King of succubus

Chapter 215 Sabrina's Sister!

On Azania planet, about four days have passed since Sabrina and the others left.

The imposing golden barrier still covered the two kingdoms, as for the peoples of Yury, Sabrina had teleported them all to the elves’ kingdom, while waiting for their returns

But unlike other days, the planet wasn't calm and placid like before. The calm that prevailed over the last two days hadn't relaxed this planet's natives, on the contrary, everyone knew that it was quiet before the great storm.

But today, another show was taking place on this planet that had never happened since its creation.

Humans, magical beasts, elves, dwarves, fairies... everyone had their eyes raised to the sky; even the Amazons that are in green hell’s forest watched the show with concern.

"Tsk, it's not too early." King Brave retorted these words as he floated with Zanac next to him.

But even if his tone resembled the tone of someone annoyed, this was no way the case. He had a smile that went from ear to ear as he looked at his reinforcements that finally came, after a long wait of more than a month.

"My lord, have you also moved the other elite generals and their squads of several million troops?!" Zanac asked with confused eyes at his king's actions.

"Indeed, we'll give everything in this war. Tell me one thing, General Zanac, do you think my decision is wrong?" He asked, crossing his hands behind his back while looking at the hundreds of arches, each of which defied the laws with their abnormal sizes that could contain more than a million soldiers...flying like birds.

Hearing his king's question, Zanac's eyes switch between his king and the reinforcements that had just arrived.

"Honestly, I don't understand why my lord is so worried about this war. But on the other hand, I can't know if it's a good decision or not. You seem to know some crucial information that I don't know myself. Therefore, it's a little unfair on your part to ask me for advice." A subtle smile appeared on his lips as he pronounced these words.

"... Hahaha...., as always, your honesty will never stop surprising me." While laughing, he soft-tapped Zanac's shoulder and stealthily threw a barrier around them.

Seeing his king's actions, Zanac frowned, at the same time, Brave's smile fades on his lips as his expression turns into an impassive and frightening expression.

"Zanac, you've already met her... haven't you?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hearing his king's question, coupled with his strange actions, Zanac instantly understood who his king was referring to.

He, who has been inexpressive since his appearance, his expression turned despite himself, while an unconscious fear manifested himself s at his soul depth.

Seeing his expression, Brave nods his head in an understandable mood. "Since when?" He asked, without waiting for Zanac's answer; since his expression had already answered his question.

"...My lord, it was exactly one hundred and forty-nine years, six months, and three days ago. That day, I was confused to see a stranger walking around the palace when it was dark; I had taken her for a spy...but..."

Seeing him lose his calm, King Brave taps his shoulder: "So it was you who was the unlucky of that night...huh. This planet on which we find ourselves is her property."

"!!... my lord, what do you mean by that?"

"Sigh, the beings who are here, the magical beasts... and this planet itself are her creation. Compared to her, we're nothing more than ants. I can't tell you more, but we will have serious problems if we don't carry out this war."

Hearing his king’s words, Zanac remained silent.

"So I ask you once, do you think it's a bad idea to bring 30% of our troops to exterminate these worms and finish this mission quickly?"

"...!!" Zanac who was listening to his king was momentarily disturbed when he saw a familiar silhouette inside the Greatest Arch that escorted the other two kings.

But soon, his confused expression turned into disbelief, then into horror as his eyes saw his worst nightmare.

Seeing him with such eyes, Brave Hidenbrid looked behind him, too.

"By all the goddesses!" He swore in a shivering voice at the sight of a woman with long black hair, dressed in a black long-sleeve body, which defined her little plump ass and her breasts cup H, and she wore long black boots.

But what made this mysterious woman unique, was the only horn on her left temple, her ears slightly pointed like those of Sabrinas but above all... the absence of a tail on her!

Seeing this woman standing nonchalantly between a black elf and a giant demon sized more than 300cm, his mood becomes dark. But both had similarities with the Brave King; their dark expressions carried extreme fear, and also all three had crowns above their heads. In other words, they were the two kings he was waiting for.

'Why did you bring with you this sadist?!' Brave curses the other kings in his head; inside his barrier.

But his face suddenly lost all his colors after hearing the mysterious girl's voice in his head.

*Sadistic, you say? Fufu~, little Brave has become so insolent in such a little time? How long has it been since the last time? Two thousand years?*

It was as if the thunder rumbling in his head when he heard the girl's melodious voice resonating in his head.


But before he answered the girl, she instantly appeared inside Brave's barrier, without making the slightest scratch on the latter.

Seeing her in front of him, Brave placed his hand on his chest and bowed respectfully in front of her, followed by Zanac who did the same.

"M-Mistress, what brings you to this isolated planet?"

"Faraway planet? So I no longer have the right to visit one of my plantations? Fufu~, rather give me more details about the enemy who forced you to mobilize all these troops."

Brave's facial muscles rose when they heard these words. 'It's...

Seeing him hesitant, she applauds once with an erratic smile. "Ding dong~, I understood. You're talking about a certain Incubus who was under Randolph's surveillance, aren't you?"

"Randolph?" Brave asked confusedly, but in the end, he did not receive the slightest attention from the girl; she continued to speak as if nothing had happened.

"Um, I know, you don't have the slightest chance against them. In fact, you call me sadistic when it's a title that I don't deserve, at least, as long as a certain diabolical girl with long white hair continues to live in this world."

"...Mistress, I don't understand what you..."

"Don't worry about that, even if she is my sister, fate wanted me to kill her. So don't worry about that, I would kill her and take everything she has."

Seeing her talking constantly with words that he did not understand in the least, Zanac frowned: *My king, she became strange. She wasn't like that the last time I saw her. I feel like she's gone crazy...

"Shut up, idiot!!" Brave yelled at him when he saw Zanac pronounced the taboo, but it was too late.

Brave could guess it, just by seeing the girl's expression who turned dark.

She had stopped talking but instead, it was not joy that Zanac and Brave felt, on the contrary, they’d have done everything to make her look playful again.

"Did you call me crazy?"

Brave was alarmed when he heard her question: "N-No, it's me that this general calls crazy... mistress."

Even before he finishes his sentence, he nervously gulped by seeing a silver coin in the girl's palm. The coin had two faces, one of which was white and the other was jet black.

"I will throw this coin, if it's white, you'll be lucky and I'll spare your miserable life. But if it's black, you'll die of a painful and ruthless death on my part."

Hearing these words, the silver coin, and looking at him innocently pronounced these words; Zanac, who had once known this fate, had desperate eyes when thinking of the torments he was about to go through.


"Well, that's all for now." Alvine ends the meeting with these words.

Following this, the meeting room gradually emptied. Until only Sabrina, Alvine and Sylvia remain.

"Master...we had a little unexpected, Serena has just arrived on Alzania planet, and she asks to meet us."

"Serena? Who's she?" He asked confusedly.

"..." Sabrina remained momentarily silent.

But before she explains, Sylvie explains instead.

"This crazy woman is the most unpredictable. She is an enemy!"

"No, she's not it, it's just that she's... a little crazy...because of her concept." Sabrina immediately replied, looking at Sylvia with hostile eyes.

"Tsk, Tsk, do you say that despite her countless assassination attempts against you? She’s no longer one of us, nor is she the sister you had known. I’d like to point out that she’s working with the Leaders now!"


Seeing her indecision, Sylvia slams her tongue once again in an irritated tone.

"... What is..."? The more Alvine listened to them talk, the more confused he became.

​ But before he finished his sentence, Sylvia interrupted him.

Sylvia: - Master, if you want to preserve your life and not see your loved ones die like vulgar insects, I advise you to prevent any contact with this girl; she’s the girl who is obsessed with Sabrina and everything she owns. All she wants is to kill her, and this naive girl has only one weakness, it's her sister who is now our sworn enemy and also one of the, I would rather say one of the five strongest Leaders!

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