Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

199 Chapter 199

The bloody fight continued as Thyrus kept dodging the blood spear left and right. He couldn't evade every possible attack since they were all way too fast. In fact, they were so fast that the moment one of these attacks hit the ground it carves a deep hole into the ground as if it was nothing.

So, it was obvious that Thyrus would sustain some injuries while moving left and right.

At the same time, no matter how many times he tried to hit back, the man would be able to either evade his attacks easily or just simply stop them with the palm of his hands quite easily.

This made the fight even more tiring for Thyrus who could feel his soul force draining slowly with each passing moment.

'This is really annoying.' Thyrus thought to himself.

He was never someone to get cornered in a fight and he also never had to stay on defense the whole fight because of the difference in strength between him and his opponent.

So, this was something fairly new to him who was always glorified as the strongest human alive.

As for the mysterious man, he just kept a casual smile on his face.

"You are as slippery as a slime." He muttered.

"And you are fucking annoying."

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Luckily, Thyrus finally found a split second where he could attack back so he used that moment to close the distance between them.

Then, he made the blood cover his hand and turn it into a sharp dagger.


He tried to pierce the man's heart and kill him on the spot. His hand was very agile as it barely took one-fourth of a second to reach its target.

However, before the attack could connect, Thyrus's danger senses alerted him to something coming from his blind spot.

He looked down and there was the man's hand about to pierce his neck. So, he had to retreat before he could hit him.

'Fuck.' He cursed under his breath as he touched his neck. There was a bloody injury there that was considerably deep.

"Can you just die and end this stupid fight? I already had enough of this filthy place that you insects call the Lower World. It's a fucking shithole that is not even worth putting pigs and horses in it." The man said.

He looked around him with a smile.

"Trying to fight back with a false hope that you will be alive by the time everything is over. Wake the fuck up! This is not a fucking fairy tale. I gave you the choice of preserving your lowly lives and you refused it so death is your only choice at this point. Just fucking accept it."

Then he clenched his fists and continued.

"If you just surrender, your world will see prosperity. We will give you technology and strength that you won't be able to attain in a thousand years. We could even improve your worthless lives and make you at least better than some stupid insects. Are you stupid enough not to accept such a good proposal?"

Hearing such words, Thyrus sighed and shook his head.

"You are really an arrogant fellow, aren't you? It's really a simple matter. No one wants to live like a slave. Even if you make everyone rich and powerful, the core matter is that they are still lowly slaves. That fact alone will make anyone fight for their freedom."

He then opened his arms wide. The blood around him suddenly increased in quantity and thickness.

Then, he looked at the man again and added.

"So, no words coming from your mouth will make these people give up and accept their fate. Fate was created for us to fight it back after all if we don't like it."

Then, he attacked the man with renewed vigor. He felt his energy increasing for some reason. Even his senses sharpened and he felt himself even stronger.

The attack he unleashed on the man was the strongest he ever created.

But, the man didn't seem to be alerted to this and instead looked down and muttered.

"Fine, it's your decision. You gave me no other choice." He said under his breath.

Then, as if what he did before was nothing but playing around, he looked up and shouted.

"Meteor Fall!!"

Thyrus felt a chill run down his spine the moment he heard those words. So, with widened eyes, he looked up.

The ship above him that was motionless the whole time suddenly started moving.

A huge gate opened. The gate took at least 80% of the ship's size so when it opened, it looked like a giant hole in the sky.

Then, from inside the ship, a huge rock that was the size of the gate started falling down.

Thyrus couldn't believe his eyes from such a sight. He had expected every outcome but this was just way too ridiculous to be even considered a possibility.

He then looked around him and he saw many hunters and soldiers standing startled in their places, not moving an inch.

'This is a disaster. If this hits the ground we are basically dead.' He thought with gritted teeth.

Then, he shouted.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Evacuate the place now!!"

His voice seemed to wake them up from their trance and made them run for their lives. By the time they had started running away, the meteor was already halfway going down.

Thyrus then looked at Leislet who was still there and he said.

"Prez. What the fuck are you doing? Leave the place. You are in the way." He said.

Then, he blasted into the air like a rocket. He had to stop the meteor before it hit the ground.

He wasn't sure he was capable of such a feat since the meteor was just gigantic. Stopping it with pure strength was just impossible even for someone with monstrous strength like him. So, he had to find another way to destroy it or make it go back to where it came from.

,m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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