I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 385: Visiting MJ

Chapter 385: Visiting MJ

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As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


🍳Insert Cooking GIFs here - Most likes wins🍳

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): LoEnd!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

Peter pulled out his phone and swiftly unlocked it, navigating to the Multiverse Chat app, which connected all the Spider-People across dimensions, allowing them to stay in touch and provide support to one another.

With a bit of trepidation, Peter composed a message in the chat, his fingers dancing across the virtual keyboard.

SkeetShooter69420XD: Hey, everyone. Just wanted to check in and see if you all made it back home safely.

He pressed the send button, his eyes fixed on the screen, waiting for the familiar blue checkmarks that indicated his message had been delivered. Time seemed to stretch as he anxiously awaited a response, hoping that the chat actually worked.

After what felt like an eternity, the chat bubbles started to appear one by one, indicating that his fellow Spider-People were typing their replies. Peter's heart skipped a beat as he read the incoming messages, relief flooding through him.

Peni: "Hey, Peter! I'm back in my universe, no problemo."

Ben: "Made it back to my universe too. It's good to be home."

Spider-Pig: "Home sweet home."

Noir: "Made it outta that colorful nightmare. Back in the shadows."

Gwen: "Back in my own dimension too. Hey, Miles, are you okay? Did everything go well with the collider?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Miles: "Yeah, I'm good too. I'm surprised these phones actually work..."

A mix of emotions washed over Peter as he read their responses. Relief that his Multiverses Chat actually worked and that his new friends returned to their respective universes, but also a sense of isolation, knowing that he was the only one who had been diverted from his intended path.

Though he knew that he wouldn't be alone for long. 'I wonder if the Andrew and Tobey Spider-Man's that I've met will show up?' Peter wondered, knowing that he's met versions of them before in his genie trials.

Not to mention the Peter Parker that this Universe belongs too...

"Hmm, lets go find my twin brother and mess with him a bit..." Peter muttered as a sinister look formed under his mask.

Peter's heart raced with anticipation as he made his way through the bustling streets of New York City. The sound of cars honking, people chattering, and the occasional sirens filled the air, reminding him of the vibrant and chaotic world he had seen on the big screen.

His mind focused on the task at hand, Peter quickly located a nearby internet café and hurried inside, ignoring the odd looks he received for his Spider-Suit. He approached one of the vacant computers, fingers already itching to start his search.

With practiced efficiency, he typed in a series of commands and algorithms, utilizing his spider-like speed and agility to navigate through the vast expanse of the digital world.

As the search results populated the screen, Peter's eyes scanned the information, searching for the names and addresses of the counterparts he sought. MJ, Aunt May, Ned, and even his own counterpart. Each piece of data brought him closer to his goal, igniting a mixture of excitement and mischievous within him.

Finally, he found what he was looking for. A small donut shop situated not too far from his current location. The name 'Michelle Jones Watson' appeared beside the address, confirming that this was indeed the place where this universes MJ worked.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he imagined the surprise on her face when she realized he wasn't her Peter.

Walking out of the cafe, Peter summoned a shimmering cloak of magical energy, transforming his Spider-Man suit into a more casual outfit. A simple t-shirt, jeans, and a hoodie.

With his appearance fixed, he left the internet café, blending into the crowd as an ordinary young man. Or at least, that what he hoped would happen.

The second that Peter's face was revealed, everyone on the street turned to eye him curiously. Their gazes filled with a mix of awe and fear.

Instantly, Peter realized his mistake. 'Oh, yeah... I forgot that my face is very famous in this world.' He wanted to slap himself for forgetting this.

Opting to just ignore the stares, Peter approached the donut shop, his face split in a devious smirk. He paused for a moment and peered through the front windows.

And there she was, MJ, his MJ.

Well, not his MJ. They certainly looked like twins but his MJ is a bit more fit and curvy thanks to her enhancements.

Her back was turned to him as she worked the register. Peter's eyes softened a bit as he watched her, a rush of affection washing over him. He couldn't help but admire the way she moved with grace and confidence, even in such a mundane setting.

Not wasting anymore time, Peter pushed open the door and stepped inside the shop. The smell of freshly baked goods enveloped him. The bell above the door chimed softly, drawing MJ's attention.

She turned around, her eyes widening in surprise as they locked with Peter's, not expecting her boyfriend to show up like this.

(A/N: Man... If I was an evil demon of an author, this would be peak time for NTR...🤢🤮)

Walking up to the counter, Peter locked eyes with MJ, his mischievous smile still playing on his lips. He feigning nonchalance as he leaned against the counter, pretending to study the donut selection.

"Hey, Beautiful," he said, his voice laced with playful charm. "I'll take a dozen of your finest donuts, please."

MJ blinked, her surprise morphing into a mix of confusion and suspicion. She studied Peter's face intently, trying to understand why her boyfriend was acting so weird.

He would never called her beautiful in public, nor would he do whatever sort of play this was. And if he did, he would be much more awkward than this.

Something definitely felt off. He was taller. About 5 inches taller. And instead of tilting her head down to look at him, she found herself looking up, which wasn't normal whatsoever.

"Uh, do I know you?" MJ asked, playing along for the moment.

Peter chuckled lightly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Nah, we haven't met before. I'm new in town. Just thought I'd try these donuts everyone's raving about. Mind giving me some recommendations?" He asks, gesturing to the wide selection of pastries.

MJ's suspicion grew, but curiosity got the better of her. She glanced around the shop, noticing the lingering glances of the other customers who were just as intrigued by Peter's presence.

After all, he's Spider-Man.

With a sigh, she began to fill a box with donuts, throwing in the ones that sold the most. "Here, these are popular."

Peter's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with delight. "Thanks, I'll trust your judgment. And hey, while I'm at it, can I ask for your number? Maybe I can swing by sometime and take you out on a date."

MJ's eyes narrowed as his request hit her. Her mind raced, questioning the possibility of her Peter playing some kind of prank on her. She hesitated for a moment, her fingers twitching with uncertainty.

"Um, sure," she replied, her voice guarded yet intrigued. She quickly grabbed a piece of receipt paper and a pen, scribbling down her phone number. As she handed it to Peter, their fingers brushed lightly, sending a jolt of electricity through her.

Peter took the paper, his fingers lingering for a brief moment longer than necessary. "Thanks, MJ. I'll be sure to give you a call soon."

With that, he straightened up, a triumphant smirk playing on his lips. As he turned to leave the donut shop, MJ's mind raced, piecing together the inconsistencies, the height difference, and the feeling that something was amiss.

Scrambling for her phone, she quickly dialed her boyfriend's number. It only took seconds for him to answer, his voice filled with warmth and familiarity.

"Hey, MJ, what's up? Everything okay?" He asked.

MJ's voice trembled as she spoke. "Peter, there was someone here who looked exactly like you, but he's taller, and he... he just asked for my number. It's not you, right?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "Is this a joke?" He asked, confirming all her suspicions.

Relief flooded through MJ as she realized her instincts were right. She watched anxiously as her genuine Peter, her short king, walked through the door seconds later, his eyes searching for her.

He approached the counter, a concerned look etched on his face. "Hey, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"


Walking toward his next destination, Peter smirked as he bit into one of his free donuts. Luckily, MJ was far too shocked and confused to realize that he didn't pay for them.

'This is more fun than I thought it would be...' He couldn't keep the amused smile from his face.

Soon enough, Peter found himself in front of an apartment building, his senses heightened as he navigated the security filled corridors. He made his way up to Aunt May's apartment, a mix of excitement and nerves bubbling within him. Would Aunt May recognize him? Would she suspect that he wasn't her Peter?

Taking a deep breath, Peter approached the door and used a simple spell to phase through it like a ghost, entering the apartment with ease.

"Honey, I'm home!" He called out jokingly. "And I brought donuts."

"Peter, you're home early," Aunt May peaked her head out from down the hall, her voice tinged with a mix of confusion and concern. "Is something wrong?"

Peter smiled warmly as soon as he saw her, his eyes sparkling with hidden mischief as he held up the box of donuts. "Hey, May. No, nothing's wrong. Just thought I'd surprise you with some treats."

A/N: 1635 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎 okay?😉🚨


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