I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 407: Battle of the Condominium (1/2)

Chapter 407: Battle of the Condominium (1/2)

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(A/N🚨: Two chapters today! Because I bragged about the next chapter being good (because the patrons seemed to like it a lot) but I forgot that this one came before that one. Anyway… You guys get two chapters because I didn't want to let you down. Enjoy 😉

Ps- The GIF contest is in the next chapter)

Flash Thompson, his body finally freed from the clutches of Venom, stumbled backward in shock. He was both relieved and terrified, the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he processed the sudden return of control over his own body. His heart pounded in his chest, and he could hardly believe the ordeal he had just endured.

Aunt May, who had been watching the chaos unfold, rushed over to Flash, noticing him start to hyperventilate. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Take deep breaths, alright? You're safe."

Flash nodded, his breathing slowly returning to normal. He looked up at May, gratitude and fear mingling in his eyes. "I... I can't believe it. That… that thing... it took over me. I couldn't do anything..."

May nodded empathetically, understanding the traumatic experience Flash had gone through. "It's okay... You're going to be alright."

As May comforted Flash, the rest of the group remained focused on the two formidable figures that had emerged from Norman's betrayal. The new Venom-Goblin partnership towered over the room, its monstrous appearance and wicked grin instilling a sense of dread among the heroes.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Meanwhile, the hulking Lizard let out another earth-shaking roar, its primal instincts fully taking hold. The room trembled under the weight of its presence, and the heroes understood the imminent danger they faced.

Before any confrontation could erupt, a voice called out from the shadows, slicing through the tense atmosphere. "Hey! Venom! It's me. Come on. Over here…"

Eddie Brock, who had once been Venom's host, stepped forward, desperation etched on his face. He held onto a glimmer of hope that Venom would abandon its new host and return to him. But his hopeful anticipation quickly turned to shock and sadness as Hobgoblin (Venom-Goblins new nickname) let out a booming laughter.

"You weak, pathetic fool," Venom spoke, a chilling mix callousness to his tone. "I've got the perfect host right here. What do I need you for? You're not worthy..."

Eddie's face fell, disbelief and heartbreak painted across his features. His former companion had cast him aside, deeming him unworthy. The rejection stung, fueling a surge of anger within him.

In a fit of rage, Eddie lunged at Hobgoblin, throwing punch after punch, his fists connecting with the monstrous creature's hardened form. But Hobgoblin stood tall, absorbing the blows without flinching, as if being assaulted by a weak and pitiful toddler.

The creature's laughter filled the room, a twisted symphony of malevolence. "Is that all you've got, Eddie? You're nothing compared to the power I possess now. In fact, you've always been nothing. Just another weak meat bag."

Hobgoblin raised its arm, ready to rip Eddie to shreds, relishing in the opportunity to demonstrate its dominance. But just as it prepared to strike, Peter's spell, the insurance he had placed on each of the villains, activated.

Golden ropes shot out from Hobgoblin's body, wrapping around it tightly, restraining its movements. The creature let out a roar of frustration and struggled against the bindings, its power rendered ineffective.

Eddie, saved from the imminent threat, collapsed on the floor, his body trembling with fear. He scrambled away from the bound Hobgoblin, his eyes wide with a mix of terror and disbelief. He had narrowly escaped death and realized that without Venom, he was nothing but a powerless human.

The new Lizard, his mind still clouded by primal instincts, witnessed the chaos unfolding with Hobgoblin's restraints. Instinctively, he sought an escape route and fixated on the nearest window. With a powerful leap, he launched himself toward the opening, shattering the glass in his path.

As Lizard plummeted towards the ground, Peter's spell triggered, enveloping his massive reptilian body in a golden glow. Gravity intensified around him, accelerating his fall and making it increasingly difficult for him to move. After a short fall, he smashed into the hard ground, creating a large crater that shook the earth below.

"Raaaauuuuuhhhh!" He roared and struggled against the gravity, desperately trying to regain control, but the weight of the spell kept him pinned belly down on the unforgiving concrete.

Meanwhile, Tony and Rhodey, having just arrived, watched in confusion and shock as giant dinosaur-looking Lizard flew out of a window and crashed into the ground, the impact sending tremors through the earth. They exchanged a bewildered glance, struggling to comprehend the bizarre circumstances unfolding before them.

"Is that a T-Rex? What kind of weird sh*t has been going on since I left?" Tony asks as his red and gold Iron Man suit covers his body.

Rhodes was just as confused as him. "How the hell am I supposed to know?" He shrugs as his own suit appears, a giant turret forming over his shoulder.

Back upstairs, Hobgoblin continued to thrash and struggle against his restraints. With the combined might of Venom and Green Goblin, as well as the serum that transformed Norman's body, they exerted their newfound power, gradually breaking free, one golden rope at a time. "Hahahah!" Their malicious laughter echoed through the room as they inched closer to freedom.

"Huh…" Peter grunted with an impressed look on his face. "You know, although that spell isn't very strong, the fact that you can break it is pretty impressive."

Snapping in annoyance, MJ turned to Peter, shocked that he was so calm right now. "Can you save the compliments for later? This is a serious situation!"

Lily, who sat beside her father, turned to her mothers counterpart. "My dad is the strongest. These losers may be strong for you guys, but for him, these are just low level mobs." She states proudly, using her newly acquired video game knowledge from her Uncle Ned.

As they spoke, Electro remained relatively still, fearing the activation of Peter's spell. But when he witnessed Hobgoblin breaking free from his spell, he decided to try his luck as well. With a malevolent grin, he surrounded himself in a deadly aura of electricity, crackling and arcing with lethal power. In a swift motion, he made a mad dash toward the fabricator, aiming to seize the valuable arc reactor.

Just as Electro's fingers closed around the coveted device, his own spell activated, encasing him within a translucent sphere of golden light. He found himself trapped, unable to escape the confines of the magical barrier. Yet, undeterred, a maniacal determination shone in his eyes.

With the arc reactor in his possession, Electro drew upon its infinite power, tapping into its vast energy. Empowered by the surge of electricity, he unleashed a powerful surge, breaking free from the confines of the spell that held him captive. As the last golden barrier shattered, he stood triumphant, his body pulsating with raw energy.

But he didn't stand alone. No, just as Electro broke the barrier, Hobgoblin snapped the last rope, freeing himself completely. "Haha! I'm free! …And I'll take pleasure gutting each and every one of you…" he turns and eyes each Spider-Man before stopping at Tobey. "Especially you!"

As the tension in the room reached its peak, the Spider-Men, united in their determination, positioned themselves in front of the weaker individuals, forming a protective barrier. Andrew, Tom, and Tobey stood side by side, ready to face the oncoming threat.

Doc Ock stood beside Tobey, his metallic arms poised for action. "Allow me to assist. For old times sake…" He offered, bringing a smile to Tobey's face.

Hobgoblin's laughter echoed through the room, his monstrous form and newfound power fueling his arrogance. "Hahaha! You think you can stand against us? We are unstoppable! Prepare to be crushed, little spiders!"

Electro, intoxicated by the surge of power from the Arc reactor, smirked and crackled with electricity. "I've got enough power to fry this entire city! Killing all of you will be nothing…"

Just as the tension threatened to erupt into a full-blown battle, Peter, calm and composed, stood up from the couch. Stretching his arms casually, he drew everyone's attention, his gaze fixated on Electro and Hobgoblin.

"Alright, guys, since my spells failed, I'll take care of these two," Peter announced, his voice steady. He wore a smirk on his face, a relaxed confidence surrounding him.

The villains' laughter continued as they exchanged glances. They didn't believe Peter could be so calm and self-assured in the face of their combined power, thinking he was merely pretending.

Hobgoblin scoffed, his voice dripping with mockery. "Oh, look at the brave little spider! Think you can take us on, do you? You're out of your league!"

Peter's smirk widened, his eyes sparkling with mischief. In a burst of incredible speed, he disappeared from his spot and reappeared beside Hobgoblin, his hand poised in a seemingly harmless gesture.

Without a moment's hesitation, Peter flicked a single finger against Hobgoblin's forehead, a quick and seemingly innocent action. But the impact came with a surprising, thunderous shockwave, launching the mad villain backward and crashing through the nearest window.

The room fell into stunned silence as everyone turned their attention to the shattered glass and the fading echoes of Hobgoblin's agonized scream. Even Electro's laughter came to an abrupt halt, his expression one of disbelief.

Peter turned to Electro and held up a glowing object in his hand, showing off a shining arc reactor. "You know, It's rude to steal. Especially from people who were trying to help you…"

Electros eyes go wide as he looks down at his hand, realizing that the reactor that once fueled him was gone.

A/N: 1580 words :) A torturous a*s whooping begins in the next chapter…

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎cus it's two chapter!✌️🚨


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