Life Drain System

Chapter 146 - Babies Born

    Yueliang just smiles and nods.

    Turning around about to leave, Shen Hu says. "Wait! You said you wanted to know when the cubs are coming, they are coming out now."

    Hearing this, Yue quickly turns around and watches as a cubs starts coming out from the tigress. A few moments, once it makes its great escape, Huoli, starts licking it clean, as well as licking it to stimulate the blood flow and for other reasons. However just as she finishes with the one, another starts coming out, thus causing her to repeat the process.

    Once out, there are three adorable little cubs, 2 females and 1 male. Getting to watch this, Yueliang says. "Thank you for letting me watch, they are adorable. They certainly look like both of you. You did great Huoli. Is there anything you need?"


    Huoli then says. "There is nothing that we need, you have already done a lot for us. Although for about 6-8 weeks I will have to spend most of my time with the little ones, and a little after that as well. Therefore if you need our help, please ask either Shen Hu or some of your others if you do not mind."

    Hearing her request, Yue replies. "Do not worry, I know you will be busy for a while. If you do not mind however, I may occasionally come to check up on you."

    "That is fine." She replies. 

    Then before anything else could be said from either side, Shen Hu says. "You should hurry over to Yin if you want him to be on time for his trip."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    "Do not worry about it, he will be on time. Even if not, it is worth it just to witness your family growing." Yue comments with a smile and a wave before leaving.

    Walking out from the cave, a deer runs in front of him, causing him to wonder. 'What is this deer running from? There should be no dangers here...' With such thoughts, Yue takes another step forward to see what it is running from.

    Looking to his left, Yueliang immediately jumps back, narrowly dodging a giant boulder rolling towards him. With his heart pounding, he walks back to the tigers since the entrance is now closed off.

    Seeing him coming back, Shen Hu asks. "Did you forget something young master?"

    Before answering, Yue sighs deeply. "*Sigh. No, however something bizarre just happened. For some odd reason, a boulder just rolled down from the hill, and I cannot get out. If you do not mind could you help me out?"

    Eyes widening, Shen Hu answers. "Why would a boulder roll down? Wait, aside from that, more importantly, why do you not just teleport out of here to one of the others?"

    "I guess I have not told you before, but I cannot teleport here. Of course if I set up teleportation arrays it would be possible, however that also means added threats to you as well as the imperial family. That is not something I could afford to risk. Anyways, about the boulder, would you mind helping me move it since I no longer have any cultivation. My stats are likely not enough." Yueliang explains the situation.

    Shen Hu gets up and walking to towards the caves entrance asks. "You coming." Moving swiftly, Yue catches up with the tiger. Then Shen Hu speaks up again before going to the entrance. "Out of curiosity did you even try to move the boulder or break it if you did not feel like moving it?"

    Laughing a little, he replies. "No, but although my stats from the system do make me much stronger, I am fairly certain I would only injure myself trying to break it. However you are right, how can I succeed in cultivating, if I do not push my limits."

    "Well at least you are aware. Before I move it for you, at least try it yourself with all your effort. It may seem meaningless, but this is a good way to start your foundation. Also, do not think you cannot do it, but that you will move it. Then make sure you believe it, if you cannot do this small thing, than your future prospects are already more limited than I imagined." Shen Hu instructs with an unenthusiastic tone as if he just wants to go to sleep, or do something fun.

    Feeling that it would likely be useless, Yue does as Shen Hu instructs. 'I will move this boulder.' It is with this he feels his determination start to rise, and a little adrenaline at the thought of doing what he previously thought of as impossible. Thus standing on the right side of the boulder, he places his hands on two parts of it, and pushing it open as if it were a door, he struggles. 

    A few moments later, he feels the stone begin to give way. Just a little, but that is all that was needed to build his confidence. Thus he starts pushing more thinking. 'I will move this boulder, if I can move it a few centimeter, I can certainly move it a meter or more.' He thinks to himself as a fire starts igniting, and growing larger and larger as he pushes open the boulder as if it is on a hinge.

    Having succeeded in pushing it open, Yue waves and leaves through the opening. Shen Hu also turns around and returns, feeling that such was an obvious out come, especially if he intends to be stronger in the future. What he needs is determination, but not wanting to risk giving him heart demons, he uses this method. Even thinking. 'Why is it Yue did not just teleport to the others, if he can summon, surely he can do it vice versa as he has in the past? Oh well that is his problem. *Yawn'

    With that out of the way, Yue runs for the door with a smile on his face. However he quickly stops below the door, and snaps his fingers. "Hello Yin, I wanted to tell you that your request has been made ready. You leave at lunch, which is about right now. So you should probably hurry. Sorry that I could not tell you sooner."

    "*Sigh. It is alright, thank you for letting me know." Yin replies before quickly shifting to the throne room.

    Seeing this, Yue started thinking. 'How did he teleport? He should not know how to shift right or he would not have asked for the talisman, unless he cannot make the distance maybe? Maybe he does not know the location? Ugh, too many possibilities, I will just ask when he comes back.

    Either way, he jumps up and through the door, to make his way to the throne room, as there is something he now needs to do. Proceeding through the halls, he sees a maid for the first time in a little while. Thus to satisfy his curiosity Yue rushes over to her.

    Now from behind her he asks. "Excuse me miss, I have a question."

    Turning to see who was addressing her, she says with a bow. "What can I do for you my prince?"

    "You see, I have been curious, why is it that I never see people wandering the halls? Do you have some other way that allows you faster movement through the palace castle that everyone seems to be using?" Yue asks.

    Realizing what he is asking, she feels conflicted, but ultimately after a few moments of silence, Yue speaks up. "If you cannot or do not want to tell me it is alright. I just figured it would help in the future to quickly move between different locations, and talk to grandpa."

    Not wanting to defy a royal, she answers. "My prince, it is not that I do not wish to give you an answer, however I do not feel that it is my place to discuss such matters. If you are still curious, it may be best if you ask your grandfather, the emperor. He will surely give you a satisfactory answer."

    Then without further delay, she quickly leaves to get back to her work, leaving Yueliang with questions. Either way, now that she has left, he continues his journey back to the throne room that he may make progress in the things he is working on as well.

    A while later, in front of the throne room, Yue walks in, bows, and says. "Grandpa, I have a few questions if you do not mind? Although, I understand if you are busy."

    With nothing in hand, the emperor opens his eyes and looks up before answering. "It is alright, I was just resting. My work for the day is done for the most part, aside from a meeting tonight that is. So tell me, what is it that is on your mind?"

    "There are a few things, that have been on my mind. The first being about where is everyone? I do not mean the guards but the servants and otherwise. I never see people wandering the halls except my own and sis. Is there some other way through the castle?" Yueliang asks.

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