I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 433: Kingly Visit

Chapter 433: Kingly Visit

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The hangar was silent in shock as the group absorbed Alexei's unexpected request to join the Avengers. Peter's brow furrowed, a mixture of surprise and curiosity evident in his eyes. "You want to join the Avengers? Even though Captain America is a part of the team?"

Alexei crossed his arms, his expression resolute. "I do. I may not like that Star Spangled Douche, but I won't let my hate for him, or your capitalist regime, get in the way of being with my family again."

Peter arched an eyebrow, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Your family, huh?" He was more than happy to see Natasha get a happy ending like this.

Natasha, Yelena, and Melina exchanged surprised glances, astonishment washing over their faces at Alexei's words. The rugged man looked down at his feet, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "I've spent years regretting my actions, especially the way I treated all of you. I let my own ego blind me to what truly mattered. Now, I want to make amends and stay close to you all."

A warm smile spread across Natasha's face, her heart softening at Alexei's sincerity. "It feels like I'm dreaming," she said gently, "I wonder how Steve will react to this..."

Alexei huffed, a frown playing out on his lips. "We don't use that name in this family. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth."

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "What am I supposed to call him then?" She asked, clearly amused by her fathers antics.

"American scum, Star-Spangled Sissy, Yankee Doodle Dandyboy, Freedom Faker, Shield-Swinging Weakling, Liberty Lapdog, Capitalist Swine…" without missing a beat, Alexei started unloading all sorts of hateful nicknames.

Peter chuckled in amusement. "Welcome to the Avengers, Alexei."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com



The days that followed were a whirlwind of activity. Peter worked tirelessly to help the widows transition into their new lives, leveraging his connections to streamline the process. Government officials, influenced by his personal rapport with the president, expedited the paperwork required for granting them brand new identities as US citizens. Each widow received a birth certificate, Social Security Number, and ID card.

For those who chose to join the Avengers, Peter's meticulous planning ensured they had their own apartments within the Tower. As for the Widows who opted for a civilian life, he placed them in areas they desired, with a free home, recommendations for jobs, and a financial cushion to begin anew. Tony Stark's generosity knew no bounds.

'God bless his soul.' Peter thought, excitedly anticipating the look on Tony's face when he sees the bill.

As the days passed, Peter finally met with the Widows at Melina's farmhouse. He freed them and gave them the same offer as the others, tripling the staff of the Nightingales in a single day. Though Natasha's role as director came with its challenges, Peter supported her every step of the way. He admired her tenacity and knew that she was more than capable of shouldering the responsibility.

During this time, Peter also took control of the Red Room's assets, including the airship, which he officially adding to the Avengers' fleet. He was beginning to wonder if he should remodel the ship into a mobile Avengers Base.

'I would have to upgrade the tech thought. After all, even the sh*ttiest spaceship in our fleet is more advanced…' Peter saved those thoughts for another time.

The real challenge came in dealing with the Red Room's mind control technology and data. Knowing its potential for manipulation and destruction, Peter made the very easy call to keep it away from everyone, including his family and the Avengers. He couldn't risk any misuse of accidents with such dangerous tech.

Melina's stash of mind control tech was confiscated as well. And she was banned from re-creating anything of the sort ever again. It was just too dangerous. Peter even searched the Widows as they left the Red Room, making sure they didn't take anything on their way out. Even his team wasn't immune to such treatment. Everyone was searched.



With every passing day, the widows began to find their footing. Some adjusted to their new roles as Avengers, training alongside Natasha and embracing their newfound purpose. Others explored their civilian lives, creating families, attending schools, building up their careers. Once it all began set in, every Widow began to realize how grateful they were for the second chance they had been given.

As Peter observed the progress from afar, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had orchestrated a new chapter for these women, guiding them towards a future that was no longer shackled by their past.

'But man…' Peter thought, his mind descending into the gutter. 'If I was some evil villain, I would have definitely taken those Widows under my wing… personally~'

As those thoughts came, suddenly, an image appeared in Peter's mind. It was MJ! 'Why does this always happen? Did she curse me?' He wondered as he took in MJ's demonic form, her once radiant beauty is now twisted into a menacing visage.

Her skin is a deep shade of obsidian, giving off an otherworldly sheen. Her eyes, which were once warm and expressive, now glow with an intense and malevolent crimson light. The pupils are slitted, like those of a predatory animal.

Her hair, once flowing and vibrant, now takes on a life of its own, writhing and shifting as if it were made of serpents. It's a chaotic mix of deep black and fiery red, like molten lava frozen in time. As she moves, the hair seems to flicker and writhe as if it's alive.

Her delicate features are now sharp and angular, with pronounced cheekbones and a pointed, sinister smile that reveals gleaming, razor-sharp teeth. Her attire is a blend of elegant yet eerie, with flowing robes that seem to meld and shift like shadows, giving the illusion of her form being constantly in flux.

Her hands have long, claw-like nails that are as black as her soul, and they drip with an ominous, greenish venom. Her aura exudes an aura of darkness, making her presence both alluring and terrifying.

'What the f*ck!' Peter shook his head, dispelling the evil creature from his mind. 'It's getting stronger!'


As the day's tasks drew to a close, Peter let out a satisfied sigh, looking around his office within the Avengers Tower. It had been a productive day, and the completion of the Black Widow business felt like a significant milestone. He trusted Natasha to handle the Nightingales and her new division. It was time for him to return to his own life, if only for a little while.

'I want to be a lazy b*stard for at least a week!' Peter thought, ready to head home and become one with his bed.

Just as he was about to head home, the soothing voice of Jarvis echoed through the room's speakers. "Sir, I have a visitor requesting your audience."

Peter rolled his eyes in annoyance, releasing a sigh of frustration. "Who is it this time, Jarvis? Because if it's another government official, then just send them home."

The AI's response carried a hint of amusement. "Actually, it is King T'Chaka of Wakanda."

Peter's interest was piqued immediately. His eyebrows shot up, and he leaned against his desk. "King T'Chaka? Send him up, please."

He barely had time to prepare himself before the door to his office opened, and in walked T'Chaka, dressed in the regal attire of a diplomat. The King's presence commanded respect and held an air of wisdom that was unmistakable.

"Yo, what's up?" Peter greeted with a nod, throwing away all formalities. "Does Wakanda need help with something?"

T'Chaka returned the nod with a solemn expression, unperturbed by Peter's casual greeting. "It is good to see you. I come with an important decision that has been reached after much deliberation."

Peter leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "Please, enlighten me."

T'Chaka clasped his hands behind his back, his posture regal as he spoke. "After careful consideration and discussions with the tribal leaders of Wakanda, I have come to accept your offer to join the Avengers Council."

Peter blinked, momentarily caught off guard. He had made that offer during his visit to Wakanda, but it seemed like a distant memory now. Still, he recovered quickly, his surprise giving way to a sense of intrigue. "Are you telling me that it took you this long to come to a decision?"

T'Chaka inclined his head slightly. "Indeed. It is a decision that was not taken lightly. After all, Wakanda is a very introverted nation, but we recognize the importance of unity and collaboration."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Peter's lips. "I'm happy that you've chosen to accept. I'm sure you'll be an invaluable addition to the council." He said as he turned to the stacks of paperwork on his desk. "Unlike some, who dump all of the work onto me…"

T'Chaka's eyes held a glint of amusement. "Thank you. As you've said before, the world is changing and so should Wakanda. I believe that together, we can work towards a more harmonious world."

Peter nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. I'll convene the council tomorrow and have a vote. If it passes, you'll be an official member of the Avengers Council, so you'll have to attend."

T'Chaka's expression remained composed, his voice steady. "I'll be there. Know that I take this responsibility seriously, and I am committed to making the council's decisions for the greater good, for not just Wakanda, but the world as well."

"No need to lay it on so thick with me. Save all of that politician talk for the Council meeting tomorrow," Peter said dismissively, eliciting a laugh from the old monarch.

T'Chaka couldn't keep the amused smile from his face. "I see, you haven't changed since our last meeting."

Peter shrugged. "Nope, not one bit." He said, leaning back in his chair. "So… are you going to remain King after this? Or is T'Challa stepping up?"

"If everything goes well tomorrow, then I'll step down and T'Challa will take my place…" He said, a complex look on his face. "I only hope that he's ready. Because I know that I wasn't when it was my time."

"He'll be fine." Peter shrugged. "Besides, if he messes up, then his Daddy can come bail him out, like all the other rich kids." He smirked under his mask. "The Avengers will have your back, so don't worry too much."

T'Chaka paused for a moment before a relieved smile returned to his face. "Thank you… but let's hope he doesn't need us."

A/N: 1800 words :)



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