Life Drain System

Chapter 147 - Making A Choice

    "There are a few things, that have been on my mind. The first being about where is everyone? I do not mean the guards but the servants and otherwise. I never see people wandering the halls except my own and sis. Is there some other way through the castle?" Yueliang asks.

    A smile forming on the emperors face, he answers. "It seems you finally noticed. I worried I would have to point it out to you eventually. It will shorten the time to most places by a third or more. They are the tunnels for the servants, that they can get to the kitchens and other places much faster. These stone tunnels are also used by our family, but the only others who know of them are the guards, but they are not allowed in them unless there is a credible threat there, or I say otherwise."

    "Mmm, I see. Then I am allowed to use these as well, but not my subordinates correct? Also, as for the next question, where are the immortal caves, that I may begin my training once again? Then lastly, has there been any word on sisters situation yet?"

    The emperor, then answers the preceding questions one by one.. "Yes, you may, but not your subordinates, nor may they know of them. As for your sister, no word as of yet, but they are still looking. If she is not back in 24 hours, I will be going myself, and depending on your situation, I will take you along as there are somethings I need to show you some time."

    Standing up, the emperor walks down, and says. "As for the immortal caves, they are not where you think. So stick close to me." He then raises his hands putting finger tip to finger tip, then bringing them down in a circular motion, thus creating a portal before them. Then he jumps forward quickly followed by Yueliang as he does not want to get left behind.

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    Once both are through, the portal closes behind them, leaving nothing behind as if it never existed. Regardless, the two walk forward surrounded by massive spike covered red lizards that look extremely intimidating. While walking side by side, the emperor instructs. "Make sure you stay close to me, and just walk. Do nothing else, and most definitely do not stare at them."

    Doing as he is told, he does not look at the creatures and only the path before him as he walks and asks. "If I may, what are they, and why do they seem to not be coming after us in their territory?"

    "That is where you are wrong my grandson. It is not their territory but mine, and I allow them to live here on the condition that they kill anything not of value to me or that I do not have near me. Although to answer your other question, I am not certain they have been classified with a name yet, but as far as I know they were born of a dragon and a large lizard. Thus I have just called them Giant red lizards. There is not much other than that that I know about them other than they are very strong and protective of people they deem worthy of their trust." Grandpa explains.

    Nearing a cave, Yue asks. "How did you find this place if I may ask? Or even get those creatures to trust you?"

    "It is simple actually, long ago there was a boy who had a brother. The parents decided to cast him away as they were exploring the galaxy, not because of any particular reason but just because that boys twin was their ideal child, and they did not want the other as it was just a waste of resources on the weaker one." Grandpa explains with a serious expression.

    A few moments later he continues. "Anyways, the weaker of the two abandoned and alone on a planet with no humans, and only many dangerous creature. Eventually the young child gets found by some dragons, who originally intended to eat him, ends up being raised by them. The reason being that he was allowed to make a final meal for himself, and accidently made something enticing to them. Thus he had some value."

    "This child, being raised by dragons, learned the way of cultivation, and how things were meant to be, there were many trials in his life. But eventually he created a way of semi peace, thus honoring the dragons who raised him like their own. Anyways, while on this planet the boy met many different creatures and these lizards are some of them." Grandpa finishes explaining.

    Listening closely as they entered the cave to his grandpas story, he verifies. "So you where raised by dragons grandpa? That must have been amazing, I have always loved dragons, and hoped to meet one. However considering on my world they were considered fantasy, I could never really get my hopes up."

    "I did only say a boy, but yes, you are right, I was. Maybe one day if there are still some residing here, I may introduce you to some. They are quite kind, and amazing creatures." The emperor offers with a smile after hearing that his grandson loves dragons.

    With stars in his eyes, Yue says. "It is a promise, I look forward to meeting them. Oh it would be wonderful to talk to such amazing creatures, and play with them as well."

    Laughing at his grandsons child like dreams, he says. "If you want to play with them, you will have to get much stronger my child."

    With determination and stars in his eyes, Yue nods, and feels more excited than ever before to cultivate. For if one was determined to get stronger it would certainly make it faster, but if you combine it with a goal to complete one of your life long dreams, there is almost nothing that could stop you from achieving it.

    The two stop at a fork in the path, and the emperor says. "There are 4 tunnels as you can see. I will not tell you which is better, just as my predecessors did the same. We shall leave it up to fate, now you may choose one, and begin your journey one again. I will come for you after a week is up, so do your best, and see what you can learn."

    With that said, Yue looks at each, and feeling varying degrees of energy coming from them, he does not choose the one with the most, but instead the one with the least saying. "I choose this one."

    Just as Yue is about to walk through the cavern, to ease his curiosity, the emperor asks. "Would you tell me why you chose that particular one, I am quite curious?"

    "Of course. When I was younger, I learned that it is not always what is found on the surface that determines the true value of something, but what is laying beneath it. For instance, one would likely not eat fugu or sea urchin due to both being quite lethal if prepare wrong, but they are delicious. Anyways, what I am trying to say is that, while I cannot feel much from that tunnel, I have a feeling there is much more to gain from it than the others." Yue explains.

    "While I do not know of this fugu or sea urchin, I presume they are both fish from the names. Anyways, the fact that you picked this is good enough, I just wanted to know as I picked the one right next to it, that and so I know where to find you." He comments on his curiosity, then leaves so that Yue may get to cultivating in the cave.

    Watching his grandpa walk away, Yue turns around and heads into the tunnel he chose. Walking further in, he does not feel any energy, as if the entrance was all it had. Either way, he perseveres and stays resolute and firm with his choice. Walking down, it gets darker and darker, heavier and heavier, until it is pitch black in the tunnel, and Yue is practically pushed down to a crawl.

    Still trusting, he goes not give in and crawls on his hands and knees through it without stopping or turning back. Then the pressure gets heavier and he has to crawl on his stomach to get anywhere while thinking. 'I will not doubt, I will not fear, I will persevere. This is just one of may trials on my path to better myself.'

    Crawling on the floor almost like a lizard, Yue progresses even against the rough floor as his hands and other parts of his body begin to bleed. Not letting some scrapes or other injuries stand in his path, he continues until it is difficult to breath but seeing a light before him and feeling a little energy, he feels that his determination is paying off.

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