Chapter 78 Lord Zogarth

Lord Zogarth entered the room from the same door as the butler. He was a bulky man and his muscles were visable even though he was wearing baggy clothes.

He was 1.8 meters tall and around mid 40s in age and had black hair on top of his head but the sides of his head were bald. He was wearing a baggy nightgown that was a dark blue in colour.

It was the middle of the night so it was understandable that he wasn't wearing anything grand. Especially considering the person he was meeting was his own daughter.

Lord Zogarth sat in his throne and the butler stood just beside and behind him.

"Father." Nila gave a small bow of respect to her father. Rene wasn't aware of the behavior expected in front of a noble, so all she could do was follow Nila and mimic her actions.

"I apologize for coming so late. If it wasn't urgent I would have waited until morning." Nila said with a slightly apologetic tone. Her voice was mostly just as cold as always, but there was a slight change.

"it's alright, Nila. Waking in the middle of the night to assist my daughter is what it means to be a father. You know you don't have to worry about such things." Lord Zogarth waved his daughters apology away with a loving smile.

"Thank you." There was a slight smile on Nila's face, but once again the change was slight. "I need your help father. Someone I know needs my help and I've promised those involved that I could provide transport. Would it be possible..."

"Yes of course, you can take a carriage. You can take 10 if you need to." Lord Zogarth let out a light chuckle. "You said this was important, right? Of course I'll help where I can, little one."

Lord Zogarth gave off an Aura of love with every word. It was plainly obvious that he loved his daughter dearly and It was widely known among other nobles that he loved her so much.

Most nobles were cold towards their children, claiming it taught them to rely on themselves rather than others. Lord Zogarth never cared for that way of thinking and chose to support his daughter in every way.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Even a stranger to the world of nobles would instantly be able to tell he wasn't like others. Nila was his pride and joy.

"Thank you, father." Nila smiled slightly and a hint of joy was present in her voice.

'She never shows her emotions... It's like she's afraid of what people will think of her.' Rene thought as she watched the interaction.

"You and your friend are welcome to stay as long as you need to. When you are ready to leave, inform a member of the staff so that I may be informed when I become available again." Lord Zogarth said as he began to yawn, his fatigue betraying him.

Nila bowed slightly and turned to leave the room. Rene didn't expect such an abrupt exit so she was a few seconds slow to follow.

They left the room and Nila told some of the servants to prepare a carriage suitable for the amount of people in their group.

She then brought Rene to a sitting room and asked for some tea to be prepared for them while they waited for the boys return.


"General Zogarth... If we get caught in this room our punishment will be even worse. A generals room holds precious information that they wouldn't want others to know." Clay voiced out with a panicked tone.

"That's exactly why it's perfect." Leo said "We need information, so what better place to get it than a generals office."

Leo walked over to the desk and began searching through the papers in the drawers and on the desk itself.

Cain started looking around the room in general. He wasn't really looking for the information they needed, instead he was distracted thinking about becoming a general himself and owning an office like this.

Clay was hesitant at first but eventually he started to look through the book case to see if there was anything worthwhile.

After 5 minutes of searching and finding nothing of value, the boys were all starting to lose hope that there would be anything in here.

"Why can't we find it!" Leo blurted out with a frustrated whisper. "There should be something about where the headquarters is, so why can't we find it." Leo was leaning forwards with his hands on the desk.

Clay had found nothing on the bookshelf as well. The books were mainly regarding mundane things, some were even fictional books.

Cain was looking at one of the paintings on the wall opposite the desk. He hadn't done much searching and was just admiring the room.

"Maybe the information Is hidden somewhere. It would make sense right? It's something they would want to remain a secret." Clay tried to cheer up Leo.

"I agree, but where would it be? It's hidden, so surely it's going to be hard to find." Leo voiced out as he returned to searching.

On the other side of the room, Cain noticed the painting he was looking at wasn't straight on the wall, it was slanted to the left a bit. It bugged him to no end, and although he wanted to avoid touching the stuff in this room if he could, he just couldn't help himself.

Cain reached out and placed his finger on the bottom of the frame on the lower side. He then lifted his finger so that he could straighten the frame.

As he did, the painting lifted off the nail it was sitting on and fell towards Cain. He panicked and reach out, grabbing the painting before it could touch the floor and make a noise.

"Whew! That was close. Sorry guys, I..."

"Cain, you found it!" Clay quietly said with excitement.

"I did? What did I find? " Cain asked out of confusion.

"There's a safe in the wall that was hidden by that painting. Well done on finding it." Leo said with a proud tone.

The painting was obstructing Cains view of the wall, so he couldn't see the safe at first when he caught the painting.

Cain turned to the side and could finally see the safe in the wall. "Yeah of course I'd find it. I told you I'm good at things besides fighting." A wry smile appearing on his face.

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