I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 421: Reactions (2/2)

Chapter 421: Reactions (2/2)

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As of now, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


🚨Insert Gun GIFs here - Most likes wins🚨

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): maxphantom!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

"T-Tony?" Pepper whispered, her voice quivering with emotion.

Tony managed a weak smile. "Hey, Pep," he said softly.

For a moment, Pepper stared at him, as if unable to believe her eyes. Then, the dam broke, and tears spilled down her cheeks. She launched herself at Tony, wrapping her arms tightly around him, and he returned the embrace just as fiercely.

Unlike the spies in Iowa, Pepper didn't need any verification or codes to believe that this was her Tony. After all, she was married to the man and had his child. Nor did she have a paranoid mind, born from a lifetime of espionage.

"You're really here," Pepper choked out, her voice filled with joy and disbelief.

"I told you I'd be back," Tony replied, his voice breaking with emotion. "I'm so sorry, Pep. I never wanted to leave you and Morgan."

Pepper pulled back slightly, looking into his eyes as realization dawned on her. "You knew…" she said, her voice trembling. "You knew that you were coming back. A whole year, Tony. We thought you were gone forever. Why didn't you explain better!"

"I know, but I was kinda in the middle of dying. I'm so sorry," Tony said, his heart aching at the thought of the pain he had caused. "I wish I could have come back sooner. I really do…"

Pepper's fingers gently caressed his cheek, her touch filled with tenderness. "It doesn't matter now," she said softly. "You're here, and that's all that matters."

Just then, they heard a faint sound coming from down the hall, and they turned to see Morgan, donned in her pink bunny pajamas, standing there, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Mommy, who's at the door?" she asked, her voice still groggy with sleep.

Pepper smiled through her tears, kneeling down to her daughter's level. "Morgan, sweetie, look who's here," she said, her voice filled with both joy and trepidation.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Morgan's eyes widened when she saw Tony standing there. "Daddy?" she whispered, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Tony's heart broke at the sight of his little girl, looking both excited and cautious. "Hey, bug," he said softly, using his nickname for her. "It's me."

Morgan's eyes filled with tears as she ran into Tony's open arms. "Daddy!" she cried, clinging to him tightly.

Tony held her close, burying his face in her hair, inhaling the sweet scent of children's shampoo. "I'm so sorry I was gone for so long," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I promise I'll never leave you again."

As they stood there, Pepper wrapped her arms around both of them, holding her family close. The pain of the past year was slowly being replaced by the overwhelming relief and joy of having Tony back. They had spent countless nights longing for him, and now, he was here, in their arms once more.

The three of them stood in a tight embrace for what felt like an eternity, finding solace and comfort in each other's presence. As the initial excitement settled, Tony shook his daughter, who held him tight like a koala. "I think you should be in bed, but since it's a special occasion, why don't we all camp out in the living room?"

Pepper smiled, wiping away her tears. "I think that's a great idea," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

Hand in hand, they walked to the living room, where Tony got comfortable in the couch with Morgan attached to him like a super-magnet. Morgan refused to separate from her father, her grip locked around his neck.

Seeing this, Pepper couldn't keep the smile from her face. "Since your trapped, why I go and get some pillow and blankets?" Pepper said and walked off.

Morgan nodded, still processing the fact that her father had returned from the dead. "I missed you, Daddy," she said softly, her voice filled with love and longing.

Tony smiled, sitting on the edge of her bed. "I missed you too, bug," he replied, playing with her long hair. "But I promise I'm here now, and I'm never leaving again."

"Promise?" Morgan asked, her eyes searching his for reassurance.

Tony placed his hand over his heart. "I promise," he said, his voice unwavering. "I love you both so much, and I'll always be here for you."

Morgan pulled her head up, staring at her father with a frown. "No, you have to say it right!" She practically ordered.

"Huh…? Oh!" Tony was confused for a moment before realizing what she meant. "I love you 3000." He said, bringing a blooming smile to her face as she resumed her position, glued to his body.

Soon enough, Pepper joined them on the couch, bringing along all sorts of pillows and blankets, and the three of them cuddled close, reveling in the feeling of being together again. As the night stretched on, they shared stories, laughter, and tears, catching up on all that had happened during Tony's absence.

For Morgan, it was a night she would never forget. Her father had come back from the dead, and she held onto him as if afraid he might disappear again. But as Tony tucked her in and kissed her forehead, she felt safe and loved, knowing that he was truly back for good.

As they finally drifted off to sleep, Tony found himself overwhelmed with gratitude and love. He had been given a second chance at life, and he wasn't going to waste it. With his family by his side, he knew that no challenge was too great, and he was determined to make every moment count.

And so, as the night turned to dawn, Tony Stark, the Iron Man, found himself surrounded by the two most important people in his life. The pain of the past year was still there, but it was now overshadowed by the joy of being together again.



Time skip - 1 week

It didn't take long for the news of Tony Stark resurrection spread like wildfire across the globe, capturing the attention of the general public and sending news stations into a frenzy. Reporters scrambled to cover the astonishing story, trying to make sense of the seemingly impossible events.

Lucky, for Natasha, she didn't have much to gain by stepping out into the public again, so she was able to stay 'dead' so to speak. Tony, on the other hand, has a family, a large fortune, and a very successful company, so he had to step out into the light sooner or later.

On television screens and news websites, headlines blared with excitement and curiosity: "Avenger: Return from the Dead," "Stark: Back from the Beyond," and "The Marvelous Resurrection: How Did He Do It?"

As the news broke, people everywhere stopped in their tracks, unable to believe what they were hearing. Social media erupted with a mix of shock, skepticism, and joy. Memes and fan theories flooded the internet, with people speculating on how such a miraculous event could have occurred.

Journalists sought expert opinions from scientists, historians, and even conspiracy theorists, trying to find a rational explanation for the unexplainable. But the consensus was clear. Tony Stark was indeed back among the living.

The Avengers held a press conference to address the public directly. Tony and his family stood side by side, projecting an aura of love and happiness.

Questions from reporters came in rapid-fire succession, but Tony faced them with composure and candor, opting to just say a short speech before heading home. "Yes, I actually died a year ago. Yes, I'm now alive. No, I'm not an alien or dimensional shapeshifter. I hope that clears things up. Now, if you guys don't mind, I promised to take my daughter to the park. Iron Man out…" He gave the reporters the peace sign and walked off, followed by Pepper, Morgan, and Happy, who would be driving for them.

For the weeks to come, news stations continued to broadcast updates and stories, diving into the details of Tony's return to the living. The excitement of it all seemed to slowly give way to a renewed sense of hope and optimism. The world knew that if the Avengers could overcome death itself, then there was no challenge they couldn't face.


The swirling energy engulfed Peter and Lily, transporting them back to their universe and their home. As the bright lights faded away, they found themselves standing in the familiar kitchen of their house. Peter's girlfriend and Lily's mother, MJ, was nowhere to be seen.

"Dad, we're back!" Lily called out, happy to be home.

Peter nodded and let out a relieved sigh. "Finally back home," he said, his voice tinged with exhaustion. After all, he had been universe hopping for a while now.

But as they stood there, they noticed something odd. The house was in a state of chaos. All of the doors were open, including the cabinets for some reason, not to mention the mess…

"Dad, where's Mom?" Lily asked, her brow furrowing with concern. "She was here when I left…"

Peter's heart skipped a beat as he looked around, calling out for MJ. "MJ! MJ, are you here?"

A distant voice echoed from the living room, "Lily?! Peter? Is that you?"

They rushed out of the kitchen and found MJ pacing nervously in the living room. As soon as she saw them, she let out a mix of relief and frustration, "Lily Parker! Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" She shouted, both happy for her return and irate for her leaving.

Peter stepped forward, trying to explain, "We got caught up in something... a bit complicated. But we're back now, safe and sound."

Lily nodded, "It's true, Mom! We were in another universe!"

While MJ was contemplating what she just heard, Peter spoke up. "Umm, how long ago did Lily disappear?"

MJ's eyes narrowed as she checked her phone. "About half an hour." She revealed as she scooped Lily into her arms. "I was about to call Tony and have him scour the cities cameras for her, but thankfully she's back."

"I missed you, Mom," Lily said, giving her mother a hug.

Peter leaned against the wall, allowing them to have their moment. "As you can probably tell, it's been more than thirty minutes for us…" he reveals, explaining their little adventure across the multiverse.

MJ embraced her daughter tightly, trying to hold back tears. "So it's been a few days for you?" She asks and Lily nods into her shoulder.

Peter joined the hug, and the three of them stood there, cherishing the moment of being reunited. After a few moments, Peter pulled back and smiled at MJ, "Sorry for all the trouble. But we're home now, and that's what matters."

MJ couldn't help but smile back, her heart filled with love for her little family. "Well, you better not disappear like that again, okay? It's not good for my nerves."

"We promise," Lily said, giving her mother a mischievous grin. "At least not without a good reason."

Peter chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll be look into a way to stop any sort of forced multiverse travel, so you don't have to worry." After all, he didn't want this to happen again, especially to Lily or MJ.

As the tension from the past events slowly dissipated, Lily couldn't wait any longer to share her experience with her mother. She excitedly recounted their adventure, from meeting the alternate Spider-Men to the confrontation with the villains, and finally, bonding with Venom.

"Oh! And I made a new friend!" Lily exclaimed as her body was instantly covered in an ominous black goo. "His name is Venom!" She spoke through Venoms fanged mouth, her voice monstrous and distorted.


A/N: 2000 words :)



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