Insanely-Talented Player

Chapter 5

Level is kind of like basic physical strength.

No matter how good the protection and equipment you have, it is useless unless the stats that come from your level support it.

[The hero grade artifact ‘Frozen Heart’ has been equipped!]

[I can feel the essence of powerful cold magic!]

[Glacier synergy has been acquired! The effects of equipped cold attribute skill cards are strengthened!]

The more skills you have of the same attribute, the more you can obtain synergy that strengthens all of the attributes.

For example, the creation of a frost sword has the attributes of ‘cold' and ‘metal', so synergy is activated when multiple skill cards with attributes corresponding to cold or metal are equipped.

Therefore, there is no way for synergy to occur just because you have one frost sword creation card.

And this was the item effect of 《Frozen Heart》.

《Frozen Heart》

- Grade .Hero Artifact

- Performance

. Possesses glacier synergy among equipment (amplifies the effect of cold attribute skills)

. Increases cold damage by 14%

. Cold Resistance ++

- Description. Those who are not skilled in cold magic should not handle it carelessly. There is a risk of becoming ice frostbite. Be sure to sign up for Red Magic Tower's insurance service before installing.

This item provides the effect of equipping multiple cold attribute skills, and it goes without saying that the cold buff is provided separately from the synergy.

Additionally, despite not having insurance from the Magic Tower, fortunately it wasn't that difficult for Yooseong to control the artifact.

‘For a starter build, there's nothing better than a glacier build.'

The setup was really neat from the start. At first, let alone collecting skill cards of the same attribute, obtaining skill cards itself was a difficult task.

Yooseong raised his head, leaving behind the cold magic seeping into his bones.

An orc from the Warsong Guard grabbed his ax and rushed in.

“War Never Again War!”

My body felt light, as if my previous fatigue was a lie. Furthermore, the senses expanded through artifacts opened up new horizons for Yoosung.

The cold magic swirled in the air and seeped towards the frost sword, and the steel ax blade swung. However, what blocked


swinging ax blade was not the frost sword in Yoosung's hand.

Damn it!

A swarm of cold air froze like armor, deflecting the blows of the axe.

At the same time, the frost sword in Yooseong's hand was slashing towards the gap in the orc's armor.

The blade, which usually takes the shape of a long sword, has suddenly become thin and sharp like a rapier.

However, there was no blood flowing through the armor. It's just a creepy cold feeling.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


pulled out the frozen rapier and Yooseong adjusted the hilt. At the same time, the swirling cold magic crystallized around the body, repelling the subsequent barrage of axes.

Kaang kang!

Ice armor is created by condensing cold air in the atmosphere, independent of the instructions written for creating a frost sword.

There is no law that guarantees that the ability will be used exactly as written in the skill description. As the magic power of the attribute is strengthened, such limitations become more and more light.

The important thing when using a skill is imagination. An idea of how to use this ability to find more than just text.

Moreover, that was not the end of the power of the cold magic of the meteor with the glacial synergy and the protection of the Frost Lord.

Suddenly, the frost sword in Yooseong's hand split like a turtle's shell and was swung in that state.


An explosion occurred.

Each piece of ice that made up the frost sword was torn into pieces under pressure and scattered in a fan shape toward the front of the meteor.

Thousands of ice blades contain such lethal force that even full plate armor cannot individually block them.

For the first time, blood splattered. It was green blood.

The armor shatters, pieces of cold shards hit the flesh, and the orc's flesh is torn to shreds.

Before I knew it, new cold energy was swirling in Yooseong's hands, creating a sword.

It was two swords.

Yooseong swung the twin swords of the frost, struck them back, and kicked the ground. A sword strike aimed for an opening in the scattered ice explosions.

Swords were swung, and one of the Warsong Guards swung his ax in pain.

As the swinging ax was deflected, Yooseong's sword wound around the handle like a snake.

Using the magical power of the cold swirling around like a whirlpool as a shield, the tips of frost swords plunged into the elite orcs' throats one by one.


Even during the fierce battle, as each orc was defeated, a level up message appeared at the edge of my vision.

not bad.

Suddenly, surrounding the shooting star were statues of orcs frozen like crystal.

[You have cleared the elite tier!]

[You will receive a ‘Random Skill Card Pack’ as a special reward!]

[1OOOP achievement points have been obtained!]

A system message emerged as their flesh and bones collapsed with a clanging sound.

“Open the pack.”

Yooseong spoke, and along with a halo of light, grandiose sound effects rang out like a third-rate mobile game.

[The normal skill card 《Piercing》 has been acquired!]

[The protection ‘Sword Sharpener' greatly increases the effect of the skill card!]


- Attribute. Metal

- Abilities

. You can temporarily explode your physical abilities to perform a stabbing attack.

Before long, a skill card appeared in a halo of light, and it was as plain and simple as its name.

The good news is that you can also benefit from the blessings given by the Iron Lord.

‘Still, it's better than nothing.'

After equipping the stabbing skill, Yooseong glanced around.

There was a flight of stairs leading to the chieftain's room on the top floor of the tower.

“Come on.”

Upon entering the 5th floor, there was a girl sitting on a mat in front of Yoosung.

“You didn’t die, you were alive.”

“okay. “I’m sorry you’re alive.”

“it is not so. You have to be alive to sell a lot of items. It's more efficient to not die.”

An inorganic voice came out of the girl's mouth. Like an emotionless robot. It was actually true. She was a

creature of the Mechanism Lord and an automata in charge of the store in this game. That was the girl. Because it was the true identity of

“Achievement points L600P. I have already collected a lot. Use them all before I die.”

“Just do your best to die.”

In addition, the achievement points provided according to the player's performance can be used as the game's currency. Yoosung looked through the list of items lying on the mat. “What do you want to buy? There are card packs, potion equipment, various things.

“Hmm, one haste potion and one fire potion.”

“Buy me a card pack too. It will become legendary.”

Yoosung didn't even pretend to listen to the girl's words and picked up the potions.

[Acquired 1 acceleration potion (200P) and 1 fire potion ( >100P).]

[300P achievement points have been deducted.]

“Collected in bulk.”

Potions After buying a bunch of them, I chanted the command, and the potions became transparent and disappeared.

“Buy more, buy a card pack. A legend will appear.” “

...There is a sad legend in this card pack.”

“What legend?”

“I don’t believe in legends.”


Yoosung answered calmly and stood up. At the same time, the girl’s body stood still.

She turned her head towards the other side of the passage. Boss room blood-red. The entrance leading to the Moon Orc chieftain's room was visible.

“Well, it was a painting too luxurious for a machine to understand,”

Yoosung muttered as he walked, seemingly to no one.

It didn't seem like he could understand it, even if he was a human.

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