King of succubus

Chapter 108 The Absolute Beginning (Final) [BONNUS]

"...What?! A farm?!!" Asked Alvine a second time, fearing that his ears would play tricks on her.

"Yes, these planets are only farms that the leaders created after stopping butchery among themselves. To facilitate their work, they created slaves whom they appointed the apostles who monitor the growth of these planets to provide them with better quality production. And among all the enticing foods, you are by far their most favorite dishes that can exist with almost infinite energy!" She said while looking at Alvine while licking her lips.

"UGH!! y-you are not with them... aren't you?" He grumbled by instinctively moving away from Sabrina. "W-Wait, don't tell me that the planet of Alzania is your farm?!!" His eyes widened as if he had just achieved something. "So your goal from the beginning was to feed me to taste me better?! You are worse than cannibals!" He said, preparing to defend his pulpit at all costs! Unlike before, an instinctive fear emerged in the depths of his soul when he saw Sabrina show her vampire fangs.

"Haha, if only I hadn't drunk this potion, I would have liked to play the role of a predator even more. But unfortunately, this joke is in bad taste, even for me. No matter how much I need fresh blood to extend my longevity, this is not enough reason to kill innocent people. The reason why we, the last children of the goddess Reha, are not affected by this anomaly is that we had acquired almost all of Mother Reha's vital energy... maybe had predicted that the leaders will have this problem in the future. It was both a blessing and a curse for us." She continued after she (reassured ) Alvine.

"So you are vampires?" Sabrina's (insurance) sounded differently in Alvine's ears.

"No, apart from the butler, there are no vampires among us. And apart from me and Sylvia, there are no other Punishers. This is why our strong vitality was both a blessing and a curse. Because instead of being the hunters, we were rather the prey of the leaders because their numbers were significantly higher than ours. We were only ten Punishers in total, and our leaders were the monarch of death who reigned over death and had the power of annihilation, [The Flames of Gehennes] who could burn everything he touched to nothingness, which was impossible to extinguish without the will of its owner and the monarch of light who reigns over life and possesses the [the Flames of Life.] who have the power to purify everything and resurrect anyone below her."

"Do you understand now? The flames you possess were once possessed by our sovereign, who alone destroyed half of the leaders before dying on the battlefield... the ruler of death." She explains in a melancholy tone.

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"A monarch of death who reigned over death, but who had eventually died. Just like Reha, which had suffered all these losses in the hands of her children... what an irony of fate." Replied Alvine without the slightest sympathy for them.

"Tsk, with all due respect, master, please do not make fun of those who sacrificed themselves to protect the future you currently enjoy. Not to mention that mocking the monarch of death was like mocking your father!" Sabrina retorted in a tone of discontent.

"My father? Do you mean that this monarch is my father? But it's impossible since he died hundreds of millions of years ago. Aren't you going to make me swallow words that have neither tail nor legs?!" He said, disdaining Sabrina's words with a ridiculous air.

"Sigh, have you ever wondered why we have been serving you since your childhood? In short, it's too early to talk about that. I must first continue the story. The reason why the apostles had been created... was for the sole purpose of monitoring the farms. But the apostles in question live on second and first-rank planets. And only deities of intermediate ranks and advanced ranks are qualified enough to be the apostle of a leader. As a result, apostles are as rare as golden pearls. As for the immortal planets that are second and first-rank planets... they were created not by the leaders, but they are the results of the explosion of the supreme energy of the mother goddess. And the races that live there are the races that do are not influenced by the leaders because of the pact of punishments that were put in place by Reha herself." She continued her story without wasting another second.

"But there are parts of shadows that bother me in your story, first of all, was the original planet created by the tree of Yggdrasil? Is it possible that he has another supreme god outside her?" Asked Alvine, leaving the mystery of his parents aside. In all honesty, he was not too interested in this problem. If Sabrina ever finds signs that he is not the Alvine she knew, he will not be able to avoid hell in her hands.

"To my knowledge, there is only one supreme deity, and it is the tree of Yggdrasil. As for whether or not she was the creator of this planet, I have no idea about it." She told in a dubious tone.

"Sigh, all right. Now what I would like to know is, what is the link with me in all these bazaars?" Questioned Alvine with a confused air. 'Even if I don't want her to know about me, I must also be sure if I'm a fucking cattle like the others or not? I am not a saint who will play the valiant knight or the role of a hero to save people. As long as these boring people don't knock on my door, I would have nothing to do with them. To decide my next maneuvers, I need to know more about the origins of the owner of this body. But I still empathize with Cheera and the others who are desperately fighting to save their skins while in the end, they are just fucking cattle?! What an irony, people who fight for their survival are actually destined to be sacrificed when they have not asked for anything of it. Sigh, a butchery, destruction, greed for power, the amalgamation of evil, the malice of destruction, the thirst to take lives to enjoy pleasure beyond ecstasy, these are the characteristics of the world where I am currently. Sigh, I wonder if the earth is also one of their... Tsk, what's the point of thinking now? I don't even have enough strength to protect myself so let's not even talk about protecting an entire planet from these so-called leaders. I'm pathetic, in the end, I'm not really different from these guys I call the cattle.' He concludes after judging his potion and realizing that he was actually trying to veil his face because he was simply a weak man who had no power.

"Do you want to know why your involvement would be inevitable in this war that has lasted for millennia? The reason is simple, it is because you have in you the power of our lord. What makes you his one and only descendant. I know this because when I passed through this planet named Alzania, the crystallized heart of the monarch of the dead who had so far not reacted suddenly shot with a dark glow and spun like a shooting star towards a child who was abandoned from nowhere and entered him without notice." She says, putting her hands under her chin as if she were trying to remember previous events.

"W-What? What do you mean by that?" He was alarmed by having a bad presentiment. He felt that his hope of knowing the identity of his parents was moving away from him as Sabrina spoke.

"You haven't yet understood where you refuse to admit it? This child was none other than you! Whom I personally nicknamed Alvine Dragnar. Alvine, as the first name of the monarch of death, and Dragnar, as his race who was the one and only Dragon of darkness, also nicknamed, undisputed master of hell. These are your origins." She finally let go of these words that had weighed on her language for more than twenty years.

"No... no! Just say that you killed my parents because you wanted a fucking heir for this damn monarch. And seeing that I had an affinity with a fucking stone, you encrusted it in me without worrying about my opinion or what I could experience. Everything is clear now." Exclaimed Alvine, getting up on her chair and trying to get out of the room. But to his surprise, the red door could not be found, the entire room had no door or window! It was as if they were inside an egg!

"Be sure to calm down, master. All I say is only the pure truth, I point out to you that the potion always has effects. And nothing was controlled or orchestrated by me. The stone had acted on its own, by its own initiative...

"Shut up! I refuse to believe that a damn pebble can fly on its own and lodge in my heart. Why would a vulgar stone do such a thing?! It's just a stone, a stone, Sabrina! So stop taking me for an idiot and tell me the truth for once!" He yelled with rage as if it were his own parents he had just lost. 'Why am I so angry? This rage, this bubbling anger in me... is not mine! Why do I have so much heart pain? This is the first time I have felt this kind of attachment to someone other than Sabrina and others. I haven't even met them yet in addition to that! So why do I hurt so much?! Would it be the emotions of the former owner of this body?!' He says to himself in his thoughts.

"Master, it was not a stone, but a crystallized heart! The very source of the power of the former monarch of the dead! I know you cherish your parents, but you must not inflict permanent wounds on your mana heart. Otherwise, you will really end up dying!" She had naturally realized Alvine's unstable state, hence her extreme concern for him.

"Shit, I know you're right, but I can't stifle this anger that tries to burst my heart into pieces. *Koff!! * *Koff!! *" painfully screamed Alvine while spitting a bite of blood before losing consciousness because of her heart bleeding into him.

"Ter... Ma...ter! Master!! Master!! Master!!"

"Ugh~ less strong, Sabrina." He said, waking up from his dizziness. "What has just happened?" Asked Alvine with a suspicious air. Slowly opening his golden eyes, then saw Sabrina who had settled his head on her thighs like his guardian angel.

"It Is the same question I would like to ask you. Why did you suddenly lose consciousness? What happened in the end?!" She asked with a restless air.

"Sigh, I'm fine, finally I think. I remember that I occasionally lost consciousness when I was still a child. Is it something that had a connection with this stone that had taken refuge in me?" He asked, rising from the ground, in Sabrina's hands.

"Sigh, master... it's not a stone but a crystalline heart. How many times should I beg you not to make fun of our late monarch? In short, if you don't mind, it's time for us to proceed with your true awakening." She said in a monotonous tone as the expression on her face became inexpressive.

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