Life Drain System

Chapter 144 - Moving

    Curious, his grandpa asks. "What is it that you would ask of me? Depending on what it is, I may grant it, so please speak your what you want."

    Yue then answers. "There are a few things if you do not mind. Firstly, as you know I have two subordinates that are tigers. One of the divine tigers has been pregnant for a while and will be giving birth either tomorrow or the day after. Thus I was wondering if we could gets some prey in that guest room, so that she may raise her cubs properly. ..."

    Continuing down the list. "Second, the half lich Yin, another of my subordinates has a teacher back on that asteroid for alchemy. He was wondering if he could go there, and I said it depends on you since I do not know about those shifting talisman, and do not have enough shop credits at the moment even if I did.. So I was wondering if we could have a few, or an escort for him, either way. .."

    Taking a breath, Yue continues. "Lastly, I was wondering if you would mind if I went into cultivation for a while. Obviously since I am just starting again, it would probably on be a few days off. But before that, come to think of it, I have not seen sister. Do you know where she is, or is it time to go after her?"

    Listening to Yueliang requests, his grandfather finally speaks with a cheerful expression. "It is nice to hear that those tigers of yours are having some cubs. Having a family is a wonderful experience. If you would have told me sooner I would have given them a larger room, but since they are so close ask them first if they would mind changing rooms. However to answer your first request, I would be happy to do that for them."

    "Thank you grandpa, I will ask them after breakfast is over. Although what of the other requests?" Yue asks.

    Taking a deep breath, grandpa answers. "It is a pity that he did not wait. He could have gotten one of the top alchemists to teach him, but for all I know they could be a hidden expert however unlikely that may be. Either way, I will provide 2 guards and the talismans for the trip. As for your last request, it seems you have decided to cultivate, I am glad to hear that so certainly but only if you use one of the immortal caves I have. As for your sister, I will send some people, and if she does not return then you and I can go. Think of it as a fun bonding trip." He finishes with a smile.

    Hearing his grandpas answer, Yue quickly says. "Thank you so much grandpa. Also, sorry to ask so much of you. By the way what are those immortal caves you spoke of?"

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    "I am glad to help, plus the fact that this is more to help others and is not for greed gives me all the more reason to help. Anyways, I am surprised you do not already know of the immortal caves. Hmm, have you ever walked around and felt that some places feel more pure and peaceful while others feel empty and depressing?" Grandpa asks while looking at Yue, and not getting a reply back he continues. 

    "Well maybe you have not noticed, or you are just thinking on it. Anyways, immortal caves are place with dense chi, normally yang, of course there are yin filled ones but only in places where mass evil has been committed. The caves I have here are yang, and they will help anyone who cultivates in them speed up their progress by leaps and bounds. Although some caves more or less chi than the others." Grandpa explains.

    Swallowing the steam buns Yue was eating while listening to grandpas explanation, he says. "That is interesting, I wonder why I have never heard of these before. Either way, you are right, I think I have felt that before. The places that feel tainted or desecrated, vs those that feel like you would love to live the rest of your life in. Also, it is not just in places, but people emit such feelings as well, although there are those who can produce an imitation just so they can bring you down later right?"

    Hearing this, the emperor replies delightedly. "Yes, it seems you do know what I am talking about. We should finish breakfast first, then you can go talk to your friends, and come back to let me know what their decisions are. Then we can move on to working on the rest. While you go, I will be sending the guards to find your sister alright?"

    "Thank you grandpa." Yueliang says while getting a smiling nod in return. Then the two continue to eat as they have a busy day ahead of them.

---- About 10 Minutes Later ----

    Yueliang now finished with his meal, stands up from his seat, goes around the table bows and says. "I must be going now, talk to you soon." Then turning around, he walks out of the hall and back to the residential areas.

    Meanwhile the emperor thinks to himself. 'It is a pity this child has not yet noticed that there are shorter paths that would shorten the time by half or more. Oh well, if he does not figure it out soon I might just have to show him.

---- About A Hour and A Half Later ----

    Arriving in front of the room, Yue opens the door and jumps in. Landing smoothly, he makes his way to the tigers, but while walking, he snaps his fingers. Then appearing next to him not a moment later is Yin who just walks as if he were always there without the slightest delay.

    With Yin now by his side, Yue says. "Your trip has been authorized. You will have two guards as well as the shift talismans to go there and back. However some advice if you decide to take it, I recommend that you bring your teacher back and learn here. First off, you will likely have more resources, and second you will not have to keep making trips. Plus, you teacher would likely take up the offer if it gives them the chance to meet grandpa. However ultimately it is up to you my friend."

    Hearing this, Yin replies. "Thank you, and I did intend to do just that. Well more so because it would be easier, but of course, even if I want that, if teacher does not agree there is nothing I can do."

    "I understand, and do not worry, I will not force you. As I said before it is up to you." Yueliang replies.

    Arriving at the tigers den once more, the two walk in purposefully making noise as they walk so as to not startle the pregnant tigress. Soon after entering they arrive before the two tigers.

    Once standing before them, Yue greets them. "Hello Shen Hu, and Huoli. I hope you are both doing well. Also I have good information."

    Shen Hu quickly asks. "So the emperor will put prey here for us?"

    Taking a breath, before speaking causes Shen Hu to worry it would not happen, and then Yueliang says. "Yes, but there is a question first. See he offered a proposal, if you want them here he will do it. However he has an offer that he is sure you would favor, but worries you might reject due to the habits of your nature. My grandfather said for the betterment of your cubs, he would gladly move you both to a larger room and fill it with prey as well to better stimulate their growth in nature. What do you say?"

    Huoli intercedes this time answering quite seriously. "Your grandpa is right it would be better, and normally we would refuse due to choosing a good place to protect and raise our young. Especially if you consider how soon until the birth. Anyways, if Shen Hu is willing to carry me with his chi, I will take up the offer so long as there is a safe place there for us."

    Hearing this, Shen Hu quickly speaks up before Yue could get in a word saying. "I will gladly help you there, but first. Are you sure?"

    Nodding, Huoli answers his question.

    Seeing they are in agreement, Yue comments. "Alright, I will start the arrangements as soon as I get back. Also, I just want to say that I am truly sorry that this did not come up sooner. If I would have thought about it I certainly would have made sure to ask earlier."

    "It is alright. We know you have a lot to do all the time." Huoli adds.

    "Alright, thank you. I will be back later to guide you to your new room. See you then." Yueliang comments before turning around to leave with Yin in tow.

    Walking out of the cave, Yin asks. "Just curious, why do you not have the high orcs make some teleportation devices so that you can get through the castle quicker? It seems as though it would be much easier and more efficient."

    Turning his head to look at Yin while they walk, Yue answers. "The reason is that, while it would be easier, just imagine. If I can use it, who is to say others could not use it as well, whether they be thieves or assassins, I do not want to be held responsible for what happens if that occurs."

    "I see, well, I am sure there is something you can do. We just have yet to find out what it is." Yin tries to comfort him due to a question that was asked without thinking more in depth about it. This especially being the case now that they are in the emperors castle in a different place than he grew up in.

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