I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 540: Fort Benning

Chapter 540: Fort Benning

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After a comfortable night's sleep in their hospital room turned bedroom, Peter awoke to the sun beaming into the room, casting a warm glow on the space. MJ, his wife, lay cuddled up next to him, her cute sleeping face adorned with a peaceful expression.

It was still their honeymoon, so the previous night had been filled with fiery passion and carnal pleasures. After all, this was their first night alone in a room together since they started their journey. Every other night was spent with Joel, Tommy, and Sarah somewhere in the vicinity.

Peter couldn't help but smile as he admired MJ's serene sleeping face, even as she drooled on his chest. 'So cute…' He could spend ours just looking at his wife sleeping, spit leaking out of her mouth.

As MJ stirred awake, Peter gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered, eliciting a sleepy smile from his wife. The responsibilities awaiting them outside the confines of their private room were momentarily forgotten as they shared a quiet, affectionate moment.

However, duty called, and after a while, Peter got straight to work. Today was the day to raid Fort Benning, and he intended to leave nothing behind. The military base held the promise of valuable resources, weapons, and perhaps more soldiers to join their cause. Time was of the essence, and Peter was determined to clear out the entire facility in a single day.

After getting ready, Peter assembled his team for the mission. With MJ at his side, along with Tommy and Joel, they made their way downstairs and out of the hospital.

Once again, Michonne would stay behind to look after Andre and Sarah. Since she has reliable people around her now, she didn't need to go out and leave her son behind anymore. Something that should have been the case from the beginning.

'She seems much happier than she looked in the show…' Peter thought as he saw Michonne feeding her son his breakfast.

After exchanging some words with Michonne, the group prepared to leave, but as they stepped outside, they found a surprising scene. 'What the…?'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Major, recognizing Peter's capabilities and leadership, had not only given his approval but also mobilized a significant number of soldiers to join the cause.

Outside the hospital walls, a convoy of military hummers and trucks lined up, soldiers in uniform prepared for the mission. More than a hundred volunteers, armed and ready, offered their services to Peter. The Major himself approached, a nod of approval evident in his expression.

"These soldiers offered to help with the Fort Benning operation. They are under your command, if you'll accept them." Major Lewis stated with a salute, acknowledging Peter as a higher authority than himself. Even though Peter's side of the deal wasn't fully completed, he had already made a huge impact on all of the soldiers, their commander included.

Peter, though surprised by the overwhelming support, didn't hesitate. "I appreciate your trust. Let's get this done."

"They're all yours." The Major nodded his head. "I'll be waiting to hear the good news. All of the trucks from yesterday have been emptied and refueled. As soon as you radio in, I'll send them over for transport."

After a brief talk, the convoy set out with Peter and his group leading the way in his police SUV, followed by the military vehicles. The hum of engines and the synchronized movements of the convoy conveyed a sense of purpose and determination. The soldiers, inspired by Peter's previous displays of prowess, were eager to follow his lead.

As they drove toward Fort Benning, leaving the town and speeding down the highway, the once daunting prospect now seemed conquerable.


After hours of navigating the barren highways, Peter and his convoy of soldiers eventually reached Fort Benning. The sprawling military base, once a symbol of security, loomed ahead.

A sign proudly declared, "Welcome to Fort Benning," a stark contrast to the grim reality they were about to face. The open layout of the base, lacking the usual gated structure, was a testament to its previous functionality. However, the current state of the world demanded gated defenses.

Approaching the entrance, the sight that greeted Peter was expected. The makeshift gates, which must have been constructed after the outbreak, were partially open, and a small horde of zombies lingered nearby.

It was evident that the base had fallen to the infected. The absence of a secured perimeter around the huge complex meant that the zombies had found their way in through alternative routes. Peter couldn't help but think about the missed opportunity, which was the failure to gate off the entire base when the outbreak began.

'If they gated this place off, it would have made a good base instead of the town…' Peter thought. Although the town wasn't gated either, he had plans to make one once it was cleared out.

As the convoy turned into the entrance, Peter and the others noticed the zombies scattered around, many of which were former soldiers still in uniform.

Radioing to the soldiers, Peter instructed them to stop and hold their fire. Exiting his police SUV, he unsheathed Michonne's sword and swiftly moved towards the small horde. Beheading each zombie with precise strikes, Peter demonstrated a mastery over the sword that continued to impress the soldiers that followed him.

After dispatching the initial group, Peter returned to his vehicle. The gates were partially open, offering a narrow passage for the convoy to proceed. Leading the way, he guided the vehicles into the base. As they advanced, Peter remained vigilant, eyes scanning for signs of potential threats. He was acutely aware that a multitude of dangers could lie within the seemingly deserted Fort Benning.

Driving down the lengthy road leading into the base, Peter couldn't shake the thought that this world's Fort Benning had fallen faster than its television counterpart. The rapid, relentless nature of the zombies in this combination of worlds had likely played a decisive role.

After all, these infected were not the traditional slow-moving walkers but agile, fast, and unrelenting, creating an insurmountable wave that overwhelmed defenses.

As they navigated deeper into the base, Peter kept a watchful eye, searching for signs of landmines or any automated security systems that might have been installed. The military's extensive resources often included such protective measures, and Peter was determined not allow his men to fall victim to them.

Thankfully, the immediate vicinity seemed to be free of landmines or any automated defenses. The tension in the air slightly eased, but their guard remained up as they continued their approach.

Arriving at the end of the road, the convoy entered the massive campus-like complex that was Fort Benning. Large buildings sprawled across the area, interspersed with open fields presumably used for training exercises.

Fort Benning, being a prominent military installation, included large barracks for soldiers, administrative buildings for command operations, training grounds for drills, and specialized facilities for various purposes. It was huge, like a giant University Campus.

Sadly, the once meticulously organized and disciplined army base now bore the chaotic scars of the recent outbreak. Barricades and sandbags haphazardly blocked pathways, and remnants of vehicles hinted at the hurried attempts to control the situation.

Infected soldiers wandered aimlessly or clustered in random hordes. The once-disciplined army base had succumbed to the relentless onslaught of the undead. In a cruel twist of fate, those who once defended the nation were now a huge threat to its inhabitants.

Upon reaching the first group of buildings, a horde of around a hundred zombies turned their attention toward the approaching convoy.

Peter assumed command, swiftly issuing orders over the radio. "Listen up, I want each of you to head to the closest building and climb on top," he directed, "only open fire when you're all out of reach of the infected. I'll draw them away and start thinning the herd in the mean time."

Without hesitation, the soldiers mobilized. Peter, armed with Michonne's sword, dashed toward the approaching horde, skillfully slicing through the zombies as he deftly maneuvered among them. The soldiers swiftly drove up to the nearest building, using their vehicles as makeshift platforms and some teamwork to climb onto the roof.

As the soldiers ascended, they opened fire on the horde of zombies, careful not to hit Peter, who danced among the undead with lethal precision. The rhythmic boom of gunfire echoed through the base as the soldiers expertly picked off the infected from their elevated positions.

However, the distant sounds of gunfire acted as a beacon, drawing more zombies from the vast expanse of Fort Benning toward the source of the noise. It wasn't long before additional hordes closed in on the besieged area, presenting a relentless onslaught.

Deep within the basement of a building across the fort, a large group of soldiers who had been hiding away from the infected heard the gunshots. Hope sparked in their eyes, replacing the despair that had consumed them during their confinement.

These soldiers were starving, isolated, and unsure of the outside world, but the sound of gunshots served as a lifeline, a glimmer of hope they had thought lost.

Similar scenarios played out across the base as pockets of survivors, hidden away in different sections, heard the gunfire and dared to dream of rescue. The unexpected arrival of Peter and his forces breathed life into their fading hopes.

The relentless battle against the zombie horde persisted for hours as Peter, armed with Michonne's sword, skillfully carved through the undead. The sound of gunfire echoed through Fort Benning, acting as a siren call that drew more zombies to the scene. The soldiers, safe on the roof, fired constantly, each shot was a step toward reclaiming the military base.

Gradually, after hours, the horde thinned, and the constant stream of zombies dwindled to a trickle. The base floor was now littered with the bodies of the fallen infected, a testament to the relentless effort of Peter and his forces.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of zombies had met their demise. Peter observed the aftermath, confident that they had eradicated the majority of the infected within the base.

Satisfied with the progress, Peter sheathed Michonne's sword and took charge once again. "Good work, everyone. The majority of the infected are down, but we're not finished yet. Get down from the there and prepare to sweep the grounds. We need to ensure every last straggler is taken care of."

As the soldiers descended from their vantage point, they regrouped with Peter. The major part of the mission was accomplished, the undead threat was significantly neutralized. Now, the focus shifted to clearing the base building by building and field by field. Peter and MJ followed at a relaxed pace, overseeing the ongoing operation.

In nearly every building, they discovered survivors. Groups of 2 to 10 people huddled together, grateful for the rescue and the promise of sustenance. Larger groups, ranging from 30 to 50 individuals, emerged from various corners of the base. The survivors were a mix of military personnel and civilians who had sought refuge within Fort Benning.

By the time they finished clearing the base, they had encountered around 200 survivors. Many were soldiers, and among them, a few held high ranks, including a colonel.

While the immediate relief of being rescued was palpable, Peter couldn't shake the feeling that these high-ranking people would cause him trouble. After all, they've grown used to being in a position of power, so following Peter, a man who isn't from the military, will most likely feel demeaning.

Setting aside thoughts of potential future issues, Peter and his team transitioned to the next phase.


The rewards were plentiful. Ammunition of all calibers, military-grade weaponry, uniforms, vehicles, explosives, missile launchers, and other priceless treasures and needed supplies were among the growing list of loot.

Peter's eyes widened in sheer disbelief and delight as he surveyed the arsenal before him. It was a pile of riches that exceeded his wildest expectations. The soldiers watched as Peter's excitement bubbled over into a maniacal laugh, echoing through the cavernous base. The sight left some of them questioning whether they were following the right leader.

However, before uncertainty could take root, MJ stepped forward, her expression exasperated. With a swift motion, she delivered a resounding slap to the back of Peter's head, halting his laughter abruptly.

Peter held his head, eying MJ with a look of betrayal. "What the hell was that for?!"

MJ rolled her eyes. "You're scaring the soldiers…"

The soldiers themselves, witnessing this unexpected act, couldn't help but laugh. Peter might be a bit odd at times, but at least he isn't boring.

A/N: 2123 words :) long boy again



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