Life Drain System

Chapter 143 - Another Test...

    Then Yin asks. "By the way, I have been meaning to ask. If I may, where did all the blood come from? Who did you have to kill, and why so many weapons. You look like you just went to war. If you wanted, you could have summoned us to help you know." Yin says while feeling a little left out that Yueliang is going to all these places and rarely taking them with him.

    Hearing Yins' question, Yue replies. "Honestly, I did not really think about it. At the time, finishing the mission was all that was on my mind, as it meant that I get to come back all the faster."

    "Anyways, the tigers are just over here." Yin says as he starts walking away, feeling even worse that it seems as if the young master forgot them, although he knew that is not possible. It is just one of those feeling that when you are kept from those you care about it hurts a lot.


    Then continuing since there is still a little ways to go, Yin asks. "Young master, may I go back to that asteroid we left just recently?"

    "You want to go back?"

    "It is not so much that I want to go back, as my teacher is there. In order for me to continue learning alchemy, it would be easier if said person is around." Yue explains.

    "I take it the one you are talking about is Bingwen, the one who healed me. Am I right?" Yue asks out of curiosity.

    Yin answering. "Yes he is currently my teacher. But, may I go or no?"

    "Honestly, I do not mind. However, you would have to ask either my sister or grandpa, seeing as they are the ones who can shift between galaxies, universes and what not. Although if you want, I do not mind asking them for you when I go to eat with them later." Yue answers.

    Hearing that, although he expected such and answer it was nice to hear thus a smile forms, and Yin adds. "Thank you very much."

    Then in silence they walk until they see the tigers about 5 minutes later.

    As Yueliang and Yin get closer, Shen Hu looks up and the first thing he says is. "What happened? Who attacked you?" 

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    Feeling confused, Yue asks. "What do you mean?"

    Hearing this question, Shen Hu feels confused and says. "Your cultivation, it is gone. I doubt you did it yourself, clearly who ever did this to you was very careful or accidently broke your cultivation in such a way that you can still cultivate."

    Shaking his head, Yue answers. "I did not take head to the systems warning, thus my chi got out of control, in order to keep the system I sacrificed my knowledge of cultivation, and in order to save me since I could no longer use an alchemical pill, grandpa very carefully broke my cultivation for now. I must restart soon, before I turn 22 anyway."

    "I see." Shen Hu comments.

    "So anyways, how is Huoli, and the birth coming along? I hear it will be in a few days." Yue asks.

    Shen Hu puts his head back down and says. "Nothing to worry about, she is doing well. Just resting at the moment. Anyways, because there is nothing to hunt in this place it will be difficult to have them here. However if we could get some prey in here, that would be wonderful. Sadly that is not a likely option, so I do not know what we can do."

    "It is alright, I will have this settled for you soon." Yue answers whilst thinking. 'I hope grandpa does not mind all these favors. I will certainly have to work harder in the future to ensure that I can take care of my subordinates.'

    Hearing this, Shen Hu asks. "Really, how?"

    Yue replies. "I can just talk to grandpa. While I would like to do this myself, I do understand that it is not bad to accept help when it is needed. I am not so proud or arrogant that I would make the people I care about suffer for my choices."

    Shen Hu and Yin both feel a little bad about asking him to do such a thing, however the prey is kind of needed to raise the tigers right, and the teacher is needed if Yin wants to become an alchemist before anything bad happens.

    Seeing the look on their faces, Yue says with sincerity. "Do not worry about it, as you know I am neither arrogant nor proud. However If I am ever that way please let me know. Anyways, look, I am doing this because I want to help and take care of you, not out of obligation, but out of mutual care and respect. You all are my friends, and I want you all to be happy, healthy, and having fun."

    After a few moments, Yue asks. "I am curious, when is the baby or babies due?"

    Huoli who was resting still with her eyes clothes explains. "Not today, come back tomorrow and we will see. They will either be born tomorrow or the day after most likely." 

    "Thank you for the update, I wish you good luck on your pregnancy, that you will not be in pain. I must go for now, since there are things for me to take care of before breakfast. See you all soon I hope." Yue explains, and says good bye before turning around to leave.

    Walking back to where they started, Yue thinks to himself. 'It seems there is more to ask about than I thought, but at least I can report that the mission was successful.'

    Now below the door, Yueliang jumps up and opening the door, he steps through in one fluid motion, so that he does not have to fall and try again. Then he heads down the corridors to the throne room, to ensure that he will not have to miss his grandpa like last time, and make the wrong choice again. 

---- A Hour And A Half Later ----

    In the throne room, Yue looks around and seeing no one, he walks to side room where his grandfather cultivates just in case he is there.

    Sliding the slit open, he looks in, and seeing no one there, Yue then heads out of the throne room to the dinning hall as that is the most likely the only other place he would be at the moment.

    Walking out of the room, he asks the first guard by the door. "Do you know where my grandfather is at the moment? I looked and did not see him in here, or the side room."

    The guard quickly replies. "My prince, I apologize, but I am not certain as I only just changed shifts. If you would like to know more, check the guard across from me, as his shift change in not for a little while."

    "Thank you." Yue replies before turning around to face the guard on the opposite side of the corridor.

    Then before the guard, the guard asks. "My prince, what can I do for you?"

    "I would like to know if you have any idea where my grandfather is before I end up wandering the whole castle. Looking in the throne room as well as the adjacent room he uses to cultivate yielded no results. Thus I have come to you. Do you know where grandpa is?" Yue asks in hopes that he does not have to seriously explore the whole castle.

    This guard like the last quickly replies. "My prince, to my knowledge, he is likely at the dining hall waiting for you. If not the servants would likely know better than me. I would normally say to ask his butler if you could find him, but seeing as we are looking for a replacement that is not possible at the moment."

    Now having his answer, he heads to the dining hall.

---- About 30 Minutes Later ----

    Nearly in front of the doorway, Yueliang thinks to himself. 'At least with all this running around, I am learning the castle grounds much better. However I am curious what the guard meant by the servants would know better. Oh well, he should be in here.'

    Taking a left, he walks into the dinning hall and looking at the table where his grandpa normally sits, he sees the emperor. Happy that he found the emperor, Yue walks up to the table, bows, and then comes around to kneel at his seat.

    "It seems this time you came looking for me. Good work." The emperor comments.

    Hearing this, Yue asks. "Were you testing me?"

    "It seems only right to ensure you would keep your word. Hopefully that does not make you feel bad, it is just to ensure you are trustworthy."

    Yue quickly says. "It is alright, I understand where you are coming from. Also, as you can see, I have completed the mission you gave me successfully. Although I do have a few requests if you do not mind."

    Curious, his grandpa asks. "What is it that you would ask of me? Depending on what it is, I may grant it, so please speak your what you want."

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