I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 523: Strike First

Chapter 523: Strike First

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In a large hall in the Avengers tower, an atmosphere of urgency filled the air. The Avengers had assembled, all dressed in their gear, ready for action. The alarms had called them to attention, and they had gathered to discuss the impending threat.

Peter, in his Spider-Man suit, rubbed the back of his head and stifled a yawn as he entered the room. His arrival drew the attention of those present. Captain America, Black Widow, Brunnhilde, and other Avengers members turned to face him. Across from him, Batman and Superman, also suited up, acknowledged his presence.

Superman spoke first, his deep voice resonating with determination, "We're here to help. We'll fight alongside the Avengers."

Batman nodded in agreement. "Agreed." He says as he eyes Peter for a moment. "We've dealt with our fair share of alien invasions over the years, and it's never pretty…"

Peter appreciated their support. "Thanks, we appreciate the help."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As the conversation continued, Natasha stepped forward and informed Peter, "Fury and the rest of the council are waiting for you in the council chambers."

Peter nodded and made his way past the many Avengers and entered the double doors leading to the council chambers.

Inside the chamber, Peter found a formidable assembly. Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Magneto, Professor X, and T'Chaka, the former king of Wakanda, were all present.

Fury greeted Peter with a wicked grin, his eyes filled with a sense of vindictive amusement, before leaning in and stating, "Finally, the great Spider-Man graces us with his presence." He claps his hands, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Peter, feeling a chill run down his spine, realized that Fury must have been saddled with his paperwork whilst he was gone. After all, the rest of them would never voluntarily choose to do more work. 'He must have some revenge planned…'

Peter wasted no time and immediately changed the subject, "So, what do we know about this alien fleet?"

Tapping the table, Tony projected a holographic image that displayed countless red dots approaching Earth. He explained, "We've got around a thousand ships coming our way, all following a flagship. The flagship is about ten times the size of the rest. Our cameras can't get a clear image yet, but they're getting closer."

Silence fell over the room as everyone took in the gravity of the situation, staring blankly at the holographic map, each red dot representing a massive alien warship headed their way.

Breaking the silence, Peter spoke up, his tone remarkably calm considering the impending threat. "We have a couple of options here. We can wait and prepare to use the network of Kree, Nova, and Chitauri ships that surround the planet to help defend us when they get closer. However, that means allowing the fleet to approach Earth, which is risky."

Peter continued. "Or, we can get everyone ready for battle now, and I can go investigate to see if the fleet is hostile. If it is, I can open portals to each ship and let the Avengers board and attack before the fleet gets anywhere near us or the planet's inhabitants."

The council and Peter's allies considered the options carefully. Some even threw out some other ideas, but after some deliberation, they reached a consensus.

Fury spoke decisively, "We can't afford to wait." He turns to Peter. "Go investigate and confirm if the fleet is hostile. If it is, then we'll use the portal strategy"

With a quick nod, Peter prepared to head out, though he couldn't help but wonder. 'Who the hell would fly a fleet of warships into our solar system?' He had a good idea of who it might be, but he had to be sure before saying anything…

Before heading out to infiltrate the oncoming alien fleet, Peter considered his options. With the blood samples from the Flash, Superman, and Martian Manhunter, he could potentially use this opportunity to test out their powers. All he would have to do is assimilate them and he would have their powers. It was tempting, but he realized the risks involved.

Peter knew that if he suddenly displayed new abilities, like laser eyes or super speed, then both Superman and Batman, who were still in his universe, would grow suspicious. They would question the source of these newfound powers, and he just didn't want to deal with that.

Reluctantly, Peter decided to postpone assimilating the blood samples. It was a wise choice to avoid any stern looks from Batman or betrayed looks from Superman.

With that idea shelved, he waited until the Avengers were prepared since it wouldn't take him long to investigate the fleet. When the moment was right, he used a quick spell to turn himself invisible and make his presence undetectable. Then, he opened a portal and stepped onto the flagship of the approaching alien fleet.

It didn't take him long to recognize the architecture of the ship… it was Chitauri. He had commandeered quite a few of these ships during the last Chitauri invasion.

Peter's mind raced as he considered the purpose of this fleet. Was it an organized attack to seek avenge the death of Thanos, or had the Mad Titan somehow survived the poison he had administered to him? It seemed unlikely that anyone could endure the deadliest poison in existence, but there was always the possibility.

As Peter stealthily explored the ship, expertly avoiding any and all patrols that came his way, he arrived at the main deck and stopped dead in his tracks. There, staring out into the cold expanse of space, stood Thanos, the Mad Titan, holding a familiar spear. It was unmistakably the weapon that contained the Mind Stone, Loki's spear from the first Avengers movie.

'My precious…' Peter thought as he eyed the spear which most contained the last of the Infinity Stones. Retrieving it would complete his collection.

Ignoring his growing greed for a moment, Peter couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and awe at the sight of Thanos. If this was indeed the same Mad Titan who had fallen victim to his poison and somehow survived, then it was a testament to Thanos's incredible resilience and strength.

Peter was truly impressed.

Just as Peter contemplated his next move and whether he should reveal himself, Thanos's voice resonated through the chamber, asking, "Are you just going to stand there and hide all day?"

Startled, Peter watched as Thanos turned around and gazed directly at him, as if he wasn't invisible. He was well aware that Thanos was no ordinary adversary, but this ability to perceive him went beyond what Peter had anticipated.

With a sigh of resignation, Peter deactivated the spell that kept him hidden and revealed himself to the Mad Titan. Instantly, Thanos's eyes tuned bloodshot, and he tightened his grip on the spear. The man who had tricked him and poisoned him was finally here, and he could feel his blood begin to boil at the mere sight of him.

"Spider-Man!" Thanos spat Peter's name as if it left a bad taste in his mouth. "Finally, we meet again…"

"Yo." Waving a casual hello to the Mad Titan. "I'm not going to lie… I thought you were dead." He eyed Thanos up and down. "You look like you lost some weight… Have you been sick or something?"

While maintaining a smile beneath his mask, Peter discreetly opened portals to every other ship within the surrounding fleet. These portals connected directly to the Avengers tower, where every Avenger was eagerly waiting, including Batman and Superman.

As the portals materialized before the Avengers and their newfound allies, it was evident that a well-organized plan had already been established. Each member of the Avengers was assigned to specific teams and knew their roles in the impending conflict.

Batman and Superman had their designated portal as well, which they swiftly rushed through. Peter decided to pair them as a two-man team, given their unique abilities and experience. It was an ideal combination of raw power and tactical genius.

The portal led Batman and Superman onto one of the alien ships, appearing in the middle of a vast, dimly lit hangar. The chamber was filled with a multitude of smaller Chitauri vessels, while thousands of Chitauri soldiers went about their duties. They were all going about their business until the sudden appearance of two new arrivals in the center of the hangar drew their attention.

An eerie silence fell upon the chamber as every Chitauri soldier turned their heads to face Batman and Superman, their cold, bug eyes scrutinizing the unexpected intruders. A few moments passed as the tension in the room grew, creating a palpable feeling of anticipation. Then, without warning, the Chitauri warriors took action.

With uncanny precision and in eerie unison, they charged toward the two intruders. It was as if their hive mind had instantly recognized the threat and responded with a ruthless determination to eliminate it.

Superman and Batman, side by side, prepared for the onslaught. With a confident nod, they exchanged a brief wordless understanding of their roles. Superman, with his incredible strength and speed, would serve as the front-line powerhouse, drawing the enemy's attention and providing cover for Batman, whose strategic brilliance would allow him to exploit the Chitauri's weaknesses.

The battle erupted in a blur of superhuman speed and tactical precision. Superman flew directly into the charging Chitauri ranks, creating shockwaves with each powerful punch and sending his foes flying. He zipped between opponents, a crimson and blue blur of speed, unleashing his heat vision in focused bursts to bisect those who dared to stand in his way.

At the same time, Batman weaved between the Chitauri warriors, using Superman as a distraction. As he moved through the ranks of the Chitauri, he made sure toss a single explosive batarang from his utility belt onto every single ship in the hangar, which detonated as he got a good distance away, shaking the ship as the hangar filled with smoke.

Superman, despite being vastly outnumbered, handled the Chitauri with ease. He was an unstoppable force, and his mere presence was a beacon of hope for those around him. However, Batman's analytical mind ensured that they fought with the utmost efficiency and minimal collateral damage.

The conflict was fierce and unrelenting, but with Superman and Batman working in tandem, the Chitauri's numerical advantage seemed irrelevant. As they battled wave after wave of soldiers, it became apparent that the Chitauri didn't stand a chance.

A/N: 1800 words :)



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