Chapter 77 Nilas Home

While the boys were busy at the military base, Nila and Rene had almost reached Nilas house.

'Nila said her house was around here... But I don't see many regular houses. There's a few luxury houses but... Wait, is Nila rich...?'

"We're here." Nila said, interrupting Renes thought.

"Really?" Rene asked with a surprised tone. All the houses around them were quite large, there was even a mansion just up ahead.

'Her family must have some decent money if they live in one of these nice houses. Her parents are probably merchant's.' Rene thought as she looked at each house around them.

"Yes. It's just up ahead." Nila replied.

"Up ahead...?" Rene looked at the mansion directly at the end of the street and her eyes went wide "You mean that mansion!!?" She blurted out with a surprised tone of voice.

"You didn't know I was a noble?" Nila asked with a quizzical look on her face.

"None of us knew..." Rene replied with a look of awe as she stared at the mansion in front of her.

The mansion within the city were all mostly identical to each other. The differences would be the colour of the house or the way they styled their gardens. The actual architecture was the same.

Most nobles didn't do much to change their mansion or make it look different from the others. They saw it as being too much of a hassle.

When approaching the front gate of the mansion, two guards could be seen standing just inside the gates.

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When they saw the girls approaching, one of them shouted out "Stop, who are you and what is your business."

Nila continued to walk forwards until she was completely illuminated by the light crystals placed on the walls and gate.

"Lady Nila..." The guards eyes went wide as he recognized Nila. "Please forgive me, I could not see your face until you entered the light." He hurriedly said with a panicked look.

"It's fine. Open the gate." Nila replied bluntly.

The guards both moved to the middle and took off a large chain that was placed around the connection point of the 2 pieces that make up the gate. They each took one side of the gate and pulled it towards themselves, opening it like a double door.

Nila walked in without giving the guards a second look while Rene followed awkwardly behind.

Entering the house of a noble was something that only other nobles typically did. If a non noble was invited to the house of a noble, it was usually someone of high standing, such as a high ranking merchant.

But Rene was just a normal girl. Her family weren't famous merchants and they weren't nobles. In Renes eyes, she didn't feel like this was somewhere she should be.

After walking down the pathway that led from the gate to the front door of the mansion for a few minutes, they finally arrived.

2 more guards were standing at the front door and when they saw Nila approaching they each bowed slightly while greeting her as 'Lady Nila'. They then opened the double door, each of them pulling one of the doors towards themselves.

Nila didn't respond or acknowledge the guards, and Rene noticed this. It was making her feel even more uncomfortable.

They entered and the guards closed the doors behind them. The interior had beige colored walls with gold accents. There was a red carpet all along the floor and the walls had plenty paintings and other expensive decorations along them.

Rene was still in awe of the beauty a mansion like this held. She had never even been close to one of these, let alone inside one.

She continued to follow Nila, who hadn't slowed down one bit since they entered the front gate.

Soon though, a man dressed as a butler was seen standing at the foot of the staircase ahead of the girls. Nila slowed down slightly as she approached the man.

"Lady Nila, it's good to see you again. I see you've brought a guest as well." The butler said as he bowed slightly.

"I need to speak with my father." Nila replied bluntly. She didn't acknowledge his greeting or greet him back, she simply went on with what she needed.

'Why does she talk to them all like that... They're being so respectful but she's ignoring them all.' Rene thought to herself. She felt bad for all the people that worked here if they were treated like this all the time.

"I understand. I shall inform the Master immediately. Please wait within the guest hall for the time being." The butler said with a bow before he turned and left.

Nila continued walking and although she slowed down, she hadn't stopped even when talking with the butler.

They went up the stairs and continued until they came across a large set of doors. The guards at the doors did they same as the rest and yet again Nila ignored them.

The hall they entered into was the same as the one at Lord Zemors house. There was a throne on a raised platform on the far end of the room. It was styled differently than that of lord Zemor, but the quality was the same.

The only throne that would be of a better quality than a nobles, would be the kings throne.

Nila stopped at an appropriate distance from the throne and waited. Rene stopped slightly behind Nila. She didn't want to be the center of attention in such an important place, so she chose to essentially hide behind Nila.

After about 30 minutes had gone by, the butler walked through a set of doors that were adjacent to the platform the throne was on.

He stopped next to the throne and extended his hand towards the doors he just entered through.

"Lady Nila and...?" The butler stopped while looking directly at Rene.

"Oh, my name is Rene." She said sheepishly.

"And Lady Rene." The butler continued.

"I present the Master of the house and this family. Lord Zogarth."

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