Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

197 Chapter 197

"Hah! Hah! Hah! Fuck!" A loud curse filled with anger and hatred echoed in the area. Leislet clenched her teeth as she looked up with her cold eyes. Her left arm was holding her right arm since the latter was broken to pieces.

She could see in the air, hundreds of clones moving around, destroying and killing every human they see in front of them.

In a matter of 35 minutes, they had brutally murdered thousands of people, most of them were normal army soldiers and a small portion of them were hunters.

Leislet could see how powerless they were. Forget about putting up a decent story fight, they couldn't even hold up for half an hour.

The biggest city in the world and the strongest empire in the world couldn't hold its ground against invaders for an hour. That was a joke…A sick and twisted joke told by the devil himself.

She then shifted her gaze to the ground. All she could see around her was blood. A deep red blood that kept spreading and dying the whole city with the color of blood.

Other than blood, there was also a huge pile of corpses. Dead people with cut-off limbs, broken bones, and twisted necks riddled the area like ants.

It was a truly horrible sight for anyone to witness.

This fact was even stronger for Leislet who had to bear with the sight of her people losing their lives in such a brutal way.

'Am I truly this powerless?' She asked herself as she clenched on her broken arm, making her wince with pain.


Another explosion echoed along with a strong wind wave that rustled her long beautiful hair and made her look even more miserable.

'Fuck! Was it all useless after all? Trying to fight a losing war and get beaten this easily. Was it my mistake to not accept their offer and surrender?' She thought as she fought the urge of crying.

The pain she felt in her heart was unimaginable. Each person dying, each scream and each explosion tore her heart and tortured her soul.

There was no one to blame except for Leislet.

Even though in normal circumstances she would be aware that it was not anyone's fault that this happened. It was all an invasion that would've happened whether Leislet tried to stop it or not. But, her mental state made her incapable of thinking rationally at that exact moment.

However, as she was having such destructive thoughts.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Umm…you seem to be about to commit suicide, Prez." A voice suddenly called for her from behind.

She looked back and saw a very familiar lazy face she had already grown accustomed to. This person was the face of the hunter association after all.

He was the true strongest hunter alive, a monster that has never seen defeat before. He was even considered some kind of deity by many people.

Leislet shook her head with a grim face as she tried to muster a smile.

"You bastard! Why are you here? Didn't you stay in another city?" She asked.

Thyrus shook his head and answered.

"When I saw that my hometown was getting destroyed, I felt that this was the time to come back." He said as he eyed the clones in the air.

Leislet looked at him for a moment and didn't answer at all.

Thyrus also didn't say anything for a moment before walking away toward the middle of the battlefield.

However, he halted his steps and said.

"You shouldn't blame yourself, Prez. You have done your best. Leave everything to me."

Then, he jumped in the air, breaking the ground under him because of his leap.

Leislet covered her face as she watched the strongest hunter about to show his true strength.

His words had somehow prickled something inside her. She didn't fully stop blaming herself, but she was now in a better state to think properly and see what to do next.

Meanwhile, Thyrus, who jumped far away, reached the first clone that was close to him.

He didn't use his element as he immediately grabbed the clone's face and with a swift move, broke his neck and made his head turn to a weird angle.

However, the clone didn't seem to die as he created a huge energy ball and tried to hit Thyrus from up close.

"Don't, please." He muttered with his usual lazy look.

Then, he turned in the air before making a bicycle kick that sent the clone rolling down before hitting the ground violently.

He also landed close to him and didn't waste time letting the clone recover as he dashed toward him.

'Strong body structure, fast recovery, and strong attacks. Hahaha, what a bunch of monsters.' He thought to himself.

He had tried to use raw physical attacks to gauge out the clone's strength and to see if he would be able to go head to head with him.

But, it seemed that it would be a waste of time and energy to do so. So, he changed his approach without hesitation.

He lifted his index finger up in the air. A moment after that, a small swirl pool of what seemed to be a dark red liquid appeared floating on top of his finger.

Then, he changed the shape of the liquid and even increased its size. From a small ball, it turned into a massive boulder 5 times Thyrus's size.

The ball then changed again and became a spear-like object. That spear then disintegrated into hundreds of spears that create a giant wall behind Thyrus.

Then, the man jumped in the air and looked down at the clones that noticed the anomaly.

"Let's try this." He muttered.

Then, he launched the spears down. For a moment, the whole sky became a bloody red.

The clones didn't have time to evade the meteor of spears as they landed on them.

A chain of explosions took over a massive area of the city.

But, Thyrus wasn't over by any means. That attack was nothing but him preparing for what he really was planning to do.

The moment the spears hit the clones, they dissipated in the air, losing their original form.

Then, the red particles reunited again, forming a chain that surrounded each clone and bound them.

In a matter of seconds, every single clone was trapped inside the chains of liquid. The clones tried to free themselves from the chain thinking that it was easy to do so. However, they couldn't be any more wrong about it.

Thyrus then landed in the middle of these creatures and eyed them lazily.

"Don't even try. These chains are made out of blood and they are already integrated with your skin. It's basically now as strong as your own body." He explained as he scratched the back of his head.

"Now. Let's see what we can do. Let me first try this." He muttered as he yawned.

Before pointing his index finger again. The chains immediately responded and started moving frantically.

Then, each end of the chains changed into a pointy edge before penetrating the skin of the clones.

Compared to the other painful things these clones experienced, this was basically nothing for them.

However, the next thing made them rethink their ideas.

The pointy edge of the chain started absorbing the blue blood of the clones.

It was as if the chain turned into a sponge that absorbs liquid endlessly.

In less than 30 seconds, the clones were already drained from blood. Their bodies lost weight and they became as skinny as a skeleton.

Their white skin also turned deathly pale because of the lack of blood circulating inside of them.

This scene was akin to a vampire movie. However, Thyrus didn't even go near the clone's blood but stayed still in his place not doing anything.

'Now. Let's see if draining their blood would be able to kill them.' He thought as he scratched his chin slowly.

The chains finally completed their job and the clones were now nothing but bony corpses that fell down motionless.

Thryus was still wary about this since he wasn't sure whether they really died or not.

Just in case, he resummoned the now bluish chains that changed color because of the absorption process and made them disappear.

Leislet watched what happened and could barely keep her composure. Seeing the clones motionless made her scratch her eyes a few times to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

'He killed them this easily?! There is no way!' She thought to herself.

But then, she shook her head and smiled slightly. For a moment, she had forgotten who this lazy man who was standing in front of her and yawning carelessly.

'Even if they revive again. What Thyrus did is amazing. As expected of the Blood King.' She thought.

However, the next words Thyrus muttered made her return to the real world.

"They are coming. The real deal this time." He said as he looked up, his eyes piercing the clouds and seeing beyond them.


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