I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 434: New Councilman & Luke’s

Chapter 434: New Councilman & Luke’s

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


🚨Insert UFC/MMA GIFs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): The_Crimson_Abyss!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

The following day brought about a sense of anticipation within the walls of the Avengers Tower. The Council members were gathering for a pivotal meeting that held the potential to shape the course of events to come. Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, and of course, Peter, all sat around the table, the holographic interface illuminating their faces.

Tony leaned forward, fingers dancing across the console embedded in the table's surface. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's get this show on the road. After all, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to… Today we're here to vote on a new member joining the Council."

Fury, as usual, was the first to speak. "Any objections?" he asked, scanning each of their faces.

Charles spoke up next, his calm demeanor contrasting with Fury's intensity. "No objections from me."

Erik nodded in agreement, his magnetic presence palpable. "None from me either. Though I do hope we'll be able to trade for some Vibranium after this…" A greedy glint flashed across his eyes.

Peter chimed in with a casual thumbs-up. "I'm all for it." He said before turning to Erik. "As for trading with Wakanda, I doubt they'll do that anytime soon. You'll probably have to wait until they get a bit more comfortable with us."

Tony looked around the table. "Great. Then let's put it to a vote." He initiated the voting process, each member selecting their choice on the holographic panel before them. Moments later, the results appeared in a holographic tally and… the vote was unanimous.

Tony grinned, leaning back in his chair. "Congratulations, T'Chaka. You're officially an Avenger."

The door to the council room slid open, and King T'Chaka walked in, regal in his bearing as always. He acknowledged the council members with a nod, his expression a mixture of pride and humility. "I am honored by your trust in me."

Tony gestured to the empty seat beside him. "Take a seat."

T'Chaka settled into the chair, his gaze steady as he met the eyes of his fellow council members. "I will do my best to contribute positively."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As T'Chaka sat down, Tony's fingers danced across the console again. A holographic globe appeared above the table, displaying Earth in all its splendor. The globe zoomed in, honing in on a particular region… the hidden nation of Wakanda. The image was both awe-inspiring and alarming, especially for T'Chaka.

T'Chaka's eyes widened, his gaze fixed on the hologram. "How... How did you find Wakanda? Is this live?!" He shouted upon noticing the time and date on the hologram.

Tony smirked, his eyes glinting mischievously. "I upgraded my satellites with a bunch of alien tech. Cool, huh?"

Peter chimed in. "Yeah, and it's only a matter of time before someone else's tech gets better too."

T'Chaka's brow furrowed, concern etching his features. "Our isolation has been our strength for centuries. To be discovered like this..."

Peter leaned forward, his voice earnest. "T'Chaka, the world is changing faster than we can anticipate. Technology is growing exponentially. As I've already told you before, soon enough, someone else will stumble upon Wakanda. We're just lucky it was us this time around."

T'Chaka nodded slowly, his mind grappling with the implications. "How long do we have before others find out?"

Tony leaned back, his expression serious. "In my professional opinion? A few years, tops."

Peter leaned back as well, his tone casual despite the gravity of the situation. "We're living in a time where secrets are harder to keep. People are curious. They're going to find out eventually."

T'Chaka's shoulders sagged slightly, the weight of his responsibilities evident. "Then we must prepare."

Tony nodded, his eyes locked onto T'Chaka's. "We can help with that. We've been through our fair share of controversies and media frenzies. We know how to handle public scrutiny."

Peter leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. "If you're open to it, we could call a press conference and reveal the existence of Wakanda ourselves. You could explain everything on your own terms. This way, no one can twist the news before us."

T'Chaka considered their words, a thoughtful expression on his face. "While I appreciate your willingness to help, the decision to reveal ourselves does not lie solely with me. It involves our tribal leaders, and they're all isolationists. Not a single one of them would ever agree to that."

Peter shrugged, a wry smile on his lips. "Well, if they're not up for it, then we can only leave it up to fate."

T'Chaka nodded, his gaze steady. "Indeed. We'll have to wait and prepare for the worst..."

As the meeting concluded, T'Chaka rose from his seat, a sense of determination in his eyes. "Thank you for your assistance. I will consider our options carefully."

Peter smiled under his mask. "Now, If no one has anything else to report, I believe that concludes our meeting-"

Tony abruptly hopped out of his chair. "Oh, thank god…" He muttered as he paced out of the room, ready to lock himself in his workshop once again.

T'Chaka chuckled in amusement. "He reminds me of my daughter..." He said before leaving his chair as well. "Speaking of my family, I must return to Wakanda to prepare for my sons inauguration!"

Remembering what's supposed to happen on T'Challa's Inauguration Day, Peter called out behind T'Chaka. "Don't forget to send us an invite!"

"Of course-Of course." T'Chaka replied as he left the room.

The council chamber slowly emptied as the members departed, each lost in their thoughts and tasks for the day. Alone in the room, Peter leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head. 'I wonder if Killmonger will still be able to get into Wakanda? After all, Klaue is already off the board, so he would need to find another way in…' As he rose from his seat, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching.

The door to the chamber swung open, and in walked Deadpool, his red and black suit in stark contrast to the muted tones of the room. "Hey, Spidey!" he exclaimed, arms wide as he strolled in. "Long time no see, huh?"

Peter sighed. "Hey, Wade. Yeah, been kinda busy lately."

Deadpool crossed his arms, his masked face twisting into an exaggerated pout. "Busy, shmizy. You disappeared on me, buddy. Where the f*ck have you been?"

Peter chuckled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Sorry about that. Things got a little hectic. I was-"

Deadpool waved a hand dismissively, interrupting before Peter could explain. "Eh, whatever. You're here now. And speaking of being here, I found out who Kingpin is."

Peter sighed once again, knowing he wouldn't be headed home as he had hoped. "You did? How?"

Deadpool's grin was practically audible in his voice. "Let's just say I've been doing a little detective work. Spent the last month or so hunting down anyone connected to Kingpin until I finally got a lead on his true identity."

Peter leaned forward, feigning interest. "So, who is Kingpin?"

Deadpool's tone was triumphant. "Wilson Fisk, my friend. The big guy himself."

Peter did his best to sound shocked. "Wow… Wilson Fisk... I should've known."

Deadpool looked smug with himself. "I know, I'm amazing for figuring it out. But here's the fun part. Remember our plan to take him down together?"

'I just want to be lazy! Why won't anyone let me!' Peter shouted in his head, utterly defeated. "Of course… I assume, you want to go after Kingpin now?"

Deadpool nodded, his excitement palpable. "Exactly. And I'm inviting you to come along for the ride. We can murder and defile his corpse together!"

'What a drag…' Peter sighed once again, embodying his inner Shikamaru Nara. "I'm in, minus the defiling part… But first, we need to organize a team for this."

Deadpool rolled his eyes dramatically. "Ugh, come on! We don't need a whole team. It's just Fisk. Besides, they'll just interrupt our budding bromance."

"That's even more reason to invite them." Peter held up a finger. "Now hold on a sec. I know a few people who'd probably want to be involved."

Ignoring Deadpool's protests, Peter pulled out his phone and quickly typed out a message to Daredevil and Jessica Jones. "Sending out a couple of texts," he explained, eyes on his screen.

Deadpool let out an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, fine. Text your buddies. But can we go already?"

Peter shook his head. "Hold on a second, I'm almost done."

Just as he was about to put his phone away, he paused, a thought striking him. "Wait, there's one more person I want to reach out to."

Deadpool groaned, flopping into a nearby chair. "You're killing me, Spidey."

Ignoring Deadpool's antics, Peter stashed his phone away and opened up a portal. 'Hopefully, he's in Harlem already. If not, then I'll just have to wait, I guess…' He thought as he stepped through the portal.

Deadpool's eyes widened, surprise evident beneath his mask. "Hey! Wait for me!" He shouted, rushing to follow Peter through.



A swirling portal shimmered into existence on the bustling streets of Harlem, and out stepped Spider-Man, followed closely by Deadpool. The appearance of the two heroes caused pedestrians to stop in their tracks, their expressions a mix of awe and disbelief. Spider-Man gave a casual wave to the onlookers before leading the way into a dive bar named Luke's.

As they entered the bar, the atmosphere shifted. Conversations died down, and all eyes turned towards the two newcomers. The place was alive with energy, but it fell into a hushed silence as Spider-Man and Deadpool made their way inside.

Behind the bar stood a tall and imposing figure, his muscles practically bursting through his clothes. This was Luke Cage, the man Peter had come to see. He glanced up from his work, his expression wary but curious. The room seemed to hold its breath as he regarded the unexpected visitors.

[Insert picture of Luke Cage here]

Ignoring the odd looks from the patrons, Peter and Wade took two empty seats at the bar. Wade leaned in, his tone overly enthusiastic. "Hey, barkeep! Two Mojito's for me and my husband!"

A/N: 1710 words :)



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