I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 386: Hunting a Doppelgänger

Chapter 386: Hunting a Doppelgänger

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As of now, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Hazer0508 and LoEnd!🏆 (A/N: 👑👑)

(A/N: Just to avoid confusion, the Peter in the first part of this chapter is this universes Peter, not the MC. Here are some nicknames that will be used later, just like into the Spider-Verse:

Our MC: Peter

Peter Andrew Parker(Andrew Garfield): Andrew

Peter Tobey Parker(Tobey Maguire): Tobey

Peter Thomas Parker(Tom Holland): Tom)

"Hey, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Peter asked as he stashed his phone away, his voice filled with genuine concern.

He was rushing over to tell MJ and Ned that he planned to speak to the Dean at MIT and plead their cases for enrollment, hoping that he could convince the school to at least take his friend and girlfriend in.

Ever since he was outed as Spider-Man and blamed for the death of a fake hero/villain, Their peaceful lives have been flipped upside down. Not to mention the fact that not a single college would accept him or anyone related to him.

Peter even went as far as asking for help from Doctor Strange, hoping that magic could fix his problems, but that failed spectacularly and he only seemed to anger the man that tried to help him.

All while nearly tearing a hole in the fabric of the universe. Or whatever magic mumbo jumbo Strange was ranting about as he threw him out of the New York Sanctum, slamming the door shut behind him.

But all of that was put to the side for now...

MJ took a deep breath, her mind racing to make sense of the encounter. "Peter, there was someone here who looked exactly like you, but he's taller, and he... he just asked for my number. You're not playing a prank on me, right?"

Peter's brow furrowed, his eyes narrowing with confusion. "MJ, I promise, it wasn't me. I have no idea who your talking about." He reassures her as he eyed one of the security cameras behind the register. "The cameras here work, right?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

MJ followed his line of site, nodding her head as she realized what he meant. "Yeah, follow me."

The duo quickly moved to the back of the shop, where a small office housed the security camera footage. Peter sat down in front of the computer, his fingers dancing across the keyboard as he accessed the recordings.

MJ leaned over his shoulder, her heart pounding with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

The screen flickered to life, displaying the footage from earlier. As they watched the events unfold, Peter's eyes widened in disbelief.

There, on the screen, was their mysterious doppelgänger, completely identical to Peter, save for a few extra inches in height, the mischievous smile, and the confident posture. Besides that, he was all too familiar

"What the..." Peter muttered, his voice trailing off.

MJ's gaze shifted between the screen and Peter, her mind racing to make sense of the situation. "Peter, who is he? How is this even possible?"

Peter let out a sigh, his mind racing to grasp the reality of what they were witnessing. "I don't know. But one thing's for sure... we need to find out who he is and what he's up to."

With a renewed sense of determination, Peter reached for his phone and began texting furiously, sending messages to everyone he knew in their close-knit circle of friends and family.

The warning messages described the doppelgänger and urged everyone to be cautious. However, there was one person who didn't respond as quickly as they'd hoped.

Aunt May.

"May's not answering her phone," Peter muttered, a hint of worry creeping into his voice. "We need to check on her. Something doesn't feel right about all this."

MJ nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with concern. "Let's go. We can't waste any more time."

As they hurriedly made their way toward the exit of the donut shop, they bumped into Ned, who was about to walk inside, clearly curious about the texts he had received. Ned's eyes widened as he took in the urgency etched on their faces.

"What's going on?" Ned asked, his voice filled with concern. "I heard something about a doppelgänger."

Explaining along the way, Peter and MJ rushed out of the donut shop followed by Ned, their minds filled with questions and concerns.


Peter(Our MC) and May sat at the small dining table in the cozy apartment, surrounded by the remains of their shared donut feast. The room was filled with the warm aroma of freshly baked pastries and the soft glow of the afternoon sun filtering through the curtains.

May took a bite of her last donut, savoring the sweet taste as she looked at Peter with a fond smile. "You know, Peter, it's been a while since we've had a chance to sit down and just relax like this, together. I've missed it."

Peter nodded, his expression filled with a mixture of affection and determination. "Yeah, I've missed it too. I've been so caught up with everything lately that I just haven't had time."

May's phone, lying on the kitchen counter, suddenly buzzed with notifications. Calls and texts from her Peter filled the screen, warning her about the presence of a doppelgänger. However, the phone was on silent, and both Peter and May remained blissfully unaware of the urgent messages.

Gazing at his Aunts counterpart, who looked just like her, Peter made a silent vow to himself. He would protect May, no matter what it took. He wouldn't allow her to suffer the same fate as her movie counterpart.

This May might not be his, but he still watched her die in the theater, crying his eyes out like everyone else.

He couldn't bear the thought of watching it happen in real life.

Leaning forward, Peter reached out and gently placed his hand over May's. "May, I want you to know that I'll always be here for you. You're like a mother to me, and I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

May's eyes softened, her hand squeezing his in return, unaware of the underlying meaning behind his words. "Peter, I couldn't be prouder of you, but you don't have to worry about me so much. My problems are simple compared to yours."

Peter smiled, returning back to his donut. "Oh really? What might those simple problems be?"

"Well, Happy wants to get back together..." She started happily ranting off all of her problems, one by one.




As they finished the last of their donuts, the room was filled with a comfortable silence, though that silence would soon be ruined.

Outside in the hallway, Peter could hear the elevator opening alongside the sound of three people stepping out.

"Do you think he's a clone?" Ned asked as they paced to the apartment door. "A lot of the time in comic books, the hero's DNA gets stolen and some villain makes a clone of him."

Peter smirked as he heard this universes Peter, MJ, and Ned talking about him. "Well, this has been fun, but I should probably get going now." He said out of nowhere.

"Huh? Where are you going?" She asked as he stood up from his seat and waved his hand. "!"

In an instant, a golden portal opened in the center of her apartment, shocking her into a stunned silence.

"I'll come visit again, okay?" Peter smiles as he gives her a wave and steps through the portal. "Oh, yeah... One more thing."

Turning back around, Peter pointed in her direction, and suddenly, a golden spell circle drew itself in front of him before shrinking to the size of a pin and shooting into her body.

"W-What was that!?" She hopped out of her seat, alarmed.

"Just a small protection spell." Peter answers as the portal began to close. "Stay safe, okay?"

And just as the portal snapped shut, the front door swung open abruptly, revealing Peter, Ned, and MJ.

As they walked in, calling for Aunt May, they found her standing there with an empty donut box on the table and a bewildered look on her face. Her eyes widened even further as she took in the sight of the trio standing before her.

"Peter?" May's voice trembled slightly as she stared at them, her heart pounding in her chest. "What's going on? Who are you?"

Peter stepped forward, his voice filled with urgency. "May, it's me, Peter! I know this is hard to believe, but there's some doppelgänger of me out there. Was he here?"

MJ, always the observant one, noticed box on the table from the shop she works at. Her eyes narrowed, and she pointed at it. "Looks like he brought over his donuts. Did he say anything?"

May's confusion deepened as she glanced at the Peter before her, realizing the height difference immediately. "He said he'd come visit again... and he did this magic that shot into my chest. He called it a protection spell..."


After the portal snapped shut, Peter(Our MC) donned his spider suit once again and made his way to one of the many manholes that covered the streets of New York City. 'If I recall the movie correctly, Doctor Strange found the first villain in the sewers...'

Sighing to himself, as he really didn't want to go down into the sh*t and p$ss filled tunnels, Peter nonetheless descended into the grimy depths, his senses immediately assaulted by the putrid stench that permeated the air.

Acting quickly, Peter cast a spell on his mask, filtering the air as if he was wearing a lavender scented gas mask. The brief light of the spell revealing the damp and moss-covered bricks, along with the occasional rat scurrying through the shadows.

With each step, the echo of his steps reverberated through the labyrinthine tunnels, amplifying the eerie atmosphere. The distant sound of water dripping added a haunting melody to the symphony of the underground.

As he ventured deeper into the labyrinth, the claustrophobic surroundings closed in around him, the narrow passageways seeming to twist and turn with no end in sight. The darkness seemed to consume everything, save for the occasional flickering of dimly lit bulbs that hung from the ceiling, casting eerie shadows along the walls.

Peter's heightened senses detected movement ahead, a faint scuffling sound mixed with a low, guttural growl. He readied himself, knowing that he was about to confront the dangerous creature lurking within these foul corridors.

The sound of dripping water seemed to intensify, echoing through the labyrinth like a haunting symphony. Peter focused, his gaze fixed on the darkness ahead. Casually, he moved forward, his footsteps careful and deliberate.

The walls seemed to ooze with filth, the grime clinging to his suit. He fought the urge to gag, pressing on.

Finally, he reached a wider section of the sewer. The flickering light revealed a figure lurking in the shadows, hunched over and emitting low, raspy growls. It was a giant humanoid Lizard, its reptilian features twisted and grotesque.

[Insert picture of the Lizard/Dr. Connors here]

Dr. Connors, once a respected scientist, had succumbed to his own experiment, transforming into the monstrous Lizard.

The Lizard's eyes narrowed, studying Peter with a mix of curiosity and aggression. Its snout curled into a menacing sneer, revealing rows of sharp, jagged teeth. A low hiss escaped its throat as it prepared to attack.

Peter approached, his spider-sense tingling, alerting him to the imminent danger. With a wave of his hand, he greeted the creature, his voice firm yet tinged with an air of familiarity. "Yo."

A/N: 1931 words :)

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