Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

200 Chapter 200

As Thyrus kept rising higher and higher, getting close to the meteor, the temperature started rising at an alarming rate. The atmosphere had turned the meteor into a giant ball of fire.

Not only was it massive but the heat coming from it alone was enough to roast the whole of Lagradon like a chicken.

However, even with such a looming danger, Thyrus couldn't let this thing hit the ground or the consequences will be catastrophic, to say the least.

When he finally reached the meteor, he spread the blood around him, creating a barrier so massive that it covered the whole sky and stretched far and beyond.

Then, he made it surround the giant meteor as if it was a blanket.


The sound of the meteor hitting the barrier shook the skies. Thyrus felt the crushing weight of the meteor on every muscle of his body.

It was so heavy that it almost made him fall down. But, he clenched his teeth and bore the weight with every ounce of strength he has.

'Damn it. This is heavy.' He thought to himself as he grunted quietly trying to at least change the direction of the meteor's fall.

He had no idea how he would do that so he could only rely on all of his power to do so and hope for the best. Unfortunately, there was no one else there that could help him in lifting the giant rock so he could try to make it go back.

"Hahaha! You are truly a foolish man." The man shouted from the ground with mockery and disdain.

However, Thyrus turned a blind eye to his provocations as he fully focused on pushing the rock much as he could.

Thyrus was indeed trying but it was simply not enough for him. He felt himself getting pushed down slowly and the barrier was also starting to shake violently as it threatened to break at any moment.

He was simply losing and he was helpless while doing so. It was indeed the first time Thyrus felt helpless.

He looked down for a brief moment, he saw the many hunters and soldiers looking up with scared looks, the way they eyed him with a glint of hope hiding inside that deep fear they felt.

The way they looked at him with awe and hope made him remember something crucial.

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'Why did I even think about giving up? Who am I? I am the strongest hunter. I am the beacon of hope for this world against anything that would threaten it. I can't simply lose like this. I can't!'

He gritted his teeth until he felt his gums starting to bleed. He then did something that he had never had to do before.

"Blood Berserker!" He muttered under his breath.

Immediately, he felt his heart tightening as if it was suddenly drained from every drop of blood.

This pain was followed by a weird surge of strength that ran through every fiber of his being. It was not a power that made him feel good but more of a weird state of sudden strength gain that made him feel his chest burning as if it caught on fire.

He also felt his brain losing some of its functionalities because of what he did.

Blood Berserker was an ability that he created a long time ago where he would channel all of his blood from every organ of his body to his muscles to increase his strength explosively for a brief moment. It was obviously extremely dangerous and could also be life-threatening for his life so he never used it before this moment.

"Haaaaahhhh!!" He shouted as he pushed again with all of his strength.

Luckily or not, this time, he started making progress. The rock halted mid-air and then it started going back at a slow pace.

Everyone was surprised at such an outcome since they thought it was all over from the moment he started falling down gradually.

But, with an ignited hope, they started shouting and cheering for him. That was all they could do at that moment. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing.

Thyrus was also feeling more and more capable.

However, the man who was sitting on the ground casually broke that hope as if it was nothing.

"Hmm. How about another meteor?" He asked with a thoughtful look before nodding his head and moving his arm the same way when he summoned the first meteor.

"What?!" They all shouted in shock.

Even Thyrus's face turned extremely grim when he heard those words. Yet, as much as he hoped for those words to be nothing but bluffing, the ship's massive gate opened again and another meteor the same size as the first one appeared.

The second one started falling down and it didn't take long for it to reach the first one.


The two rocks hit each other, creating a wave of fire that spread across the sky, creating what looked like a clusterfuck of fireworks.

"Ugh!!!!" Thyrus's eyes widened as he felt the weight on his arms double. The barrier he created couldn't hold on anymore as it started cracking at a fast speed.

Not only that, the man's arms broke and his veins popped like popcorn as it seeped out blood.

'I can't hold on.' He thought to himself with a weak look on his face.

It was now impossible for him to stop this, it was basically over.

He had no trick up his sleeve to stop two country-sized rocks stacked on top of each other and save the people.

However, as he was about to lose hope and lose consciousness, a flash of light appeared in the corner of his gaze.

"Hm?" He looked at where the flash of light moved and he could only look twice to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

The silhouette that appeared out of nowhere reached the rocks from the side before plunging his legs into the rocks.

Then, with his right hand, he punched the rocks.


The punch alone created a huge hole in the rocks. But, that wasn't the main change that happened to the meteors.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the weight of the rocks was reduced by a massive amount. Thyrus felt the crushing weight of these two rocks become bearable in less than a second.

So, without thinking much about it, he exerted the last ounce of strength he had in his body and pushed the rocks.

This time, instead of a slow movement, the rocks were thrown back easily.

The ship that was flying on top of these two rocks was hit by the two rocks, making it sway left and right.

Then, the two meteors collided with the left part of the ship before getting thrown far away into the horizon.

The lack of momentum made the two rocks hit the ground fairly softly, creating a massive cloud of dust and that's it. The impact was so docile that it could've been considered as if nothing happened.

Seeing that the danger was now over, Thyrus felt his mind shutting down and he closed his eyes, losing his footing from the blood platform he created.

However, before he started falling, someone grabbed him by the collar.

"You aren't that much for the strongest hunter alive, Thyrus." A young voice spoke with a hint of mockery and also amusement.

Thyrus however couldn't hear him since he was deep asleep.

"Sigh…What a pain in the ass. This meteor would've destroyed half of the planet if it hit the ground." Acht muttered as he looked down with a complicated gaze.

Then, he floated down solely until he reached the ground.

He had chosen a precise place where he would land because he had already had in mind an idea of who he wanted to talk to.

Leislet, who had already seen who it was, had her hand on her mouth.

Acht looked at the woman who was eyeing him with hazy eyes and said.

"Long time no see. Uh. I guess we met a few days ago so it's not a long time per see." He said as he scratched his head.

'Fuck. This is awkward. But, I had no other choice. Evernight is still a fucking mess but the others should deal with the matter alone. Lagradon, however, it's a goddamn desolate land now.' He thought to himself.

Acht had returned to Lagradon for one sole reason. If Lagradon fell then the whole world would fall and it would be over.

He was still a wanted criminal but that would be a matter for later.

"Why?" Leislet suddenly asked.

Acht looked at her again and sighed.

"Let me ask you one question. Are you the one who snitched on me?" He asked with a cold look.

Leislet didn't waste a moment before shaking her head.

"No! I would never…."

"I believe you. You don't have to swear or anything else. Anyway, it's not a good time to talk now since there is a matter that needs to be settled. I will explain everything later, ok?"

Leislet nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes. The fact that Acht appeared made her feel as if her whole world turned from a nightmare to a dream.


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