Life Drain System

Chapter 148 - Kidnapped Her

    Crawling on the floor almost like a lizard, Yue progresses even against the rough floor as his hands and other parts of his body begin to bleed. Not letting some scrapes or other injuries stand in his path, he continues until it is difficult to breath but seeing a light before him and feeling a little energy, he feels that his determination is paying off.

    Pulling his body through the cave with his might, he wonders to himself. 'Are all immortal caves this brutal to those who try to use them? If so I wonder why are are so sought after, but there is only one way to tell. Plus, this pain is nothing compared to that bird I ate before, and even if it were, it is better to try and succeed, than to never try at all for fear of failure. After all failure just means there is room for improvement.'

    Leaving a trail of blood behind him, as he makes his way through, and the light getting bigger the closer he gets, as well as the pressure, Yueliang passes out. Laying their under such pressure that even breathing is a chore, he is out cold.

    Meanwhile as his body is laying there chi starts flowing around him, then picking him up it launches his body back to where he started after stopping the blood from leaving his body. Flying through the air, once he is almost back to the start, his body falls and hits the ground rolling, thus causing more injuries.

    Once he lands, able to breath again, he opens his eyes.. Looking around, at first he thought he made it then realized the familiar territory, and wonders. 'How did I get back here? At least my wounds are closed, although it is a pity the pain is still there. Oh well, time to start again I guess.' With that, he begins the cycle again.

---- Meanwhile Elsewhere ----

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    A group of guards are wandering around a town, as it is the nearest place to where Ai Lan's mission was. Asking people if they have seen her, as well as using divine sense to see if she is around, they search tirelessly.

  As they are searching, in the back of a wagon, being held down by five men and women, Ai Lan says. "How dare you kidnap me. You know I am from the Guang family, daughter of the emperor. Let me go now and we can forget this, otherwise my father will definitely kill you all slowly and painfully. Please, I have not even seen your faces, and just want to go home!"

    The men and women surrounding her, holding her down as she is blind folded just laugh at her statement. Especially considering, they knew it was likely their faces had already been seen by her divine sense, and should that be the case, they could easily change their faces and bodies with body remodeling a martial technique often used to fix flaws, and better suit their cultivation method.

    Feeling that it is pointless to try getting them to release her, Ai Lan asks. "Since you will not let me go, would you at least tell me where we are going? What will happen to me? If I am going to die, or something else, I would at least like to know how and why it happened. By the way, why are you taking me? You have not said a words since you took me, only laughter and silence."

    The five look at each other, and one of the two women says. "All we will say is that you are not going to die yet, instead you are going to meet someone. The rest we will not say, and what happens once you get there will depend on you."

    Rather than feeling relieved, she only feels worry, because if they are not going to kill her, there is likely something much worse that is bound to happen since they had to resort to kidnapping to get her there.

    Many hours of silence, and bumpy roads later, the driver of the carriage says. "We are here, time to dismount. Bring the woman."

    With that said, the five pick her up and bring her out of the carriage each holding an appendage. The man holding her head disembarks first, then the two holing her arms, then lastly the two women holding her legs. The reason for all this, is in case Ai Lan tries to over power them, they have enough strength to keep her still.

    Smelling the air around her, she thinks to herself. 'Desert, hot, low wind, dry, not humid, sagebrush plant, cactus. I was taken in the morning. Afternoon based on the sun and temperature cooling, cave nearby based on sound. Five guards on me, 3 male 2 female, 1 female driver, there is probably more, not counting the place we are going.' Analyzing her surroundings, as well as the time taken, she draws a map in her mind and tries to figure out where she is for future reference.

    Carrying her to the cave entrance, the two female guards outside the cave stand motionless like statues. However as Ai Lan is carried past them she thinks. '2 more female guards based on smell. This would be easier if I used my divine sense but that would mean wasting energy.' As she is carried through the tunnel she counts the guards as well as anything else she can deduce from her senses to draw as good a map as she can in her mind to either escape or something else.

    A hour or so later, those carrying her stop moving, and just stand in place as the driver who is with them says. "My lord, we have acquired her. What would you like us to do with her now?"

    'Lord? Nobility, a traitor, or someone aiming for it?' Ai Lan tries deducing as whoever the female driver was talking to responds. "Take her to the best guest room, and ensure their are many guards outside in case she tries anything."

    With a bow from the female driver, she then leaves, having those holding Ai Lan follow her.

    Meanwhile, Ai Lan tries to figure out who the person speaking was. 'It was not any of the high nobility, maybe a lower one since they are referred to as lord, and with his speech he is likely not a commoner. Then it seems father must know of this traitor later if I get out of here. Fortunately for me, no one out side our family or those working for us know of the system.'

    Being brought to the guest room, the guards set her down on the bed and remove her blindfold as two others walk into the room. Once the blindfold is removed one of the guards says as they leave. "She is in your hands now, we are going to get our pay now."

    The two in the room walk up to Ai Lan and say. "Hello miss, we will be serving you for the time being, however one of us will remain in the room at all times. We hope you enjoy your stay here."

    Looking at the two, Ai Lan thinks to herself. 'Well there goes the escape plan, guess I will have to make another now.' Then she says. "I look forward to getting to know you both. However I have not eaten, and am wondering if one of you two could bring me some food."

    One of the two then walks out of the room to pull in a cart she brought just in case, and seeing a strawberry missing from the cake, she looks at the nearest guards and seeing some frosting on his lips, she punches him with all her strength in the stomach without a word. Thus sending him through the wall.

    Dragging the body back out, the maid then brings the cart into the room as the guards laugh quietly, as they saw this coming the moment he did so. The guard gets up without injury, but not while he is in view of those in the room.

    Meanwhile in the room, the maid bringing in the cart says. "Sorry milady, it seems one of the guards decided to steal a strawberry. Anyways, the wall will be repaired any moment now." Then as she finished her sentence, the pieces of the wall all fly up and repairs itself.

    'This just keeps on getting more and more difficult, but it does give me an idea.' Ai Lan thinks to herself as she sees not only the maids fighting strength, but the walls repair function. However so as to not cause suspicion she says. "Thank you for the food, I am famished."

    Preparing the food onto a plate for her as well as a food tray to hold it while she is in bed, the maid says. "Miss, if you would, please cease any plans of escape from here. Not only will it make the lord angry, it will also result in our deaths for not being able to keep you here. However once you are brought back you will receive new ones, albeit probably better than us."

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