King of succubus

Chapter 216 The Blood Ritual.

"Whites, he's going to join me, black, he’ll not join me." Serena was sitting in the living room with the three nervous kings while she was having fun with her little coin.

But every time she threw the token into the air, it disappeared, broke, or didn't stop on any side.

"Sigh, this man is more and more intriguing. No matter how hard I try to change his destiny or take a look at it, I can't find any clue about him." She said, looking at Zanac who was lying on the floor with his head beheaded.

"Mi-Mistress, what did you plan to do with my general? However, he was lucky to have the right to life, but you still killed him; by returning to your words." Brave naturally did not agree with Zanac's death who is not only one of his most powerful generals but also his most confident friend.

Seeing him die so miserably was like seeing a member of his family die in front of him.

"Fufu~, don't worry about that, his fate doesn't die. Be patient and just watch this body do tricks on the most incredible magic that exists in this universe."

It was the umpteenth time she said these words, but conversely, no one had believed her until now.

All King Brave wanted to hear was the cause of his friend's death. But instead, this strange girl made fun of him, saying to look at him at the corpse of his general who was going to come back to life; just for the simple reason that the little room in his palm had shown that he was not going to die.

But soon, his anger and frustration turned into shock, then disbelief, seeing Zanac's fingers move by themselves when he was killed by Serena six hours ago.

"What is it!?" the three silhouettes’ eyes widen when they see Zanac's headless neck push back another head; even though his head lay on the ground three meters from him!

"Oh... Ho-holly...

As is their first time seeing such a scene, they had indescribable expressions in their eyes.

But Serena didn't care, she had other concerns.

'My concept can even influence the fate of primordial beings, why is a simple junk mage able to escape under my control?!' While she was looking for the key to solve this mystery,

Zanac, who has just woken up, was beheaded once again.

Brave's expression darkens once again.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Don't worry, he's not going to die;" Serena replied nonchalantly placing one leg on her other while sitting on the luxurious sofa.

'Sigh, I'm going to have to call for my beloved sister for a breathtaking meeting.'


Alvine, who saw his two maids bickering, began to have a headache. 'Sabrina's sister? One of the three Leaders? What the hell does her sister do with the Leaders? Since when did she have a sister first?!'

All these questions gave him the impression of being the most ignorant in the world.

"...What is..."

"Master, I advise you to avoid this woman and make sure not to let Sabrina get in touch with her; otherwise she will surely try to kill her!" Sylvia interrupts him in his sentence.

But Alvine, who has just heard these words, had a frightening expression to look at. It was the first time he heard that Sabrina's life was threatened.

'According to Sylvia's expression and words, Serena, is the psychopath who is obsessed with Sabrina's killing?' It was the record that was constantly replayed in his head.

Without even realizing it, his anger had reached a grade that he could not imagine to the point of distorting his facial expression.

"Sylvia, what is this woman's concept?" He asked in a monotonous voice.

Sabrina: "Master is...

"No Sabrina, I ask you to shut up for once and wait for us outside." Alvine beckoned her to shut up with his finger.


Following this, she bowed in front of him before looking at Sylvia with hostile eyes and headed towards the door.

"One last thing, you have a ban on setting foot off this planet without my permission;" Alvine added in an inexpressive voice.

"...As you wish, master." Then, she closed the door behind her with a dull noise.

Alvine knew she was frustrated, but he didn't care. For now, he had to deal with this case, which was a major emergency.

He get up into the small throne that was in the meeting room. "Sylvia, follow me." He said, while nonchalantly opening a dark portal that led to the dimension of the shadow.

She didn't ask any questions, she followed Alvine who had just entered the portal.

After crossing the portal, Sylvia found herself in front of a dark castle that was larger than the Punishers’ Castle. But she didn't ask herself any questions about it, since it wasn't the first time that she saw this castle in front of her.

Alvine did not go through the castle gates, he was sitting on the outside stairs.

"Master, this madwoman’s concept is the [concept of destiny]. But what makes her dangerous is not only her concept but the artifact she possesses and her unpredictable madness nature." Sylvia immediately gave him an answer after noticing her master's garnet eyes.

"Tell me more about this girl."

"... She was one of the allies who had facilitated the war against the Leaders, but for a reason, we don't know, this woman suddenly changed sides overnight. As a result, she killed five of us. Her only motivation is to kill for pure pleasure; she is a psychopath of the worst kind. And also the only one among us to make a taboo who had been banned by our mother."

After hearing this brief explanation from her, Alvine did not ask for more details. The taboo in question was none other than to create beings and cultivate them for the sole purpose absorb them to increase her power; it was easy to guess for Alvine since it was the only taboo he knew for Punishers.

He gets out directly into the dimension with Sylvia. "We're going to meet her." He said after leaving the dimension.


Even before Sylvia answered, Alvine continued his sentence: - The reason is obvious, isn't it? It has a concept that is not categorized even in the affinities of deviants. It's an affinity that cannot be acquired except by the highest divine mages. But she actually has gained fate’s concept. You have to understand what I'm talking about, don't you?"

Sylvia: - ... Master, it's still...

"Just like me, you know that she is the worst enemy we will face. Fate’s affinity could influence not only the will of people, forcing them to commit unwanted acts... But even worse, it can even lead someone to certain death if this power’s possessor manages to see its destiny and modify it as it pleases."

Sylvia remained momentarily silent after hearing Alvine's words. "Sigh, I see that you know more about this power than I thought."

But Alvine shakes his head after hearing Sylvia's words. "You're wrong, Sylvia. All I know is only when this power is possessed by a high divine being. Everything I just mentioned... is related only to when a divine mage regains this deviant affinity. But you always hide a detail from me that is obvious. The concepts are different from affinities; I wonder how much she can influence a person's destinies with the [concept of destiny]!"

-Knock, Knock.

Immediately, the meeting room’s door was knocked on by Assiaphir.

"We’ll meet her after finishing what I have to do here. Go watch Sabrina, and don't annoy her too much; I don't want my people to be hurt by a confrontation between two primordial beings."

After dismissing Sylvia while giving her this little advice, he authorized Assia to join him.

"My king, as you had ordered me, I came to perform the blood rituals with you." Immediately, she bows to Alvine as she spoke these words.

"Well. Then we will start without further ado."

'Honestly, I would have liked to have left this case for later but, I must first solve internal problems before dealing with the external problem. Sigh, I don't know since when I had a day off for myself.' He said to Himself while biting his thumb with his sharp fangs.

At the same time, the drops of blood coming out of his wound began floating around him, under his deviant affinity’s effects from blood control.

Seeing that his small bite would regenerate faster than expected, despite his will; he made a deep notch on his left arm, without his expression contracting by pain.

"What are you...

"Don't worry, with my natural regeneration, coupled with vampire blood and Sabrina's, this wound is nothing more than a small sting; it will regenerate instantly if it was not affected by my energy to slow down the cell regeneration’s speed."

While speaking with incomprehensible words for Assi, he had managed to extract the amount of blood he needed. Just then, his eyebrows contracted after seeing his blood’s abnormal red color, to the point of turning to another color.

But he did not dwell on this 'insignificant' detail. Instantly, the drops of blood merged as a golden magic circle appeared under their feet that is drawn only with his blood.

'Sigh, why is this magic circle golden instead of garnet red?' His frown became more frowned as his suspicions increased.

"Little demoness, stand in the magic circle’s middle and leave a drop of your blood on the magic circle." He ordered Assia after completing the preparations.

Following his orders, Assia walked toward the great magic circle’s middle while having confused eyes.

But she still followed Alvine's instructions and made a small sting on her left index finger with the pointed nails of her right index finger and dropped a drop of her blood; as Alvine had ordered.

Instantly, the magic circle gradually became garnet red; as its blood merged with the magic circle that consisted only of Alvine's blood.

At the same time, an unimaginable pain was felt by her as the magic circle under her feet turned into a scarlet cocoon that gradually enveloped her as she clenched her teeth to stifle her cries of agony.

"Don't worry, everything will go well. I suffered something similar." Alvine reassured her by seeing her confused eyes that were garnet red because of the pain.

These were the last words she heard from Alvine before she was swallowed up by the cocoon.

"It's like when I first transformation into God of Slaughter. Like a caterpillar that will mutate to become an accomplished butterfly, you'll also become someone who will inherit my legacy; I wonder what you’ll look like, little demoness.

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