his charm.

Prowler's eyes widened, a flicker of recognition crossing his face. But before he could respond, electricity danced along Miles' body, converging on his outstretched hand.

"!" Uncle Aaron convulsed as his nephews venom strike spread from his shoulder to the rest of his body. "Aaaaahhhh!" He screamed in pain before his eyes rolled back, knocked out cold.

The air crackled with tension as the remaining Spider-People emerged from the shadows, each of them bringing with them their own captured villains.

Olivia Octavius, also known as Doctor Octopus, was suspended in mid-air, her tentacles restrained and bound by webs. Beside her, Tombstone struggled within a tight cocoon of sticky silk.

Peter glanced at the defeated foes, his eyes filled with a mix of satisfaction and pride in his team. He was especially happy to see Miles' uncle alive and breathing, unlike his movie counterpart.

Turning to eye the active collider, he knew they couldn't stay in this universe for much longer, and it was time to bid farewell to their new allies and return to their own worlds.

"Good work, everyone." Peter said, a sad smile on his face. "We stopped Fisk and now it's time to destroy the collider. But first, we all have to go back to where we belong."

"Wait..." Gwen interrupted as she eyed her surroundings. "Where's Fisk?"

Peter exchanged a knowing glance with Noir before answering. "I left him in the control room. Miles can grab him later." He shrugged, playing it off perfectly.

Not a single person doubted him but Noir, though he already knew Peter's plans.

Ben, still catching his breath after the intense battle, stepped up. "It's been a wild ride, but I have someone waiting for me back home. And hopefully, she'll take me back..."

Spider-Pig sadly stared at the ground as a dark cloud appeared over his head, raining down on him. He didn't want to leave so soon...

Noir adjusted his hat and tie. "I've brought justice to this universe. My work here is done."

Peni looked at her companions with a hint of sadness. "I'll miss you guys. It's been so much fun fighting alongside all of you."

Gwen stepped forward and placed a hand on Miles' shoulder. "Take care of yourself, Miles. You're gonna do great things. And remember, we're all here for you, no matter what." She says, pulling out the phone that Peter had given them.

Miles nodded, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thanks, Gwen. I couldn't have done it without all of you."

One by one, the Spider-People approached the interdimensional collider, their captured villains left behind with Miles. Each of them gave Miles a farewell nod or a pat on the back before leaping into the center of the lasers.

Peter, the last remaining Spider-Person, turned back for a moment, his eyes meeting Miles' gaze. "You're a great Spider-Man, Miles. Keep being amazing."

As Peter disappeared into the swirling vortex of the collider, leaving Miles standing alone with the defeated villains, a mix of emotions swirled within him. He felt a sense of loss, yet also a newfound determination to continue his newfound journey as Spider-Man.

Miles turned his attention to the control panel across the room, his face set with resolve. Swinging over and plugging in the override key, he hit a single button, which caused the collider to reverse, imploding in on itself.

There was only one thought in Miles' mind as he ran for his life with three captured villains over his shoulder. 'Where the hell is Fisk?!'


Peter fell out of a swirling, multicolored portal and landed gracefully on his feet. As he regained his balance, he looked around, finding himself atop a building in a rather familiar New York City.

Though was it his?

The bustling streets of Times Square stretched out before him, the bright lights and towering billboards shining even in the daylight.

Re-equipping his mask, just in case, Peter's gaze fixated on one of the massive screens adorning a nearby building. It displayed a news report, featuring an image of Spider-Man in his iconic red and blue suit alongside an unmasked picture of himself.

The headline blared, "Spider-Man Unmasked: Public Demands Answers!"

A video played below the headline, showing a very satisfied J. Jonah Jameson.

'I haven't seen that guy in a while...' Peter thought.

"There you have it, folks! Conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio, an interdimensional warrior who gave his life to protect our planet, and who will no doubt go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time. But that's not all. Here's the real blockbuster. Brace yourselves, you might wanna sit down." Jonah really seemed to be enjoying himself.

Suddenly, an image of Quentin Beck, a bearded man with slicked back hair, appeared. "Spider-Man's real... Spider-Man's real name is..." He spoke with grave urgency as the video seemed to distort and glitch before finally returning back to normal. "Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker!"

[Insert picture of Quentin Beck/Mysterio here]

After that, the video seemed to repeat again, starting with Jonahs happy rant.

"What the f*ck..." Peter whispered, his voice filled with disbelief.

He watched the footage, his eyes widening as he recognized the events unfolding on the screen. It was the same video from the movie Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Hidden title: No Way Home

A/N: 2313 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎pls✌️🚨


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