Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

196 Chapter 196

The clones were on the verge of going crazy. Even when they encircled him, he still somehow escaped as if it was nothing. Even his demeanor didn't show whether he was really trying or not.

So, they turned around to search for him. The old man was found standing not that far away looking at his own right hand.

He kept looking at it as he clenched and loosened it a few times as if he was checking whether it was still working or not. Then, he looked up again.

He observed the crystals that didn't seem to budge at all, deeply digging into their innards.

'It seems that even these crystals aren't that effective against them if they were used like a sword or something like that. We need explosive power like a cannon to be able to create enough momentum for it to be lethal.' He thought to himself calmly.

He had no idea what these clones were made of. It wasn't normal skin but more of a rigid yet rubbery substance that was at least 1000 times sturdier than normal human skin.

He also can't think of a weapon strong enough to damage them. Hell, even their own attacks can't kill them so why should there be something that can do that in this world?

Be it as it may, Lenny wasn't going to give up since he can see hope far on the horizon. It was far and hard to grasp, but he had no other choice but to try and capture it. That slim, almost non-existent possibility.

As he was having such thoughts, the clones were already on the move again. They had enough of his abilities and his casual demeanor so they changed their approach.

Instead of attacking the strong old man, they targeted the other people there.

The Nightingale members saw this and immediately readied themselves.

"They are now targeting us? Great." Torn muttered.

"It's gonna be a bloody fight! Get ready and don't try to let them throw those energy bombs they can create." Jack shouted as he extended his hand again and used his ability.

Immediately, the clones halted their steps and started looking around them frantically.

This was Jack's ability, he had the element of illusion which was a pretty rare element in this world. The ability of this element, as the name suggests, is to create illusions that can trick every human sense.

It can create pain, euphoria, sadness, and even anger with very precise images and depictions of different environments and locations.

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He could even create people's nightmares and dreams if he has a good idea about their personalities.

Now, what he did is that he hypnotized the clones and made them lose track of his teammates' locations.

Then, he looked at the others without saying a word. It was his sign for them to start the fight.

Lein was the first to move as she pulled her sword and dashed toward them. Her lighting element was also already surging through every fiber of her body.

As she reached the first clone, she kicked the crystal that was digging into the clone's abdomen, shoving it slightly deeper into his body.

Then, she pierced with her sword towards his eyes.

"Take this motherfucker!" She shouted loudly.

Her sword reached the eyeball and pierced it. However, it barely created a hole one millimeter deep into his eye.

Lein tried to push harder as the blood started oozing out of his eye. But, the sword didn't want to budge at all.

It was in fact stuck there as if it penetrated some kind of hard, sticky rubber.

Torn saw this and moved in to help Lein, his weird weapons which were soul guns that work with soul force instead of bullets were pulled out of his hip and pointed at the clone that was walking up from his trance.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Three bullets were shot successively. Normally, no one would accept being near a target when these weapons are involved. But, this Torn we are speaking about.

The bullets flew past Lein, barely scraping a strand of her hair before lunging into the clone's face.

The impact from the hit made the clone's head arch back, releasing the sword in the process.

Lein immediately pulled back and created some distance. Then, she looked at her arm which was shaking slightly. Just from exerting all of her strength in trying to penetrate the eye, her arm had become slightly numb and unresponsive.

'How are they this sturdy?' She thought to herself with a grim look.

She then looked at Lenny and shouted.

"Boss. Shouldn't we already use it?" She asked.

However, Lenny shook his head in refusal. He seemed to be still reluctant to use the weapon they prepared before the perfect opportunity.

They must not forget that in other major cities, there were thousands of other clones invading them and killing people. So, if they wasted their one trump card here, fighting the other clones that will eventually come here will be suicidal, to say the least.

The team didn't feel annoyed by his decision since they trusted that old man with their lives.


Finally, the clones broke the illusion and returned to the real world. Jack couldn't hold this number of strong creatures for that long since it took a huge toll on his body and also his soul force which was depleting at an alarming rate.

But, before they could fully recover, Kin with her massive hammer jumped in the air and smashed down, creating a huge crater in the middle of the area, making the clones fall down. Her destructive prowess came from the amazing control of her element, the rock.

Then, she touched the ground with her left arm, and a huge wall made out of stones protruded out of the ground. The wall was tall and wide. It also was as thick as three normal-sized houses.

Then, with her right hand that was holding the hammer, she pushed the wall down, closing the hole that the clones fell in and sealing them there.

"Good job, Kin," Jack said with a thumbs up.

The emotionless woman barely gave him a glance before she nodded quietly.

However, they weren't over yet, and Lein interrupted them.

"Kin, make a small hole that links to the trap you created." She ordered.

The latter nodded and did what she was told to.

Then, Lein approached the hole and charged her hands with lightning before crouching down and channeling all of that energy inside.

The electricity coming from the lighting bolts fried the inside and increased the temperature tremendously.

However, not even a few seconds passed before the ground shook violently and cracked like a fragile nut.

"No, you fucking don't!" Weltz shouted as he ignited the blue fire in his hand and blasted it down, creating another layer of ice, at least 2 meters thick.

"Now, Uli!!"

Then, to put the last nail in the coffin, Uli ran closer to the trap and jumped in the air. His simple jump made him reach 60 meters in the air before he landed down with his legs first.

"I will give it my best!!!" He shouted.


His violent landing pushed the layer of ice even deeper into the crater, making the inside even more compact and pressured.

Then, he started punching down madly. His scared face contrasted with his monstrous strength.


He kept punching and punching continuously as if it was the only thing he was capable of doing.

"Take this and this and this and this!!! How dare you make me feel inferior. I am inferior but still, why would you rub that fact on my face? I have emotions and I can easily be scared! Die! Die! Die!" He shouted like a madman.

Then, as the last punch, he gave it extra power. The hit alone was able to push the layer of ice and rocks, even more, deeper into the ground.

Anyone inside such a deadly trap would be turned to meat paste…fried meat paste after this.

It was such a strong combination of the full strength of every Nightingale member together.

"This won't kill them! But it will buy us some time." Torn muttered with his hand on his chin.

Then, he pulled out his phone to check the other areas of the world where the invasion was happening simultaneously.


His eyes squinted slightly at the sight he saw.

The areas where the supposed major cities of the world existed were now nothing but desolate lands.

He predicted such an outcome, but for this to happen in less than an hour was just mind-blowing.

The only city that somehow was still not fully destroyed was Lagradon. It was still engaging in a bloody fight but at least there was some resistance.

"What a fucking mess this is. I don't want to even imagine what the lower world would look like in a few more hours." He thought.


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