I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 426: Sisterly Love

Chapter 426: Sisterly Love

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): maxphantom!🏆 (A/N: The evil King continues his reign! The street run red with the blood of our people as his Futa army marches unimpeded. Who will save us? Who can save us?👑)

As Natasha stood in the gym, her heart raced with emotions she thought she had buried long ago. Yelena's eyes filled with a mix of relief and anger as she saw her sister, and before Natasha could react, Yelena charged forward, her movements fluid and precise.

"NATASHA!" Yelena's voice was filled with a raw intensity as she swung a high kick aimed at Natasha's head. Natasha deftly dodged the attack, her body instinctively reacting to the threat.

"You left me!" Yelena spat, her eyes blazing with fury. She followed up her kick with a rapid series of punches, each one laced with a deadly intent.

Natasha parried the blows, her training kicking in as she maintained her calm exterior. "Yelena, I didn't want you to be a part of this life," she tried to reason with her sister. "I left to protect you."

Yelena's attacks only grew fiercer as her anger bubbled to the surface. "Protect me? You abandoned me, Natasha!" she shouted, a mix of sorrow and rage in her voice. "I thought we were family, but you left me to suffer in that hellhole!"

With a quick spin, Yelena aimed a low sweep kick, trying to knock Natasha off balance. Natasha leaped over the leg, somersaulting in mid-air to gain distance from her relentless sister.

The two Black Widows circled each other, their eyes locked in a tense stare-down. Natasha was beyond confused, but she couldn't let her guard down. She knew that Yelena's emotions were clouding her judgment, and if she didn't defend herself, this reunion would end in disaster.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yelena lunged forward again, aiming a series of swift punches at Natasha's abdomen. Natasha expertly blocked and countered, her strikes measured and controlled. She wasn't fighting to defeat Yelena, but to subdue her without causing any serious harm.

Their movements were a mesmerizing dance of power and grace. Natasha's years of training with the Red Room were mirrored in Yelena's every move. It was like looking into a mirror from her past, a reflection of the younger Natasha she once was.

With a sudden shift in strategy, Yelena attempted a leg sweep followed by a roundhouse kick. Natasha anticipated the move and leaped over the sweeping leg, ducking under the roundhouse kick with impeccable timing. She swiftly followed up with a gentle palm strike to Yelena's chest, just enough to knock the wind out of her without causing significant damage.

Yelena stumbled back, her breath catching as she glared at Natasha. "You think you're better than me, don't you?" she seethed, her voice laced with hurt and bitterness.

Natasha shook her head, trying to appeal to the lost connection between them. "No, Yelena. Now, can you please tell me what's going on? Why are you here?" she asked, her voice soft yet determined.

Yelena's fists clenched, her resolve wavering for a moment. But the pain in her heart quickly turned into anger once more. She didn't plan to fight, but as soon as she saw her sister stroll in, this boiling anger erupted deep inside of her. "You don't get it, Natasha! I was alone, abandoned, and you never came back for me," she accused, her voice breaking with emotion.

Before Natasha could respond, Yelena launched herself forward again, a renewed fire in her eyes. She threw a barrage of rapid strikes, each one driven by frustration and despair. Natasha evaded and deflected the attacks, her heart heavy with the burden of the past.

"I can't change the past, Yelena," Natasha said, her voice carrying a touch of sorrow. "But I promise I will make things right now. Just please stop and explain to me what's going on, okay? What happened?"

"…" Yelena wouldn't relent. All of the anger and resentment that filled her body over these many years finally erupted. The very fact alone that Natasha had to ask those questions sent her over the edge.

Their fight intensified, both sisters equally matched in skill and determination. Each blow and dodge was a testament to their shared history and the bond that had been severed.

Natasha refused to fight back with her full force, unwilling to harm her sister more than necessary. Technically, she could end this fight in a few moves, but what good would that do? 'I should just let her tire herself out…'

As the minutes passed, the tension in the room grew, and the once smooth movements of the sisters started to falter. Yelena's anger and pain were draining her strength, while Natasha remained calm, waiting for the right moment.

Finally, Natasha saw an opening. Yelena's exhaustion was becoming evident, and her attacks were losing their edge. With a quick step, Natasha expertly flipped Yelena, sending her falling to the ground.

Before Yelena could react, Natasha swiftly moved in and wrapped her arms around her sister, pulling her into a tight embrace. Yelena struggled for a moment, but her resistance slowly melted away as tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Yelena," Natasha whispered, her own tears escaping. "I never wanted you to suffer, but I had to protect you from the life I led. I couldn't bear to see you become like me."

Yelena's anger and resentment finally gave way to her true emotions. She buried her face in Natasha's shoulder, clutching onto her sister as years of pent-up pain poured out in tears. "I thought you abandoned me," she sobbed, her voice choked with emotion.

"I will never abandon you again," Natasha vowed, her heart heavy with remorse and determination. "Now, tell me what's going on? What happened to that family I left you with?"

"You really don't know, do you?" Yelena asked, shocked and saddened that her sister didn't even bother keeping tabs on her. "The family you left me with all those years ago… they're dead."

Natasha's eyes widened in shock. "What happened?" she asked, her voice trembling with concern.

Yelena's gaze dropped to the floor, and she took a moment to steady her emotions before continuing. "The Red Room found us. Only a month after you left, Dreykov came knocking at the door with a platoon of soldiers. They tried to stop them from taking me, but… they didn't make it," she explained, her voice strained with grief.

Natasha felt her heart sink as she heard the devastating news. Guilt washed over her, realizing that her attempts to protect Yelena had led to this tragic outcome. She had left her sister with the hope of giving her a better life, and instead, it had led to unimaginable pain.

"But that doesn't make any sense," Natasha said, her mind racing. "I killed Dreykov… I took down the Red Room. How is he still alive?"

Yelena looked up, her eyes filled with pain. "I don't know," she replied. "But this wouldn't have happened if you had simply took me with you!"

Before Natasha could press for more answers, Jarvis's voice unexpectedly filled the room from the intercom. "My apologies for interrupting, but Spider-Man is waiting for you both in his office," the AI announced.

Natasha frowned, wondering what could be so important that Spider-Man would need both her and Yelena. "What's this about, Jarvis?" she asked.

In response, Jarvis projected an image on the holographic display, showing the surveillance cameras around the Avengers tower. Natasha's eyes widened as she saw the footage of two groups of women in tight, tactical body suits infiltrating the building.

"Widows?" Yelena's voice quivered with fear. "They know I'm here."

Natasha's mind raced, realizing that the Red Room, which she thought was long dead only seconds ago, had somehow tracked Yelena to the Avengers tower. She knew they couldn't afford to let these highly trained operatives wreak havoc in their home.

"We need to stop them," Natasha said, her voice resolute. Her expression hardened into that of a seasoned operative ready for battle.

"I'll help…" Yelena stood beside her sister, ready to fight.

Just as they were about to head out, Jarvis's voice appeared again. "That won't be necessary."

"Why?" Natasha asks. "Is Spidey handling it?"

"Just watch." Jarvis says cryptically.

Natasha and Yelena watched the surveillance cameras closely, observing the two teams of Red Room Widows making their way through the Avengers tower. Thankfully, it's passed work hours, so all of the non-mechanical staff has already left for the night.

As the first team of Widow's entered an elevator, the doors closed behind them, sealing them inside. Unaware of the danger, they waited patiently for the elevator to arrive at their destination. Their faces are partially covered, but the look in their eyes was noticeably dull and almost robotic.

Suddenly, a low hiss filled the elevator, and the Widows began to cough as a cloud of knock-out gas filled the small space. Panic spread among the team as they desperately tried to find a way out, but the gas quickly took its toll, and one by one, they slumped to the floor, unconscious.

Natasha and Yelena exchanged glances, realizing that the building's defenses were doing the job for them.

Meanwhile, the second team of Widows continued on their mission, passing by a seemingly harmless cleaning droid, which was waxing the floors. Unbeknownst to them, the droid was equipped with a hidden mechanism. As they walked past, the droid silently fired sleep darts at their backs, striking each Widow with precision.

One by one, the Widows collapsed, unable to fight off the sudden onslaught. They never even had a chance to identify the source of the attack, the droid already retreating down the hall to continue its work.

Natasha and Yelena couldn't help but feel a mix of satisfaction and relief as they saw the two teams of Red Room Widows neutralized by the building's defenses. Their friends and allies in the Avengers were safe, thanks to the security measures they had put in place.

As the automated defenses continued to maintain control, the two sisters turned their attention to the captured Widows. They knew that these operatives were just pawns, forced to follow the Red Room's orders without question.

"We need to find out why they're here," Natasha said, her voice determined.

"They're here for me," Yelena revealed, her eyes trailing off to the floor.

Suddenly, Jarvis's voice appears again. "Excuse me, but Spider-Man is waiting. He said and I repeat: What the f*ck is taking them so long?"

A/N: 1735 words :)



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