King of succubus

Chapter 109 Awakening.

"Sigh, master... it's not a stone but a crystalline heart. Sigh, how many times should I beg you not to make fun of our late monarch? In short, if you don't mind, it's time for us to proceed with your true awakening." She said in a monotonous tone as the expression on her face became inexpressive.

"It's the same. A stone will remain a stone. But well, let's move on... what do you mean by real awakening? Besides, what is awakening? Before that, you'll have to explain to me in detail... what happened when this stone reacted to my body?" Asked Alvine in a monotonous tone. He had the intuition that if he did not clarify this point, his heart will not be at peace because of the emotions of the former owner of his body.

"Sigh, if you want. But please try to stay calm while keeping your emotions under control. You almost died of a heart attack just a minute ago."

"Very good, it's noted." Retorted Alvine with a ridiculous air. 'A mage who dies of an emotional crisis. It's pathetic.' He says to himself by ridiculing himself.

"It was after my last battle maybe a few years ago... when I was seriously injured...

"A few years? How much to be more precise? You mean, twenty-one years ago?" Asked Alvine before she continued her sentence. He no longer wanted to leave the slightest shadow on these events.

"No, not twenty-one years, I don't remember too much. Maybe it was a thousand years ago or two thousand years ago rather." She let go of these words, without realizing that her words could not be more absurd for Alvine.

"W-Wait, I don't understand, why I, who am supposed to be barely twenty-two years old, suddenly find myself projected into a millennial era?! Why have you only told me absurd things since just now, Sabrina?" He exclaimed with an incredulous air.

"That's it, it was indeed a thousand years ago or maybe more. The reason you are still a child is that a dragon's egg takes several centuries to hatch. Coupled with the fact that you were not in the egg of an ordinary dragon, but inside the egg that had formed by the crystallized heart of the monarch of death so that his powers could be assimilated by a fictitious soul that was not perfect... naturally, this process of assimilation would take longer than usual." Told Sabrina with nonchalance, While serving a cup of tea to Alvine. The tea that, well noted, had come out of nowhere.

"Haha, you couldn't say something more absurd than that. And then what else? You tell me that this stone that was supposed to merge with my heart, by chance... had formed an egg cocoon that I was inside for more than a thousand years before hatching like a fucking caterpillar? Do you take me for a bird or what? How long do you plan to take me for an idiot who swallows everything he is told?" Exclaimed Alvine with a ridiculous air. He didn't care about how the potion works, the idea of going out in an egg was simply too absurd. Even more absurd than being born thanks to the fruit of a tree... according to him.

"I don't see what is surprising in my words. The process of transferring powers has always been like this since ancient times. In your opinion, how did those who have a dragon lineage acquire this lineage? By their ancestors of course. But how did their ancestors awaken this lineage? Yes, it was the same as what happened to you or the mating of two different species. These are the only solutions." She asserted with an innocent air. "Sigh, we no longer have time for justifications, I didn't want to proceed with this method because it was a little risky for you, but I have no choice. You have to see with your own eyes to understand, don't you?" By the moment she finally pronounced these words, a mysterious smile appeared on her perfect lips. Even before Alvine could know it was that she was thinking, Sabrina's thin finger touched his forehead, between his eyebrows.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"What are you...

Even before he could finish his sentence, his golden eyes lost their colors. The last words he had heard before fainting was Sabrina's murmur that said: [Memory transfer] And the sounds of the cups that broke on contact with the ground

'Ugh!! Where did she bring me again? W-wait...! Am I flying?! I can't control my body!" He was alarmed when he opened his eyes and realized that he was shooting into heaven at a speed he has not even dreamed of reaching yet. His flight speed was such that he saw everything blurred in front of him. Then he suddenly remembered Sabrina's last sentence. "Am I in his body? Hmm? And there is even Ashia with her... WUAH!! What is this demonic armor she wears? It looks like she... no, she's seriously injured! How does she manage to keep this expression impassive and act as if nothing had happened, despite such wounds?!' Thought Alvine when he saw Ashia dressed in demonic armor that suited her demonic side. But apart from that, she was riddled with fatal wounds. There was even a fist-sized hole in her abdomen. But despite the blood that constantly flowed from her wound, she closely followed Sabrina as if nothing had happened.

"Ashia, don't force yourself too much. We will rest on this planet for a day or two. As long as you can heal your wounds." Said Sabrina in a monotonous voice without looking at Ashia who followed her behind.

"Don't worry about me, mistress. Instead, you have to treat yourself before taking care of my case." Ashia asserted with an inexpressive face. Alvine felt like she didn't know these two because of their frightening cold blood, like war puppets... Without souls

"Well, but don't die for so little. We only killed two leaders. We still have a package of leaders to face... including the one who created this useless planet. Tsk, with the death of the monarch, the balance is now unbalanced. War will be at our disadvantage no matter what we do." She says, landing in a dark forest covered with bloody fog.

Alvine naturally knew this forest that had not changed a hair, despite millennia back. It was the forest of the (green hell).

"Humm? I feel the presence of a low-level divine beast. This means that the leader who owns this planet is surely one of the ten strongest leaders. We must be careful to keep a low profile. If we are unmasked in our current state, only death will await us at the end of the road. Take care of yourself quickly so that I can seal part of our power to make us pass for the inhabitants of this planet while we recover our strength." She ordered in a monotonous tone with a frown.

"At your orders, mistress." Ashia instinctively replied by cutting her finger and using her blood to create a cocoon of blood similar to Alvine's cocoon before locking herself inside it.

'Hm? Can she control her blood? No, it's different from my competence... vital energy is more concentrated in her blood than mine.' Concludes Alvine after analyzing Ashia's spell through Sabrina's eyes. 'Sigh, her vision is a hundred times better than mine. That's probably what she calls magical vision.' He said to himself when he realized that through Sabrina, he could not only see the mana flows, but also the vital energy of all the plants, insects, and magic beasts that were more than a thousand places from his current position.

"Rest a little, I'll inspect the surroundings during that time." Sabrina's soft and monotonous voice suddenly interrupted him in his contemplation process.

Then without notice, nor waiting for Ashia's answer, she eclipsed before her and walked a thousand meters in the blink of an eye before appearing before the said divine beast, which was a ferocious tiger five meters high, and who was covered with a mind of lightning! "Hm? Not as impressive as I imagined. In short, its death will greatly weaken the progress of the owner of this planet." She said without paying attention to the grotesque words of the thunder tiger who said that she was sentenced to death for setting foot in its territory.

With a simple movement of her index, the gigantic tiger exploded like a sacrificial ceremony.

'Is her as strong as that?! Although she was seriously injured, she only needed a second to kill a divine beast?! How scary are the leaders to be able to put her in such a state?!' Exclaimed Alvine in his beard. But at the same time, something caught the attention of Sabrina and Alvine at the same time. It was the cry of a newborn who was inside the tiger cave. His cries would normally be inaudible for Alvine. But with Sabrina's sharp senses, he had been able to hear the toddler's cries in the cave that was ten meters from their positions.

Once again, Alvine had the impression that Sabrina stopped time for a fraction of a second because of her monstrous speed, for lack of a better word to better describe his thoughts.

"A child? Sigh, yet another creation of these leaders. This tiger had surely eaten his parents and kept him for dessert. Sigh, I understand its point of view, you can only blame your parents for being weak. In short, let's end up with him. Consider yourself lucky to die carefree instead of dying into sadness." She said, lifting the mysterious toddler in the air with her spell and ruthlessly stabbing her little heart with a small needle!

'She is crazy! How can she kill a baby who has just been born without the slightest emotion?! This girl is a psychopath!' Was he shocked beyond the imagination while he saw the child's hunger sobs fade gently... he was simply... dying when he had just been born.

"Sigh, the best thing is to offer him a suitable funeral even if he was born from the essence of these abominations. Rest in peace, little thing." She said when she saw that he was breathing his last breath. But just at that moment, her space bag that was hung on her waist suddenly shone with a dark and threatening glow. Without notice, a dark crystal emerged on its own in the space bag and dilated at the same time before devouring the child who already had a foot in his grave. This scene generated cold sweats in Alvine's back when he saw this mysterious and mischievous crystal wrap around a little kid who hadn't asked for anything of that.

"That...! Why does the monarch's heart react suddenly to this child?! Wait, that's not it! It's a process of succession! Why does he want to give his powers to this child?! Sigh, I can't believe that you will choose the puppet from one of the leaders as an heir. What drives you to make such an absurd choice, monarch?" Sabrina exclaimed in a rabid tone when she saw the strange choice of her "lord".

Despite her bubbling rage, she did not interfere in the succession process. Barely a minute had passed before the crystal formed an egg cocoon around the baby who had caught his breath in the cocoon. Looking through Sabrina's piercing eyes, Alvine could see a child nestled in an egg as Sabrina had explained! What an absurdity. A human being in an egg one meter high?

'She had tried to kill him?! Kill a child who had nothing to do with her?! What cruelty. I now understand why she didn't want to show me this tragic scene. I wonder how would the former owner of this body react if he was in my place right now?" He says to himself sadly thinking about this suffering that he could not remain indifferent to the trials of the former Alvine, but who had still ended up dying in the end. It was sad, tragic, and ironic at the same time.

*Ashia, meet me right away in the west of the forest. We must go home immediately!* Even if she had spoken her words telepathically, Alvine could clearly hear the order she had just submitted to Ashia. The latter appeared in front of her after five seconds with a half-healed wound.

Without explaining anything, Sabrina took the egg that was like the child of a demonic beast because of the frightening energy that even made Ashia uncomfortable... before tearing a black parchment that had golden archaic motifs. Subsequently, Alvine could see through Sabrina's memories, how they took care of the egg for an indefinite period... until the day Alvine hatched.

"His constitution is too fragile to grow up in a place like this. The best solution would be to let him grow little by little in a peaceful environment, where he can flourish." She pleaded with a bright smile on her lips like a mother who had just given birth to her child.

"Fufufu~ lady Rina, what is this innocent smile on your face? You know very well that you are not qualified to become a mother. And besides, where do you plan to bring this newborn from? To my knowledge, even if many of the leaders are still inactive, there are still some who are still chasing you. It would be unfair to include an innocent person in our war, even if he inherited the powers of your monarch of darkness! Not to mention that raising this fragile thing requires attention, qualities, and qualifications that you do not possess. I tell you, it's a very bad idea for you. Let me take care of it instead. I, a being born of light and life." Proposed Sylvia who always had her bad habits.

"Don't worry about him. He is strong, and more mysterious than the monarch himself. No matter how much I look at him, I still don't know how many powers emanate from him, when he has just been born a second time. I am sure that one day he will be a dignified and proud master. Until then, I would do everything in my power... to redeem myself from him, serving him body and soul. Even if one day he asks me for the ultimate sacrifice... I will not hesitate for a second to carry out his orders!" She said while her purple pupils sparkled with happiness. "I do not deserve the role of being a mother for the monarch's successor. It's decided, he will be called... Alvine Dragnar. Just like our former monarch." She Continued by lifting Alvine in the air with her sparkling eyes of a new émotions.

"Hoo? It's scary to see you with such an expression of happiness. In short, do you still know that he will not be able to fill the void you have felt since the death of the monarch? I tell you one last time, you know just like me that he also has powers that are similar to mine, so it would be wiser to let me take care of him, don't you think?" Says Sylvia with a frown when she saw Sabrina ignore her proposal.

"No, it's impossible for him. But... I'm sure he will one day overtake the monarch. Sigh, If only you had my eyes to see through him, Sylvia. I'm sure your obsession will be worse than mine. One more thing, stop taking me for an idiot. It's up to me to take care of him, and no one else." She said with a smile to Alvine who clung to her index finger while his sky blue pupils were plunged into Sabrina's purple eyes.

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