I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 524: Peter Vs. Thanos (1/2)

Chapter 524: Peter Vs. Thanos (1/2)

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As the portals materialized before the Avengers and their newfound allies, the chamber in the Avengers tower buzzed with anticipation. Every member of the Avengers had been assigned to specific teams, their roles carefully considered to maximize their effectiveness in the battle ahead.

Captain America, standing tall and resolute, led the charge. His Vibranium shield was a shining beacon of hope for his team as he, Peggy Carter, and Bucky Barnes stepped through their portal, leading to one of the many ships in the oncoming alien fleet. Their combined skills, agility, and combat prowess made them a formidable trio.

Brunnhilde, accompanied by her Valkyrie sisters, embarked into dozens of portals, leaping headfirst into battle for the first time since their resurrection. Their combination of mystical power and divine might made them a force to be reckoned with.

Similar to the Valkyrie, Black Widow lead the man Widows of Nightingale through a portal, each of them armed with the best laser pistols and rifles that the Avengers had.

Meanwhile, Hawkeye, Falcon, and other low level Avengers, poorer through another portal. Peter and the rest of the council decided to bunch all of the rather weak Avengers into one team, where they can combine their meager skills into a formidable force.

Ant-Man and the Wasp, utilizing their unique size-changing abilities, slipped into the alien ships undetected, seeking strategic opportunities to disrupt the enemy's operations from within.

Peter didn't bother calling Hank and Janet since they were a bit old to be fighting off alien invasions. But most of all, he just didn't want to force the newly divorced pair to see each other. After all, the divorce is still pretty fresh.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After rescuing Janet from the quantum realm and returning home, Hank had some time to really think about the fact that Janet found love again and moved on without him, which then resulted in the two separating.

Hank didn't really blame her, as he'd always love Janet, but he just couldn't bring himself to be with her anymore, which saddened both of them, including their daughter, Hope. But thankfully, Hope was a 34 year old woman, so she didn't take it too hard.

And from what Peter has heard, the two are still amicable, but he just didn't want to deal with any drama.

'Yeah… no thanks.' Peter thought at the time.

With every portal, a distinct and powerful group entered the fray. The plan was orchestrated with precision, ensuring that each team was ready and able to succeed in their mission.

As the Avengers emerged from their portals onto different ships within the fleet, they faced the same eerie silence and the cold, unfeeling eyes of the Chitauri. A moment of tense anticipation filled the air, mirroring the situation Batman and Superman had confronted.

Then, chaos erupted. The Avengers leaped into action, each group engaging the Chitauri forces with their distinct style and abilities.

Captain America's shield was a blur of red, white, and blue as he deflected energy blasts and battered the Chitauri warriors. Black Widow moved with grace and precision, striking with her batons while acrobatically dodging attacks. Brunnhilde, armed with her Asgardian sword, radiated strength and confidence as she challenged the alien foes.

As each team battled fiercely, the Chitauri's numerical advantage meant little in the face of the Avengers' unwavering determination and combined might. The elements of surprise and teamwork worked to their advantage, creating a rapidly escalating chaos on board the alien vessels.


Back on the Flagship, the confrontation between Spider-Man and Thanos crackled with tension. They stood on the expansive deck of the Chitauri flagship, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. Spider-Man couldn't help but compare the Mad Titans appearance to when they first met.

Peter smirked under his mask. "Damn, that poison must have really done a number on you, huh?"

Once a hulking and imposing figure, Thanos now appeared noticeably different, having suffered the consequences of a severe poisoning that left him bedridden for an extended period.

His once bulging, titan-like muscles had shrunk, leaving his frame significantly diminished. The pronounced contours of his imposing physique had faded, replaced by a more lean and shrunken appearance.

Despite his regained health, Thanos bore the unmistakable signs of a body weakened by prolonged inactivity and sickness, his once-intimidating presence reduced to a shadow of its former self.

Thanos angrily gripped the Mind Stone-empowered spear, its intricate engravings shimmering with an otherworldly glow. "And who's fault do you think that is?" He asked in contempt. Each movement he made was both deliberate and graceful, ready to finally get his vengeance.

With a taunting grin hidden beneath his mask, Peter's voice was laced with playful mockery. "Would that be little old me?" He asked, pointing directly at himself. "But you know, for a guy who's supposed to be dead, you look pretty good."

Thanos responded with an amused chuckle, his deep voice resonating through the chamber. "Ah, Spider-Man, always the jester, aren't you?"

As they spoke, both parties began circling each other, probing for weaknesses, testing the waters, their movements created a captivating spectacle.

Being the first to act, Peter kicked off the ground, closing the distance between them with blinding speed. His reflexes were honed to perfection, a result of his arduous training throughout the years.

Appearing before the Mad Titan, Peter sent a spartan kick to his chest. "Since you're to afraid, I'll make the first move!"

Thanos, eye twitching from the annoying comment, met Peter's attack with grace. His superhuman agility allowed him to dodge, though only by a hairs breath.

As they clashed, Peter's superhuman strength and combat skills became evident. His punches and kicks landed with the force of a speeding freight train, and he demonstrated a deep understanding of martial arts.

On the other hand, Thanos's superhuman strength was formidable, allowing him to hold his own against Peter's onslaught. Their blows collided with tremendous force, causing shockwaves that reverberated throughout the flagship. The impact of each punch sent tremors through the ship's structure.

Peter's movements were fluid and unpredictable, his body morphing and twisting like an acrobat. He harnessed his arachnid agility to evade Thanos's strikes while taunting him. "Is that all you've got, big guy? Oh, wait, maybe it should be little guy now?"

Thanos responded with an annoyed grunt, yet his resolve was unshaken. "Just give up, Spider. I promise to a pare your planet as long as you surrender now." He says as he sent Peter a murderous look. "Otherwise, I'll slaughter everyone you love alongside your entire planet, and I'll make you watch as I do it!"

Peter jokingly shivered, feigning fear. "Oh, no… I'm so scared. Somebody save me from this anorexic Titan!"

Thanos merely shoo-in his head. "Just remember, you shoes this yourself…"

Their battle escalated as Peter's strength surged. The fiery Phoenix flames flickered around him, burning with intensity. The air shimmered with heat as he unleashed devastating energy blasts, searing through the deck plating and sending fiery waves toward Thanos.

The Mad Titan deftly dodged the fiery attacks, his superhuman reflexes enabling him to weave between the torrent of flames. Yet, a grin tugged at the corner of his lips, betraying his amusement. After all, it's not everyday that he fights a worthy battle.

With a blinding burst of speed, Peter lunged at Thanos, his fists covered in Phoenix flames. He swung at the Mad Titan with a series of powerful blows, driving him back. The deck trembled under their incredible clash of strength.

Thanos staggered but quickly recovered, demonstrating his superhuman durability. His flesh bore no burns from the flames, and his healing factor rapidly mended any wounds.

Spider-Man continued his relentless assault, channeling his immense power and taunting Thanos. "I hate to say this, but… I… I think you might actually be weaker than the last time we met…"

"Shut up!" Thanos exclaimed, which caused Peter to smirk, knowing that he struck a cord that time.

As the battle raged on, the Mad Titan found himself on the defensive. The Chitauri flagship quaked under the intensity of their struggle.

'I don't think I'll need to use any of my Infinity Stone…' Peter mused, almost disappointed by how weak Thanos had become.

Pressed his advantage, Peter forced Thanos to defend himself against a barrage of punishing blows.

Yet, Thanos's resolve remained unbroken. With a defiant roar, he unleashed a shockwave of energy, sending Peter hurtling backward. The ship's deck crumbled beneath the impact, and a gaping chasm formed between the two adversaries.

Spinning in the air, Peter landed on his feet and brushed off his suit. "Huh, I didn't expect that…"

Thanos stood across from him, breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath. 'I can't lose!' He thought as he gripped his spear tightly, drawing upon the Mind Stones power.

But before the battle could resume, their attention was diverted by the bright light of explosions that lit up the chamber from outside. Surprised, they turned to witness a grim spectacle through the windows.

One by one, the fleet of Chitauri warships was being torn apart by the Avengers' coordinated attack. Explosions blossomed like deadly flowers across the void of space. The flagship shuddered as one of its closer companion vessels was consumed by fire.

Thanos watched with a mixture of anger and disbelief as his fleet crumbled under the Avengers' assault. The sight of his meticulously planned invasion unraveling infuriated him.

With a final, lingering glance at Spider-Man, Thanos growled, "This isn't over, Spider-Man." He gripped his spear, which glowed in a bright light a enveloped his entire body.

A/N: 1615 words :)



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