I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 541: A Fate Worse Than Death

Chapter 541: A Fate Worse Than Death

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After MJ swiftly quelled Peter's maniacal laughter, the reality of their situation demanded attention. Peter radioed Major Lewis, instructing him to send the transport for the loot.

Even though the Major knew Peter would succeed after witnessing his power and ability, he still couldn't help but feel both shocked and impressed. The problems that he toiled over for days were solved by Peter in only 24 hours. At this point, he didn't mind keeping his end of the deal.

After all, why wouldn't he want to follow Peter? He's brought their camp nothing but success.

Within a few hours, a convoy of eighteen-wheelers, box trucks, and military transport vehicles rumbled onto the scene. And just like before, Peter took charge, efficiently organizing the loading process.

As the soldiers diligently loaded the trucks with the spoils of their conquest, Peter's enhanced hearing picked up whispers among the newly rescued high-ranking officers.

The Colonel, highest in rank among them, seemed to be their focal point of discussion. Their discontent was palpable, questioning Peter's authority and openly voicing the belief that the Colonel should be leading the operation.

One officer remarked, "Who is this guy anyway? How did he end up in charge of us? We're soldiers, not his personal henchmen." The murmurs of agreement spread, fueled by their ego and desire for the familiarity of military hierarchy.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Peter, overhearing their conversation from afar, sighed in annoyance. He knew that the power dynamic would become an issue sooner or later.

Ignorant, these officers saw an opportunity to reclaim their sense of authority. But for now, Peter dismissed their discontent, focusing on securing the loot. He had neither the time nor patience to engage in a power struggle with these idiots right now.

'I'll find a way to take care of them later…' Peter thought, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the looted Fort Benning, the loading process neared completion. Boxes of ammunition, crates of weapons, and various military supplies were packed into the trucks. They took every last speck of loot without leaving behind a single crumb.

With a final glance at the secured loot, Peter decided it was time to leave. The convoy, now laden with the spoils of their raid, rumbled to life, setting off out of the base and onto the highway.

But, now that he had so many vehicles, Peter decided to ride back home in style. So, instead of his familiar police SUV, Peter chose to ride atop one of the tanks they had just acquired.

As they joined the endless line of vehicles on the highway, Peter and MJ found a comfortable spot on the tank's surface. Wrapped in each other's arms, they marveled at the night sky, unobstructed by the light pollution that once drowned out the stars. The apocalypse had its silver linings, and the brilliant night sky was one of them.

The highway stretched before them, a caravan of military vehicles heading back to the hospital. Riding on top of a tank, Peter and MJ felt a sense of triumph. They had achieved a significant victory, acquiring not only supplies but also a symbol of authority, a line of tanks and other formidable military vehicles that roared down the highway.

The journey home provided a rare moment of peace. The soldiers, tired but satisfied, reveled in the success of their mission. Peter couldn't help but appreciate the unity forged in the face of adversity. Yet, underneath the stars and the quiet hum of engines, Peter remained mindful of the brewing discontent among the high-ranking officers.

Peter knew that managing egos would be a challenge, but it wasn't a challenge he intended to face head-on. 'I'll give them a chance to calm down and become a part of the group, but if they try anything, then I'll have to just get rid of them…'

Thoughts of killing them off tonight whilst everyone slept swirled around Peter's mind, but in the end he decided against it. Technically, they haven't done anything, so he'll give them one chance, and one chance only.

After a long and triumphant drive back, the convoy, laden with loot and all sorts of military vehicles, finally returned to the hospital.

The sight of the impressive caravan surprised everyone inside the camp, the size of the loot forcing them to park a substantial portion of the convoy outside the hospital. Peter, unperturbed, had already planned to expand the camp to encompass the entire town, rendering the parking situation a minor inconvenience.

As everyone disembarked, the camp welcomed them with cheers and applause. The people, already grateful for Peter's previous feats, were now astounded by the sheer abundance of supplies and weapons he had brought back. Peter, their newfound hero, wasn't a stranger to peoples admiration. He just went straight to directing the unloading process with the efficiency of a seasoned commander.

The soldiers, tired but proud, hurried to unload, ready to join the rest of the camps residents in the celebration. Cookfires were lit for the second day in a row, and the smell of cooked food wafted through the air, a stark contrast to the usual somber atmosphere of survival they were forced to live before Peter's arrival.

Amidst the festivities, Peter couldn't help but notice the Colonel and his faction pulling Major Lewis aside for a private conversation. The secretive huddle raised suspicion, prompting MJ to look towards Peter with a raised brow. "When are you planning on dealing with those ungrateful rats? They've been conspiring ever since we saved them."

With an uncaring shrug, Peter replied, "Im just giving them a chance to change their minds. Either see reason or make a move. The second that they so much as plan anything against us, I'll make them disappear."

His superhuman hearing was his advantage. They could conspire all they wanted, but in the end, they wouldn't be able to do anything.

Hours later, after the celebration had mellowed and everyone was headed to bed, the Major approached Peter with a hesitant, almost awkward, look on his face. Before the Major could voice his concerns, Peter preemptively asked, "is this about your meeting with the Colonel and his men?"

"!" The Major's eyes widened in surprise, confirming Peter's intuition. "Y-Yes, they wanted to know more about you and made it pretty clear that they want to take over…"

"Did they?" Peter muttered, his eyes flashing dangerously, scaring the poor Major. "And how do you feel about that?" He asks, almost indifferently.

The Major, quick to assert his loyalty, emphatically responded, "No way! I'm with you. I made a deal and I'm a man of my word. You have my loyalty, I swear." Peter nodded, acknowledging the Major's integrity.

Before heading to his room, Peter casually inquired, "Did they specifically ask for your help?"

The Major calmed a bit before admitting, "No, they left after realizing that I wasn't sympathetic to their cause. But they've been talking to my men throughout the night. And many of them have been reporting similar conversations back to me. They seem to be recruiting…"

"I see…" Peter, with a hint of ominous certainty, assured him, "Don't worry about the Colonel and his group, they'll be gone before morning."

With a quick pat on the Majors shoulder, Peter continued on to his room, the implication of what would happen to the troublemakers hung heavily in the air.

Fear flickered in the Major's eyes as he watched his new leader leave, grateful that his allegiance to Peter had spared him from the fate that awaited the dissenting officers.


As morning dawned on the camp, the usual hustle and bustle of post-apocalyptic life resumed. However, it didn't take long for a sense of eerie realization to settle in.

The high-ranking officers rescued from Fort Benning were nowhere to be found. Whispers echoed through the camp as people what happened or where they went. Their belongings were gone, and it seemed as if they had vanished into thin air.

The Major, his eyes reflecting a mix of awe and fear, couldn't help but steal glances at Peter. The mysterious leader had promised the officers would be gone before morning, and he had delivered.

However, the Major couldn't fathom how Peter accomplished such a feat. Killing a group of people in a densely populated camp without detection and erasing all traces seemed implausible, yet the evidence before him suggested otherwise.

Approaching Peter cautiously, the Major stammered, "How did you... I mean, they're really gone. What did you do?"

Peter's response was a chilling smile that sent shivers down the Major's spine. "Sometimes, it's better not to ask too many questions, Major. Just know that I keep my promises."

The Major, fear etched across his face, nodded hesitantly. In that moment, a silent oath formed in his heart. He vowed to never cross Peter or entertain thoughts of betrayal. The power and efficiency displayed by their enigmatic leader demanded both respect and a healthy dose of fear.

Unbeknownst to the Major and any other suspicious party's in the camp, Peter hadn't resorted to murder in the dead of night. Instead, he simply sent the away. With a mere wave of his hand and the subtle manipulation of portals, Peter had relocated the entire group of dissidents.

But Peter would allow them to think what they wanted. He observed the Major's lingering fear with a sense of amusement and satisfaction. That fear would serve as a deterrent, a reminder that Peter's capabilities extended far beyond what the eye could see.


Meanwhile, atop a skyscraper in Hong Kong, China, the Colonel and his bewildered men awoke to a chilly morning. The towering cityscape, ravaged into a desolate landscape by the zombie outbreak, surrounded them.

Confusion and realization dawned on their faces as they realized they were perched high above one of the world's most densely populated cities, which means lots of infected.

The Colonel, momentarily stunned, surveyed the unfamiliar skyline, the sight of millions of zombies wandering the streets below sent shivers down his spine.

Questions raced through their minds as they grappled with the surreal nature of their situation. Far from the military camp they once schemed to control, they now found themselves in a much worse hell than they were rescued from.

A/N: 1727 words :)



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