I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 420: Reactions (1/2)

Chapter 420: Reactions (1/2)

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


🚨Insert Funny GIFs here - Most likes wins🚨

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): maxphantom!🏆 (A/N: The cheated King takes the throne! 👑)

After the emotional reunion at the Avengers Tower, Natasha found herself filled with a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that she had to see Clint and his family. They were the only real family she had ever been a part of, besides the Avengers. She had a niece and two nephews there that no doubt morned her death. So, with Tony's promise to meet her later, she bid her friends farewell and slipped away into the night.

Disguising herself as an air hostess, Natasha managed to sneak onto a commercial flight to Iowa without drawing any suspicion. Her many years spent as a top spy allowed her to pass all checks without a hitch. As the plane touched down, she quietly made her way out of the airport and into the parking lot, where she swiftly stole a car.

Driving for hours, Natasha headed deeper and deeper into the barren areas of Iowa, where the landscape was dominated by thick forests. The familiar sights brought back memories of her time with the Barton family. They had been a part of her life for so long, and she longed to be with them once more.

Finally, she arrived at Barton Farm, but she barely had a chance to step out of the car before an arrow pierced the door next to her. Whirling around, she saw Lila Barton, Clint's middle child, holding a bow and arrow.

"Lila, it's me," Natasha said gently, hoping her niece would recognize her.

Lila's eyes widened in shock. "Aunt Natasha?" she exclaimed, lowering her bow hesitantly.

Before Natasha could respond, another arrow whizzed past her, this time coming from the direction of the farmhouse. She turned to see Clint standing on the porch, with Laura and their other children behind him. The tension in the air was palpable.

"Lila, come here now," Clint commanded, concern and caution written all over his face.

Lila reluctantly obeyed, and Natasha stepped forward, hoping to bridge the gap between them. However, another arrow landed at her feet, preventing her from moving any further.

"Clint, it's me," Natasha said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. "I'm back. I was brought back by a spell. I know how it's sounds but it's true."

Clint's eyes narrowed, not fully believing what he was seeing. Laura stepped forward, a mix of hope and uncertainty in her eyes. "Could it be her?"

Clint hesitated, torn between his skepticism and his desperate desire to believe. "Maybe," he muttered, turning back to Natasha. "Keep your hands in the air and get down on your knees."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Okay…" Natasha complied easily.



After tying Natasha up with some wire rope, Clint deposited her in the living room. "If you so much as twitch in those ropes, I'll put an arrow between your eyes, are we clear?"

Natasha nodded. "Crystal."

Clint turns to his three kids, who were hovering around curiously. "Out! All of you. Go upstairs and do your homework." He shooed them off.

As they left, Natasha began to explain everything that happened. From Tom and Stranges failed spell to Peter's spell that brought her back from the dead.

Clint watched her with a skeptic eye. "It sounds like you've had a very magical few days."

Laura, on the other hand, looked much more convinced than him. "Maybe she's telling the truth?"

"I am." Natasha sighed in annoyance. "Just call Tom or Rhodes. They can explain."

Laura nodded in agreement. "We should call Fury too."

Clint nodded. "He should be off planet right now, but we can try." Leaving Natasha tied up for a moment, they walk to the front porch to make some calls.

Back inside the house, the Barton kids gathered around Natasha, asking her questions that only their Aunt Natasha would know the answers to. They talked about their childhood toys, their favorite games, and all the fun they had together.

Lila held up an old stuffed animal. "What's this bears name?"

"Felix." Natasha answered with ease, a small smile on her lips.

Cooper, the oldest, stepped up next. "What was the first move you taught me?" He asked, taking a combat stance.

"A karate chop. I wanted to teach you some real fighting, like Muay Thai, but you watched too many Kung-fu movies and wouldn't take anything else." She answered perfectly once again.

"What's this?" Nathaniel held up a messy child's drawing.

"We drew that together on your birthday. You said the squiggles in the sky were birds."

Half way through answering their questions, Clint and Laura stood outside the room, listening in with their keen ears.

"It might actually be her…" Clint admitted in a whisper that only his wife could hear.



After an hour of waiting, the unmistakable sound of a spaceship approaching filled the front yard. A bright light illuminated the surroundings, and the humming grew louder before eventually fading away.

Finally, a knock came at the door, Laura and Clint exchanged glances before Laura opened the door to reveal none other than Nick Fury standing there. He wasted no time with greetings and immediately entered the living room, where Natasha was still restrained.

Fury began to rattle off coded questions to Natasha, a series of statements and responses that only she could provide.

"I walked my dog today." He stated.

Natasha understood immediately. "Was he pulling at his leash again?"

"Did you see the news this morning?" He continued.

"Yeah, they said it would rain, so I brought an umbrella." She answered with ease.

This continued for a full thirty minutes and Natasha answered each prompt without hesitation, confirming her identity beyond a shadow of a doubt.

"Well, f*ck me…" Fury muttered as he ran out of prompts. "It's really you…"

Satisfied, Fury dropped onto a nearby couch, shocked that one of his best agents actually returned from the dead.

"You can untie her now." Fury ordered.

But just as Clint was about to untie her, Natasha simply stood up, causing the ropes to fall loosely at her feet, showing that she could have escaped at any moment.

Fury chuckled at Natasha's display, finding the look on Clint's face amusing. "I can't believe it's really you," he said, his voice breaking with emotion. "Welcome back from the dead, I guess."

"Yeah, it's me," Natasha replied, her eyes shining with tears of relief. "I'm back."

Laura stepped forward and hugged Natasha tightly. "We missed you so much," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Natasha hugged her back, cherishing the warmth of their embrace. "I missed you all too," she whispered.

As the rest of the family crowded around, including the children, who were hovering in the hallway, laughing and crying, they embraced their long-lost sister and Aunt. The pain of the past year melted away in the comfort of each other's presence.

Fury stood at the side, a small smile gracing his lips. Though he knew that he'd have to get some answers soon enough. After all, people don't just come back to life. 'But that can wait until tomorrow…' he thought as he watched the family reunion.

As the hours passed, Natasha found herself overwhelmed with gratitude for Peter's help and the second chance he had given her. She was back with her family, where she truly belonged. The pain and heartache she had endured were fading away, replaced by a sense of belonging and love.

Late into the night, as the stars twinkled overhead, Clint and Natasha sat together on the porch, watching the fireflies dance in the distance.

"I thought I lost you," Clint admitted, his voice filled with emotion.

Natasha placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "And I thought I lost you," she replied. "But here we are, together again."

Clint looked at her, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you for coming back," he said softly. "You're family, Natasha. You always have been."

"And you're family to me too," Natasha replied, her voice choked with emotion. "I'll always do my best to come back."

With the weight of the past year lifted from their shoulders, they sat in companionable silence, cherishing the simple joy of being together. As the sun began to rise, Natasha knew that she had found her way back home, not just to the Barton family, but to herself as well.

"Ahem…" The door opens and Fury comes walking out, ruining the mood in an instant. "This is real sweet and all, but I need some answers…"


Hours earlier, back in New York.

The night was calm as Tony approached the familiar address of his home, his heart pounding with both excitement and trepidation. A year had passed since Pepper and Morgan had seen him, and he couldn't bear the thought of the pain they had endured, believing he was gone forever. The weight of the guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders, but he knew he had to face them.

With a deep breath, he knocked on the door, the sound echoing through the quiet and extravagant neighborhood. He heard the shuffling of footsteps on the other side, and his heart skipped a beat when the door opened to reveal Pepper standing there, looking both shocked and hopeful.

"T-Tony?" she whispered, her voice quivering.

Tony managed a weak smile. "Hey, Pep," he said softly.

A/N: 1548 words :)



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