I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 408: Battle of the Condominium (2/2)

Chapter 408: Battle of the Condominium (2/2)

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As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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The earth trembled once again as Hobgoblin tumbled out of the window, crash landing beside the struggling Lizard with a bone-rattling thud. His forehead caked in blood from his earlier encounter with Peter, but his rage burned hot, fueling his desire for vengeance.

Tony and Rhodes, still reeling from the chaos that had unfolded, watched in astonishment as the hulking villain rose to his feet, his eyes filled with malice and fury. They exchanged a brief glance, silently communicating their plan in a matter of moments.

"Uhh, hey there, big guy…" Rhodes calls out, hoping to resolve things peacefully. "You okay?"

Hobgoblin's deep growl reverberated through the night as he locked eyes with the two armored heroes. With a feral snarl, he lunged forward, his massive claws slicing through the air, leaving deep gouges in the floor and walls as he moved.

"I don't think it wants to talk…" Tony muttered as the black and green beast grew closer and closer.

Tony, encased in his red and gold Iron Man suit, swiftly activated his repulsors, jets of energy propelling him into the air, evading Hobgoblin's initial attack. Rhodey, clad in his own suit, the War Machine, braced himself, his heavy armor absorbing the impact as Hobgoblin's pitch black claws scraped across his metallic form.

With a roar of frustration, Hobgoblin turned his attention to Rhodey, his monstrous strength on full display. He unleashed a flurry of strikes, each blow delivered with bone-crushing force. Rhodey fought back, his own armored fists meeting Hobgoblin's onslaught with unwavering determination.

A clash of metal reverberated through the air as the two titans exchanged blow after blow. Rhodey's suit, designed for warfare, held up against Hobgoblin's brute strength, absorbing the impact of each strike. But Hobgoblin was relentless, his rage lending him an unnerving tenacity.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Back upstairs, Peter's eyes glinted dangerously as he turned his attention to Electro. The room remained silent, the villains' laughter silenced by Peter's swift and surprising display of power.

With a flicker of movement, Peter dashed towards Electro, closing the distance between them faster than lightning.

Electro's eyes widened in realization, his overconfidence waning as he realized his mistake. But it was too late to react as Peter's fist connected with Electro's electrified form, sending him hurtling out of the already broken window. The force of the impact echoed through the building as glass shattered, and a cloud of dust billowed into the room.

"Ugh!" Electro grunted in pain as he was launched out of the building, his screams fading into the distance.

Without hesitation, Peter followed suit, stepped out of the window in pursuit of Electro.

"Humph!" Lily held her head high and smirked in MJ's direction. "See? I told you my Dad is the strongest!"

"…" MJ didn't have any words to say and simply nodded her head dumbly.

Although none of them doubted Peter's abilities, they also didn't expect him to send Hobgoblin flying with a single flick of his finger.


Tony circled above, his eyes scanning for an opening. He analyzed Hobgoblin's movements, searching for a weakness to exploit. With pinpoint accuracy, he fired a barrage of repulsor blasts, aiming to distract the monstrous villain.

Hobgoblin, momentarily caught off guard, roared in fury as the blasts struck him, causing his momentum to falter. Tony seized the opportunity, descending swiftly, his gauntlet-clad fist connecting with Hobgoblin's jaw, sending him staggering backward.

But the resilient villain quickly regained his composure. With a mighty swipe of his clawed hand, he sent Tony hurtling through the air, crashing into a wall. The impact rattled Tony, his vision momentarily blurred, but he fought through the pain, pushing himself back into the fray.

Rhodey, seeing Tony in trouble, unleashed a barrage of heavy firepower from his shoulder-mounted turret. The concussive blasts and energy projectiles rained down upon Hobgoblin, causing the ground to shake with the force of the onslaught. The villain staggered, his monstrous form barely able to withstand the relentless assault.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Tony activated his suit's thrusters, propelling himself back into the fight. He targeted Hobgoblin's exposed back, firing a concentrated beam of energy that sliced through the air. The searing blast struck Hobgoblin with unyielding force, leaving a smoking hole in his armored hide.

Hobgoblin bellowed in agony, his rage intensifying. He turned toward Tony, his eyes burning with a vengeful fire. With renewed ferocity, he charged at the armored Avenger, his massive form barreling through the debris-strewn battlefield.

But before he could get too close, a blue flash suddenly descended from above, bashing into his back. The impact of it created yet another crater in the apartment buildings parking lot.

When the dust settled, Hobgoblin realized who it was that suddenly attacked him. "Cough! Cough!" Electro coughed as he picked himself up, bleeding from the mouth and nose.

"What the hell are you doing, you idiot!" Hobgoblin raged as its attention turned from the two tin cans to his fellow conspirator.

"We have to run… *cough* He's coming-" Electro tried to explain but it was already too late.

Performing a text book 10/10 superhero landing, Peter touched down between the two villains. Behind him, Lizard continued his futile struggle against the power of gravity, thrashing and roaring up a storm.

With a smirk, Peter taunted the villains. "You two really thought you could escape? Well, I'm about to show you just how wrong you are." He said as he noticed Iron Man and War Machine standing a few meters away. 'Is that Tony or is someone just using his armor?'

Hobgoblin snarled, his voice laced with rage. "You'll regret underestimating us!"

Without wasting another moment, Hobgoblin lunged at Peter, his claws extended and ready to tear through flesh. But Peter, anticipating the attack, effortlessly sidestepped, allowing Hobgoblin's momentum to carry past him. With lightning-fast reflexes, Peter seized Hobgoblin's arm mid-air, twisted it with precision, and sent the villain crashing into the ground.

Hobgoblin grunted in pain, his body embedded in the concrete floor. With a deep growl, he struggled to break free, but Peter's strength proved overwhelming. Using his enhanced agility, Peter leaped into the air, flipping and stomped on Hobgoblin's back with a powerful kick, sending him deeper into the parking lot floor.

Meanwhile, Electro gathered his energy, his body crackling with electricity. He released a torrent of lightning bolts towards Peter, hoping to catch him off guard. But Peter, ever alert, dodged the projectiles with a series of acrobatic moves, evading the deadly bolts with ease.

Closing the distance between them, Peter launched himself forward, his fists moving in a blur that even Electro couldn't follow. With each strike, his blows connected with precision, sending sparks flying as he pummeled the electric villain. The sheer force behind each punch and kick staggered Electro, causing him to stumble backward further and further.

But Electro wasn't one to give up. Channeling his electricity, he unleashed a devastating surge of power, enveloping himself in a deadly aura. Bolts of lightning crackled around him, dancing in a lethal display.

Peter, undeterred by the electrifying display, activated his own powers in the mystic arts. His body shimmered with a golden glow, nullifying every bit of electricity that came his way.

With a sudden burst of speed, Peter closed the gap between them, still absorbing the electrified storm. "Weak." He commented as he delivered a swift punch to Electros stomach. The force behind the blow was enough to send blood shooting out of Electro's mouth as he shot backwards, smacking into the side of a car, which toppled over upon impact.

But Electro, desperate to regain the upper hand, unleashed yet another devastating wave of electricity. Bolts of lightning surged toward Peter, threatening to overwhelm him. Uncaringly, Peter strolled forward, absorbing the lethal barrage like it was nothing.

Once again, Peter seized the opportunity, launching himself at Electro. He spun through the air, his leg extended, connecting with a powerful roundhouse kick. The impact sent Electro flying across the parking lot, crashing into debris and leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

As Electro struggled to recover, Hobgoblin finally broke free from his concrete prison, fueled by a mix of fury and determination. He charged at Peter, his monstrous form tearing through the room, leaving destruction in his wake. But Peter remained calm, his senses honed, ready to whoop some a*s.

With agile and simple movements, Peter evaded Hobgoblin's frenzied attacks, effortlessly sidestepping each swing. "Is that all you can do? …this is pretty lame… don't you have anything else? Have you always been this weak?" He taunted, enjoying himself as his opponent wears himself out.

After sending Hobgoblin into a blind rage, Peter finally launched a counterattack. He leaped into the air, his body twisting as he stomped his foot down on his opponents forehead. His boot collided with Hobgoblin's skull, delivered with incredible force. The impact sent a shockwave throughout the area, and sent the recipient crashing to the cement floor.

With a final burst of energy, Peter channeled his powers, his muscles rippling with raw strength. He lunged at Hobgoblin, delivering a series of rapid-fire blows, each strike landing with precision. The force behind his punches and kicks was enough to send shockwaves through the area, shattering nearby windows and crumbling the pavement below.

Hobgoblin's eyes became hazy, his strength waning. The combination of Peter's relentless assault and his own exhaustion proved too much to bear. With one final strike, Peter delivered a powerful fist, which shook Hobgoblin's brain. The villain's eyes fluttered shut, his brain shutting down into a deep sleep.

"God damn…" Tony muttered as he turned to Rhodes. "When did Peter(Tom) get this strong?" He asked, not aware that this wasn't the Peter he knew.

Rhodes shook his head side to side. "Umm, I don't know…"

As Hobgoblin lay defeated, Electro slowly rose from the debris, his once-menacing aura diminished. The sparks of electricity that crackled around him flickered weakly. He glanced at Peter, a mix of fear and disbelief in his eyes.

Peter approached Electro, his movements deliberate and controlled, holding up the stolen arc reactor. "You think you could handle this power, but you're wrong. You're nothing but an energy junky. A frail little boy who was bullied all of his life. And you know what? I can relate. But when you finally became strong enough to stand up for yourself, you forgot that you could stand up for others as well. Instead of helping those that needed it, you turned into another bully."

Every word that Peter spoke struck Electro like a barrage flaming arrows, each landing with pinpoint accuracy.

"And before you say some lame sh*t like 'you don't know me!', do both of us a favor and keep quiet." Peter said as he drew closer and closer. "You know, I try to be nice for the most part, but I'm just going to say it. You make me sick."

With a flex of his hand, Peter crushed the arc reactor, causing the electricity within it to fade. The last remaining villain slumped to the ground, his eyes dull and dead, his defeat delivered with words alone.

The whole scene fell into silence once more, the aftermath of the battle hanging heavy in the air. Peter stood tall, his eyes scanning the area where he saw Tony and Rhodes. But before he could say anything to them, everyone else arrived, including Lily, who jumped on Peter's back, excited for her father's victory.

"That was so cool!" She exclaimed as everyone else seemed to notice the two Iron Men.

Tom frowned deeply as he noticed Tony's suit. "Hey! Take that off! It doesn't belong to you!" He exclaimed, unwilling to let anyone donn his mentors armor.

Suddenly, the mechanical mask lifted open, revealing Tony's smirking face. "Hey there, kid. I'm back!"

A/N: 2000 words :) Did I go too hard on Electro? In truth, I do believe he could have been a hero, but he just had to get drunk off the power.

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎cus it's the second chapter!✌️🚨


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