I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 425: Dreykov

Chapter 425: Dreykov

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of now, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


🚨Insert Royalty GIFs here - Most likes wins🚨 (A/N: Okay, maybe using the word trap for the last prompt wasn't the best idea…)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): maxphantom!🏆 (A/N: Someone must rise to vanquish this evil King! He's growing too powerful! Monkeyaking! Scar_Justice! Anyone! Save us!👑)

As Peter and Tony continued to work on Olivia Octavius's research, their minds fully engrossed in the fascinating possibilities of multiverse travel, Jarvis's voice suddenly echoed through the intercom. "Mr. Stark, there's a woman here to see Natasha Romanoff. She claims to be her sister."

Tony looked up, slightly surprised. "Natasha has a sister? I didn't know that," he mused, scratching his head.

Curiosity got the better of Peter as he recalled the Black Widow movie. "Jarvis, what's her name?" he asked.

"One moment…." Jarvis replied as he went quiet for a moment. "…She says her name is Yelena Belova, but I can't seem to find a registered individual matching her description under that name."

Yelena Belova? Tony's mind whirred, trying to recall any information about her. He couldn't remember Natasha ever mentioning a sister named Yelena.

"Send her up to my office," Peter said, trying to portray confusion in his voice. "I'll handle it from here."

Standing from his seat, Peter quickly donned his mask. He gave Tony a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Tony. Duty calls. I promise I'll be back soon."

Tony huffed in mock annoyance. "Sure, sure, go save the day. I'll just be here, unlocking the secrets of the multiverse," he teased.

Peter chuckled as he walked out of the workshop, leaving Tony to his devices. As he made his way up to his office, he contemplated Yelena's arrival. 'She never showed up like this in the movie…'

Although the small change alarmed him, this may actually work out for the better. Yelena couldn't have contacted the Avengers in the movie, because it was just after the civil war, but thankfully, Peter has been able to avoid any mess like that from cropping up. The Avengers were completely united. At least, for the time being…

Peter suddenly remembered something. 'Wait a minute… Shouldn't Wanda and her brother pop up soon?'

In the heart of the Avengers tower, Peter sat in his office, awaiting his guest. He impatiently tapped his fingers on the surface of his desk, contemplating how to handle the situation. He couldn't help but imagine a division of bada*s Black Widows working under him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And as he thought of that, some rather naughty images filled his mind. But as soon as they came, another image overlapped every single one of them. It was MJ, her eyes glowing menacingly in a red hue. She held a sharp blade in hand, eying his family jewels with a sharp glare.

Finally, the door to his office opened, and Yelena Belova stepped inside. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Spider-Man waiting for her. "Uh, I was expecting Natasha," she said hesitantly, unsure of what to do.

Peter waved off her concerns. "Natasha's currently on a mission," he explained. "I'm Spider-Man. Natasha was my teacher, so when I heard her sister came to visit, I was intrigued. Especially since she's never mentioned anything about a sister. Or family, for that matter."

"Right…" Yelena replied, finding herself slightly taken aback.

"Well, why don't you take a seat." Peter gestured toward a chair, which she hesitantly took.

"So, what brings you here?" Peter asked. "As I said, Natasha never mentioned having a sister."

Yelena hesitated for a moment, considering her words carefully. "I'm Yelena Belova," she revealed. "I'm Natasha's adoptive sister and a former Black Widow operative under General Dreykov's control. When Natasha defected, the remaining Black Widows, including myself, were subjected to a mind-control program. But recently, I managed to break free from it, and I came here hoping to get Natasha's help and the Avengers' support in freeing my sisters and shutting down the Red Room once and for all."

Peter nodded his head, her story matched exactly what he knew. "I see," he replied, his voice calm compared to Yelena, who was a big ball of nerves. After all, she was seated before the world most famous superhero.

"I'll do everything in my power to help you," Peter said earnestly. "Though you'll have to wait until Natasha returns and verifies your words. As long as she okay's it, the Avengers will gladly assist"

Yelena nervously gripped her fists. "What should I do before then? Dreykov must already know that I defected. He might even know that I'm here…"

Peter shrugged, not threatened in the least bit. "Then he can come and experience the towers defenses."

"But…" Yelena appeared conflicted. "What if he sends Widows? They aren't in control. I don't want them to die…"

Peter smiled. "We have non-lethal defenses as well." He revealed as he leaned back in his chair. "You heard her Jarvis?"

Suddenly, a disembodied voice filled the room, surprising Yelena. "Yes, sir. The defenses will be set to capture for the time being."

Yelena's eyes gleamed with hope, gratitude evident in her expression. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "I didn't expect Spider-Man to be the first person I'd meet here, but I'm glad it was you."

Peter smiled beneath his mask. "I'm glad too," he replied. "Once Natasha returns, we'll discuss our plan of action and take it from there. But until then, let's find you an apartment to stay in." Peter stands up, followed by Yelena. "I'd let you stay in Natasha's apartment, but she may not like that, so..."

"Wait!" Yelena suddenly called out, pulling off her backpack. "While we wait, can you find a way to make more of this…" She reaches inside and pulls out a case containing five vials, each filled with a red liquid.

"What is it?" Peter asked, feigning ignorance.

"It's the antidote for the red rooms mind control." She reveals, cradling the case as if it were the most important thing in the world. "This is all that was left…"

Peter takes the case, which she was more than hesitant to part with. "Okay, I'll get right on that. Now, let's head down a few floors and find you a place to stay until Natasha returns."


After setting Yelena up in an apartment and leaving the antidotes for Jarvis to analyze and replicate, Peter departed the tower, intending to have lunch with MJ and Ned.

In the bustling cafeteria of Midtown High School, MJ and Ned sat at their usual table, surrounded by the clamor of students chatting and laughing. The aroma of mystery meat wafted from the kitchen, causing a few wrinkled noses among the students.

Just as MJ was about to take a bite of her less than appetizing cafeteria food, the cafeteria doors swung open, and a familiar figure strolled in, catching the attention of everyone present. It was none other than Peter Parker, the habitual no show.

Peter approached MJ and Ned's table with a grin on his face, holding a couple of takeout bags in his hand. "Hey, MJ, Ned," he greeted them, waving the bags in front of their hungry faces.

MJ's eyes lit up in delight. "Peter, what are you doing here?" she asked, sounding both surprised and pleased to see him. He did say he'd come for lunch, but when it came to school, Peter rarely showed up.

"I thought I'd drop by and join you guys for lunch," Peter replied. "And I brought some good food too, so you don't have to suffer through the lunch ladies cooking."

Ned chuckled as he eagerly peered into one of the bags. "You're a lifesaver, man," he said gratefully. "This cafeteria food is a real disaster."

Peter handed them the takeout containers, revealing tacos from the best Mexican spot in the city. MJ beamed at him. "You're the best boyfriend ever," she said, already stuffing her face with food.

As they enjoyed their tasty lunch, Peter filled them in on the progress they were making on Olivia Octavius's research.

Ned's eyes widened in shock as he heard Peter talk about the multiverse. "Dude, can you send me to another universe too? I want to get a Demi-Human girlfriend with cat ears!"

Peter and MJ turned to Ned with raised brows. "Have you been watching Hentai again?" Peter asks as Ned began blushing up a storm before stuffing a whole taco in his mouth, so he doesn't have to answer. "Whatever, I'll see what I can do when everything is operational."

After they finished eating, Peter decided to bring up the other reason he came here. "Actually, I have a mission for you two, if you want it."

Ned froze in place, his eyes going wide. "Is it an Avengers mission?" He asked, obviously excited.

Peter nodded. "Yeah, If your interested-"

Ned practically jumped out of his skin in excitement. "Yes! We'll take it!"

MJ sighed, but reluctantly nodded alongside him. "Sure, what do you need us to do?"

"Well, have you heard of the Red Room?"


Deep within the secure and shadowy confines of a hidden Russian underground facility, General Dreykov, the enigmatic and ruthless leader of the Red Room, received the alarming news about Yelena Belova's defection. His usually composed demeanor faltered for a brief moment as he processed the information, and his grip on the tablet tightened.

[Insert picture of the General here]

One of his trusted agents, an operative loyal to the Red Room's cause, stood before him, delivering the report with a mix of fear and uncertainty. "General, we have received confirmation. Yelena Belova has defected from the Red Room," the agent reported, keeping his head lowered in deference.

Dreykov's eyes narrowed, his mind already calculating the implications of Yelena's betrayal. "Tell me everything," he demanded, his voice steely and cold.

The agent hesitated for a moment, aware of the General's formidable reputation for dealing with those who failed him. "She seems to have broken free during her last mission," he explained cautiously. "We were unaware of the extent of her programming's instability. By the time we realized, she was gone."

Dreykov's jaw tightened, the revelation clearly unsettling him. "And her whereabouts?" he pressed, trying to maintain control over the situation.

"We've been tracking her movements, but she's been highly elusive," the agent replied, feeling a tinge of unease. "She seems to be somewhere in the East Coast of America."

A dangerous glint flickered in Dreykov's eyes. "The Avengers," he repeated, his tone laced with disdain. "She must be trying to find her sister..."

The agent nodded in agreement, understanding the General's frustration. "We believe she might be planning to expose the Red Room's operations," he continued. "She's a liability, General."

Dreykov's expression darkened, and his mind began to devise a sinister plan. "Find her," he commanded. "Bring her back alive if possible. We need to find out how she broke free, but if it's not viable, then at least bring her body back for study..."

The agent nodded once again, understanding the gravity of the order. "Yes, General," he replied, before quickly leaving the room to execute Dreykov's command.

Alone in the dimly lit chamber, General Dreykov contemplated the unfolding situation. Yelena's defection threatened to expose the darkest secrets of the Red Room, and he knew that he could not allow that to happen. The walls of the underground facility seemed to close in around him as he pondered his next steps…


That night…

Agent Natasha Romanoff returned to the Avengers tower after completing a particularly easy assassination mission. Her eyes were tired, but her spirit was still strong as she made her way through the familiar corridors of the tower.

As she approached the gym, heading to her apartment, she heard the faint sound of training equipment clinking and the rhythmic thuds of punches hitting a heavy bag. Curious, Natasha quietly entered the gym, expecting to find one of her fellow Avengers honing their combat skills.

To her surprise, it wasn't one of her teammates but a young woman she didn't recognize at first. The woman had dirty blonde hair, and she moved with the grace and skill of a highly trained fighter. Yelena Belova, clad in a simple training outfit, was lost in her training routine, her focus unwavering.

Natasha's eyes narrowed as she realized who the woman was… Yelena, her sister in all but blood. Her heart skipped a beat, and a mix of emotions washed over her. She had left her behind, hoping to allow her only family to live a normal life, yet here she was, training with the grace of a trained killer.

"Yelena…" Natasha called out, causing her sister to jump in fright.


A/N: 2075 words :)



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