I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 409: Venom

Chapter 409: Venom

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AzureInferno!🏆 (A/N Is this a new King? I'm starting to lose track…👑)

As everyone marveled at the sight of Tony Stark, alive and well, the shock and disbelief rippled through the group. Tom, in particular, was overcome with a mixture of emotions. Tears welled up in his eyes as he stared at the man he thought he had lost forever. A father figure that left far too soon. He stepped forward, his voice trembling with a mix of relief and disbelief.

"Tony... I... I thought you were gone. I saw... I saw you die," Tom choked out, his voice laced with raw emotion.

Tony smiled warmly, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Hey, kid. I know it's hard to believe, but somehow, here I am. One minute I'm staring down Thanos and the next I'm on top of the Avenger's tower, surrounded by security... You should have seen the looks on their faces when they realized it was me." He chuckled in amusement.

Tom couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. He rushed forward and embraced Tony, tears streaming down his face. Tony awkwardly returned the hug, patting Tom on the back.

"It's okay. I'm here now," Tony whispered, his voice filled with reassurance. He couldn't help but turn to Peter, wondering why his little protege had a taller, and admittedly stronger clone.

Not to mention the two other Spider-Men, who stood alongside May and everyone else.

The rest of the group watched the heartwarming reunion with a mixture of joy and relief. MJ, May, and Ned shared smiles, confused but glad to see Tony alive and well. It was a moment of respite amidst the chaos they had been facing lately.

While the reunion unfolded, Peter turned his attention to the captured villains. He approached the restrained Lizard, who was still struggling under the weight of the gravity spell. Peter extended his hand, channeling his magic once again, and gently lifted the spell's effect from the giant reptilian creature.

"Hey, big guy, time to calm down," Peter said softly, hoping to coax the beast into a more docile state.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lizard's yellow eyes glared at Peter, filled with anger and hate. He growled and roared, but Peter remained unfazed. With a quick tap to the forehead, Peter cast a sleep spell, knowing Dr. Connors wasn't very lucid at the moment.

Within seconds, the giant Lizard was lulled into a deep slumber. Taking advantage of the moment, Peter summoned golden chains made of Eldritch energy and swiftly wrapped them around the sleeping Lizard, restraining his massive form.

Moving on, Peter approached Electro, who remained on his knees, staring into the distance with a defeated expression, a dead look in his eyes. After hearing Peter's harsh words, he began to realize every mistake he's made since falling into that tank of electric eels.

'I could've been a hero?' His mind repeated over and over.

The electric villain didn't resist as Peter formed golden shackles out of Eldritch energy and bound him tightly. With precise control, Peter levitated Electro and placed him beside the slumbering Lizard.

Finally, Peter turned his attention to Hobgoblin, lying unconscious and battered on the ground. After a moment of contemplation, Peter began to draw intricate golden spell circles in the air above the villain's body. The rest of the group, including Tony and Rhodey, watched with curiosity and anticipation, unfamiliar with Peter's magical abilities.

"What's he doing?" Tony asked curiously.

"…" nobody else had a clue either.

As the spell circles activated, a shimmering energy seeped into Hobgoblin's skin. Slowly, black sludge started to ooze from every pore of his body, expelled by the energy. The sludge pooled on the ground, gradually taking shape and revealing two distinct forms.

Green Goblin and Venom.

The separate entities lay dormant, their unconscious forms still fast asleep after their brutal beating. Peter completed the spell, ensuring that both Green Goblin and Venom remained restrained, unable to cause further harm.

With the villains securely contained and their powers neutralized, Peter prepared for his next bit of magic. 'This should work…'

Peter stepped over to the restrained form of Venom, his hands moving in precise, intricate motions as he drew new spell circles in the air. The golden energy crackled and hummed, infused with Eldritch energy. The rest of the group watched in anticipation, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.

"What is he doing now?" MJ asked, her voice laced with worry.

"I'm not sure," May replied, her eyes fixed on Peter's concentrated form. "But he must have a plan."

Peter's eyes glinted with determination as he started an incantation, his voice low and commanding as he spoke fluent mandarin. "Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao…Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao…Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao…" The golden spell circles hovered above Venom, pulsating with power. As the final words left Peter's lips, the energy surged, enveloping the restrained symbiote.

Venom's eyes snapped open, the pure black orbs shimmering with malevolence and rage. With a snarl, he thrashed against his restraints, desperately trying to break free. The spell circles held him fast, restraining his violent movements.

"Peter! What are you doing?" Tobey's voice rang out, filled with concern.

"I'm giving Venom another chance," Peter responded, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding before him. "But in order to do that, I need to wipe his mind. It's been tainted by Eddie and the Goblin's craziness. And now that I'm taking a look, we can even throw some blame on you as well."

"Huh?!" Tobey grunted in surprise. "What did I do?"

Venom's struggles intensified as he heard Peter's words, a guttural growl escaping his throat. The symbiote strained against the spell circles, the black goo pulsating with a mixture of fear and anger. But Peter's magic held firm, preventing Venom from breaking free.

"Well, let's take a look at his memories, shall we?" Peter says as he intercepts some of Venoms memories before deletion and waves his hand up to the sky.

In an instant, holographic images filled the night sky, showing Venom's ship crash landing on Earth, Tobey's Earth to be exact.


(A/N: Just to be clear, I'm changing Venoms origin a bit to suit my needs. Also, the Peter and Spider-Man in this flashback/memory viewing is Tobey.)

The night was draped in darkness as Venom's ship streaked through the sky, hurtling towards Earth. The alien creature within the ship was hungry, its insatiable appetite gnawing at its consciousness. It longed for the taste of meat, ignorant of the concepts of right and wrong. Venom was an entity born of survival, devoid of any moral compass, and without anyone to guide it.

As the ship descended towards the Earth's surface, it crashed into an empty park, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The impact shattered the night's silence, the ground trembling beneath the weight of the crash. Smoke billowed into the air, obscuring the area as Venom emerged from the wreckage, his black tendrils slithering out, seeking sustenance.

After slithering out of the park in search of food, Venom's eyes locked onto an elderly woman walking alone on the dimly lit city streets. She didn't smell very tasty, but he would have to make due. He prepared to strike, hunger fueling his intentions, but it seemed like fate had other plans.

Just as Venom prepared to pounce, a blur of red and blue streaked overhead. Spider-Man had arrived, his spider-sense alerting him to potential danger. With acrobatic finesse, he swiftly dispatched a group of robbers who were about to surround the woman, their ill intentions shattered like glass.

"Stay safe, ma'am," Spider-Man gave her a salute before rushing off.

As Venom watched the hero in action, a realization dawned upon him. Spider-Man was strong, taking out a group of meat bags with ease. He became fixated on the idea that Spider-Man could be the perfect host.

In the following hours, Venom silently stalked his chosen prey, still hungry after missing out on his meal. Under the cover of night, he trailed Spider-Man back to his apartment, his black mass coiling and merging with the shadows. With calculated precision, Venom waited until Peter Parker succumbed to sleep, his guard down.

As the room fell into a deep silence, the symbiote emerged from the darkness, its inky form crawling across the walls and ceiling. It crept towards Peter, sensing his troubled soul, his heart weighed down by the burden of his personal struggles.

In a horrifying dance, Venom extended its tendrils, delicately enveloping Peter, bonding with him on a molecular level. The symbiotic fusion was complete, and the two began to slowly influence one another.

Days and weeks past after Peter found out about Venom…

Through the blossoming symbiotic relationship, Venoms emotions and feelings became Peter's. And Peter's emotions and feelings became Venom's. Though Peter didn't seem to realize this. Thinking Venom was affecting him alone, he slowly began to hate his gooey companion.

And this lack of knowledge and hate seemed to slowly turn Venom from a naive alien, who admittedly had a craving for human brains, into the villain that he became today.

It especially didn't help that his time with Peter was rather dark. Peter's life was in shambles. The love of his life was going to marry the son of the man who hated him most. His best friend hated him for killing his father. And his Aunt May was in and out of the hospital due to cancer treatments, nearly dying in the process.

These dark emotions were all shared with Venom, molding him into the alien blob he is today.


When the holograms disappeared, everyone turned to Tobey, who frowned deeply and looked down at the floor, realizing that he could have done better.

"But don't beat yourself up too much." Peter said as he deleted those memories. "You didn't know how Symbiotes worked and already had a lot on your plate. Sure, you could have done better, but that's life. We could always do better. Hindsight is 20/20."

Painful screams filled the air, drawing everyone's attention, as Peter's spell continued it's work. Venom's form convulsed, writhing in agony as his memories were slowly erased. Each scream pierced the night air, a haunting symphony of suffering.

The group watched in horror, their hearts aching for the tortured creature. "Peter, this... this seems cruel," May murmured, her voice trembling with unease.

Peter's gaze never wavered, his focus solely on completing the spell. "It may seem that way, but Venom's mind has been corrupted by the influence of others. If he's to have a chance at redemption, I have to wipe away the pain and darkness that taints his memories."

As the minutes stretched on, Venom's screams grew more desperate and anguished. The agony etched on his twisted, gooey form was undeniable. But Peter remained resolute, his eyes filled with determination and compassion.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the screams subsided, replaced by heavy panting. Venom's thrashing form stilled, devoid of the malevolence that once consumed him. The spell had done its work, erasing Venom's memories and leaving him in a state of bewildered innocence.

The black blob of goo trembled as the spell circles vanished, confusion evident in its every movement. It looked around, its eyes darting from face to face, trying to make sense of its surroundings.

Venom's form quivered, his voice a mere whisper filled with curiosity. "Who... who am I? Where am I?"

A/N 1917 words :)

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