I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 432: Recruitment

Chapter 432: Recruitment

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The hangar was abuzz with whispers and hushed conversations as the freed Widows gathered, forming a sea of faces that ranged from hopeful to uncertain. They eyed each other, their newfound freedom a tantalizing prospect that seemed almost too good to be true. Standing at the forefront, Spider-Man's presence commanded their attention, his mysterious aura captivating their focus.

Peter cleared his throat, projecting his voice to reach every corner of the hangar. The room grew silent, eyes fixed on him in anticipation. With a deep breath, he began to speak, his words resonating with a mix of empathy and charisma.

"Thank you all for being here today. I know the path that brought you to this moment has been difficult, and I can't even begin to fathom the challenges you've faced. But now, you stand at a crossroads, and the choice is yours to make."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd. The widows exchanged glances, curiosity and skepticism warred within them.

"I offer you two options," Peter continued, his gaze sweeping across the gathered widows. "Option one, if you seek a life free from the shackles that have bound you for far too long, if you yearn to be part of a world where you can have a fresh start, a normal life, then the Avengers will assist you in any way possible. And we have Tony Stark footing the bill, so the sky is the limit." He smirked under his mask, happy to waste more of his friends money.

Whispers filled the air once again, more intense than before. Yelena exchanged a surprised look with Melina, both astounded by Peter's unexpected offer.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Option two," Peter's tone grew firmer, "if you feel that your skills, your experiences, and your sense of purpose align with continuing this line of work, but on your own terms, then the Avengers extend their hand as well. We recognize the strengths that each of you possess, and we believe that you deserve the freedom to wield those strengths as you see fit."

The crowd seemed divided, wavering between two paths that had never seemed so attainable. Hope and apprehension danced in their eyes as they listened to Peter's words.

"Here's what I promise you," Peter's voice carried conviction, his sincerity evident in every word. "For those who choose option one, we will ensure your transition into society is as smooth as possible. We will provide housing, education, and assistance in finding jobs. You'll have a chance to rebuild your lives, free from your past as a slave for the Red Room."

Taking a moment for them to process his words, Peter motioned to the left side of the Hangar. "If that's something you'd be interested in, then please stand on the left." The left side of the hangar seemed to grow more populated as the widows considered the idea of a life beyond the Red Room.

"On the other hand," Peter continued, gesturing to the right this time. "for those who choose option two, you will have the opportunity to become part of something bigger. You will become agents like Black Widow, whose been a part of the Avengers since it's inception. And unlike Dreykov, who I doubt treated any of you humanely, we pay a very generous salary, provide a free apartment in the Avengers Tower, and much more. Basically, we'll treat you like human beings. With days off, vacations, sick days, insurance, and just about anything else you can think of."

The right side of the hangar saw a surge of movement as more widows leaned towards this second path. It seemed that some of them, despite their history, felt a sense of empowerment and purpose that resonated with them.

Finally, Peter gestured to the left. "Once again, If you wish to choose option one, please move to the left side of the hangar. If option two resonates with you, stand on the right."

A tense moment lingered as the remaining widows exchanged glances, weighing their options. And then, as if breaking a spell, the crowd began to shift. Some moved confidently to the left, eager to embrace a new life, while others hesitated before making their way to the right, intrigued by the opportunity to use their skills for good.

The left side of the hangar gradually filled with widows who chose to seek a different path, a chance at normalcy. Their faces bore expressions of determination, hope rekindled in their eyes.

Meanwhile, the right side became a testament to the bravery and resilience of those who believed in their ability to rewrite their stories. A sense of unity seemed to emanate from this group, an understanding that they were taking ownership of their own destinies.

Peter watched as the crowd divided, a complex mixture of emotions evident on their faces. Yelena stood among the widows who had chosen to join the Avengers, a sense of purpose igniting within her. Not to mention the fact that she would be joining her sister, which was an added bonus.

Peter nodded his head, happy to see that around 60% of the Widows chose to join the Avengers, which was more than he initially expected. "Okay, since everyone has made their choices, we can start getting the ball rolling. Why don't all of you go and pack any sort of belongings you may have and meet here again in an hours time. That should give me enough time to prepare everything."

The hangar emptied gradually as the freed widows dispersed to gather their meager belongings. Soon, only Peter, Yelena, Alexei, MJ, and Ned remained, standing amid the echoes of choices that had been made. It was a pivotal moment, one that carried the weight of a new beginning for these women who had spent their lives as mindless weapons.

As the hangar doors closed behind the last widow, Melina and Natasha returned, their expressions a mixture of weariness and relief. Melina cleared her throat, addressing the group. "We've managed to contact all the active widows who weren't present. They'll be arriving at my farmhouse over the next few days, depending on their locations around the world."

Peter nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, both of you. Your help means a lot."

As the conversation turned to the two newly returned figures, Yelena moved closer to Natasha. She glanced at her sister, excited to reveal the big news. "Hey," she said, sounding a little nervous. "I chose to join the Avengers."

Natasha's gaze flickered toward Yelena, a mix of surprise, pride, and concern reflected in her eyes. "You did?"

Yelena nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I've always wanted to be like you. And now, with everything that's happened, I want to be with you. This is my chance." She knew her sister didn't want this, but it wasn't her choice to make.

Natasha's lips twitched into a small smile. She placed a hand on Yelena's shoulder, her voice gentle. "Just promise me you'll be careful, okay? This isn't a life I would've wished for you."

Yelena met her sister's gaze, her own expression determined. "I know. But it's my choice. I want this."

The sisters shared a moment of understanding before Peter's voice drew their attention. "Speaking of choices," he said, turning to Melina, "I offer you the same options as the other widows. You can choose to live a normal life with our assistance or join the Avengers in a role that suits you."

Melina's gaze shifted between Peter and her daughter, her decision wrought with consideration. After a pause, she looked back at Peter. "I'm willing to join the Avengers, but I won't be going on missions. I've grown tired of that life and I'm not as young as I look."

Peter nodded in understanding. "Of course, that's completely understandable. I never intended for you to go on missions anyway. Your expertise will be valuable in other areas."

A sense of relief seemed to wash over Melina as she made her choice, wishing to stay close to her daughters. Natasha raised an eyebrow inquisitively, unaware of her mothers intentions.

Peter turned to Natasha, addressing her with a note of seriousness. "Natasha, as you know, the widows will need a new leader, someone they can look up to. So, I'll be creating a new branch within the Avengers, called Nightingale. They'll operate in a more behind-the-scenes manner, similar to SHIELD, but without public knowledge. And you'll be the director."

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise, her mind struggling to process the implications of this unexpected responsibility. "Director? But... I didn't..."

Peter cut her off with a small smile. "You don't have to make a decision right away. Just think about it. You've earned this opportunity, Natasha."

Yelena, however, was not one to hold back. She frowned at Peter's choice of name. "Why Nightingale? Shouldn't they be named after something... I don't know, more related to spiders? We are Black Widows, after all."

Peter chuckled softly, explaining, "The Nightingale is a bird that suffers when captured and confined, but it thrives when free and able to sing its melodious songs in its natural habitat. Now that they're free, I hope they'll thrive like the Nightingale."

Natasha sighed, her gaze shifting between Peter and Yelena. "I can't refuse, can I?" she muttered, a mixture of exasperation and amusement in her voice. "Fine, I'll give it a try. But don't expect me to be half as good as someone like Fury."

Peter shrugged nonchalantly. "You can do whatever you want. No pressure."

Natasha rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Okay, fine. I'll give it a shot."

"Good, now I'll appoint your first subordinate and Assistant Director, Melina whatever the hell your Russian last name is. Congratulations." Peter said, shocking both mother and daughter.

Feeling left out, Yelena stepped forward, a noticeable pout on her lips. "What about me?"

Peter shrugged once again. "Ask your sister. She's free to give you any position she wants. I only made your mother the Assistant Director because she has the most experience out of all the Widows. She'll be a massive help to Natasha."

Turning to her sister, Yelena starred a hole in the side of Natasha's head, waiting expectantly for a cool high-level title.

"What about me?" Suddenly, Alexei spoke up. "Can I join the Avengers?"

A/N: 1726 words :)



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