Insanely-Talented Player

Chapter 4

Episode 4

[Random equipment ticket, skill card ticket of rare grade or higher, hero grade or higher...]

“Batch opening.”

Before the list of acquisition messages was even finished, Yooseong opened his mouth.

The first reward random equipment ticket was opened first.

[The blessing ‘He who selects legends’ exerts a powerful influence on the player’s perspective!]

[Wow! Legendary equipment!]


[You have acquired the “Golden Faith,” a black surcoat with a golden cross!]

First reward A random equipment viewing ticket given to all players who have participated in the previous season.

Legendary armor popped out from there.

《Golden Fanaticisrn', a black circlet with a golden cross engraved on it》

- Grade . Legendary Armor

- Performance

. Defense 0 Evasion Correction +900 DEX +300

. Ability to activate ‘Chinchang's Shield' skill when equipped (cool time 168h)

- Grants ‘Knight's Mindset' protection when equipped

- Description. It is said that the Archangel bestowed a blessing on a religious knight who was in danger due to an ambush by Elf guerrillas during the Smarriage War (SM War). The Surcoat Knight was unable to hide his deep faith and killed thousands of people, regardless of gender and age, in the war. directly massacred the elven heretics.

“Wow, this is truly a legend.”

Starting the season was a jackpot equivalent to semi-final equipment. Aside from the bloody explanation,

‘I guess I can complete the awakening quest faster than I thought?'

The next one to be released is a ranked item in the top 100. Skill card ticket of rare level or higher.

[The Guardian ‘He who sees the legend' has a reasonable influence on the player's view!]

[Wow! Hero card!]

[Hero skill card《Frost Sword Creation? has been acquired!]

[The protection ‘The Bringer of Winter’ greatly increases the effect of the skill card!]

‘It’s just right.’

A hero-level skill. Moreover, it coincides with the blessing of ‘the one who brings winter’ given to Yooseong, creating a synergistic effect.

The fact that the right card came out among thousands of skill cards was probably due to some kind of power.

After that, under the influence of God's protection, I pulled out a reasonable hero grade artifact and finally opened the mythical equipment 《Black Death〉.

‘I can't equip it right now.'

[The protection has exhausted its power and disappears.]

[The Golden Legendary Lord retrieves the protection ‘Legendary Drawer’ and blesses the t-shirt business!]

Only when all the reward openings were finished did the protection disappear. Not all blessings last permanently. Among them, there were those who lost all their strength and disappeared, and the one who saw the legend was one of them.

But there was nothing to regret. Rather, it means that it is a fraudulent ability.

After obtaining the hero artifact and mythic equipment, Yooseong raised his head.

Tower of the Blood Moon Orc tribe.

It was time to start the race.

By holding and equipping a skill card, the player can activate the corresponding ability.

From putting out fire from one's hand or healing a wound, to covering the entire area with the horrors of hell or scattering the cold of the Great Zero Island approaching the end of the universe.

The only weapon that allows an ordinary person with no abilities to fight against all the mythical monsters that exist in the tower. The blessing of this power granted by the tower.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that skill cards are the alpha and omega of this game.

Even the protection equipment artifacts that the player has are ultimately just accessories to amplify the power of the skill card.

Yooseong stretched out his arms against the Orcs of the Blood Moon Tribe who were racing in front of him.

Blah blah blah.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A cold air current swirled in the empty air, and crystallization took place in Yoosung's hand.

It was a frozen sword made of frost.

Creates a hero-grade skill card, Frost Sword.

However, there is no way to get a hero level rating just by creating a single sword.

《Create Frost Sword)

- Attribute. Cold Metal

- Grade . Hero

- Abilities

. By condensing the cold air in the atmosphere, you can create a frozen sword made of ice frost.

. Additional effects can be obtained depending on the skill card's level enhancement status and the player's cold magic aptitude.

- significant . When equipping the skill, the user cannot equip a weapon. However, the frost sword created when the skill is activated is treated as an equipped weapon, and the performance of the weapon can be viewed in the equipment tab.

Even more so, to Yooseong, who received the protection of the ‘bringer of winter’ from the Frost Lord and whose aptitude for cold magic increased significantly. That meant only one thing.


The frost sword was swung in front of them, and waves of sword waves followed the blow.

One of the additional effects of the Frost Sword awakened by a meteor whose aptitude for cold magic has greatly increased after receiving power from the Frost Lord.

Breath of Ice.

In the narrow passageway of the tip, a whirlpool of ice engulfed the endless hordes of orcs.

The group of Orcs in the first row were frozen for breath, but as they presented themselves as meat shields, the bloody Orcs in the back row rushed in.


“Kill Chwiik, Chwiik!”

The distance narrowed.

However, Yooseong easily adjusted the hilt of the frost sword and struck down the ax of the blood-red moon orc swirling in front of his nose.

It is an act of suicide to engage weapons with an orc purely through physical strength. At least that was the case for average players. At least, this did not apply to Yooseong, who was equipped with various battle blessings, including ‘Battle Precognition (S)'.

Moreover, Yooseong has the protection of ‘Sword Sharpener' bestowed by the Steel Lord, as well as evasion correction +900 and Dex +300 provided by the legendary armor ‘Golden Fanaticism'.

The feeling of holding the hilt of a sword was very familiar. Like a part of the body.


The ax blades of ice and steel collided. At the same time, the frost sword extended a branch of cold energy towards the clashing ax blade.

The cold slithered like a snake along the axe blade and engulfed the orc's body along the shaft.

Blah blah blah.

Before I knew it, there was an ice statue there, scattering cold light like crystal.

He withdrew his frost sword and parried another blow swung right next to him.


Iron and ice collided.

Blah blah blah.

Every time they collided, the frost sword's bitter cold sprayed out and engulfed the blood moon orcs.

There is no need to inflict fatal wounds. It was enough to strike back the orcs' axes in unison.

Before I knew it, the area around the shooting star was filled with frozen orcs' ice statues.

“It’s Hu Saksin.”

Yoosung twirled the hilt of the frost sword and finally took a deep breath.


[Your level has risen! Str Dex Int stats increase by 1 each!]

[The level is...]

[The level is...]

[The level of the skill card ‘Frost Sword Creation' has increased!]

[Tier 1 has been cleared! ]

[Achievement score of 100P was obtained!]

At the same time, the frozen statues of orcs around him shattered into pieces. Yoosung walked away, leaving behind the fluttering crystal pieces.

At the end of the passage, the straight terrain finally ended and the entrance to the next layer was welcoming the shooting star.

[You have entered the second floor!] A

ceaseless bloody battle awaits. It was as he said.

The hall was open on all sides and was welcoming the shooting star.

And what filled the hall was an army of Blood Moon Orcs who were crazy because they could not die honorably.

“A warrior! The warrior who will take us to Valhalla has appeared!”

“Fight and die with honor, Chwiik!” “Those who are dishonorable cannot enter Valhalla!”

“Sing a song of blood and iron for the Iron Lord!”

“cadet! cadet! Valhalla:

Unlike when you defeated an orc in a straight passage without a single wound, the hall is open on all sides. Orcs filling the hall.

However, through battles in the first tier, his level rose considerably, and his stats rising along with his level were clearly engraving strength into Yooseong's body.

“Wait you bastards. “I will show you heaven now.”

It was just the beginning.

[I have entered the 4th floor!]

[I can feel the powerful energy of the enemies!]

After battle after battle, I reached the 4th floor and Yooseong cleared his throat. Every part of his body was stained with a lot of blood and wounds.

Even if a player starts with a strong bonus, such as the monarch's intimacy or protection, he or she is ultimately level 1. Until he or she retrieves the “Piece of Memories” and unlocks 100% potential.

And the first level is a tower that can be cleared only when four players of level 30 or higher are paired up, and the tower is being conquered through solo play.

Considering that the so-called ‘bus riding', which involves high-level players forming parties with low-level players and unilaterally giving away experience points, is usually carried out at the top of the 3rd tier, it would not be an exaggeration to call it self-busing in a sense.

Overwhelming growth that is not even worthy of the term “explosion.”

And facing the 4th floor was not the army of Orcs filling the hall like before.

[Warning: The Warsong Band is blocking the path leading to the Jarl's room!]

Five orcs wrapped in water-tight steel straps. Even at first glance, it seemed like he was appealing, saying, ‘I’m part of the elite mob.’

“Fight and die with honor!”]

[The Iron Lord blesses the battle of the Warsong Guard!]

As the message rang out, the Warsong Guard raised their voices by pounding their breast armor.

“The Iron Lord has blessed us!”

“Valhalla is waiting for us!”

Receiving the power of monarchs is not the player's exclusive domain. Because the beings in the tower can also receive the power and blessings of the monarch they serve.

It is not particularly strange for the Iron Lord to bless the fighting races here.


The Warsong Guards each grabbed their axes and began to rush in. The distance has narrowed. It was fast.

As the meteor deflected the blade of the ax swinging with the frost sword, the cold glided like a snake and coiled towards the orc.

However, there was no one-sided freezing of equipment and bones like before. The reason wasn't difficult.

‘Cold resistance...!'

This world strictly follows the rules of the game. It would not be strange for elite mobs and above to have resistance to certain attributes. Furthermore, their stats cannot be compared to Yoosung's right now.

‘I'll have to inflict certain fatal wounds.'

Then, the heavy armor that those Orcs were wearing that was water-tight was getting on my nerves.

‘I don't know if I can afford it even if I use this now.'

In addition to skill cards and armor, these are the things Yooseong obtained.

One hero-grade artifact and one piece of mythic equipment obtained by defeating the Plague Lord.

In the case of the latter, using it right now would be tantamount to suicide, but now that we are close to level 20, the artifact is in an area where it is worth taking the risk.

Above all, in order to conquer the tower, you must overcome these and defeat the next tier's boss, the Blood Moon Singer.

“Equipped artifact.”

This was not the time to hesitate.

The meteor opened his mouth, and at the same time, a storm of magical power began to swirl around his feet.

“It’s the worst thing in the world.”

It was the magical power of the bitter cold exuded by the hero grade artifact 《Frozen Heart》.

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