Life Drain System

Chapter 149 - Ai Lan Escape Attempt

    Preparing the food onto a plate for her as well as a food tray to hold it while she is in bed, the maid says. "Miss, if you would, please cease any plans of escape from here. Not only will it make the lord angry, it will also result in our deaths for not being able to keep you here. However once you are brought back you will receive new ones, albeit probably better than us."

    Hearing this, not certain whether she can trust the two or not, she does not cancel her plan, but instead she changes it ever so slightly. Before eating the deserts and dinner spread out before her, she smells it, trying to check for poison of any sort.

    Not smelling any poison, she starts eating the delicious sweets, and enjoying herself. Seeing this, the maids feel much more relieved, as they worried she would try to escape. However if she enjoys her time here, the are more likely to remain safe themselves.

    Many minutes later, once Ai Lan finishes her food, she says. "I am going to sleep now, what about you?"

    "We will stay here in case you need anything young miss, and take turns sleeping.." One of the maids replies.

    Satisfied by this reply, she closes her eyes, and turns over as she pulls the blanket over herself. Then she begins pulling gas grenades out of her inventory. After taking out 6 of them, she starts quietly pulling the pins of each after taking a deep breath. These particular gas grenades contain carbon monoxide, thus if exposed for too long one may die.

    Then about 15 minutes later, once the two maids are asleep, Ai Lan gets up from the bed. Using chi to breath, so she does not accidentally breath in the toxic air, she summons a large mole rat, and says with mental communication. 'Dig that way, a hole out of here. Please hurry as well.'

    While the very large mole rat is digging through the chosen wall, Ai Lan starts pulling out cans of chicken blood from her inventory, and pouring some on the two maids, as well as painting a slit on each of their necks. This because she wants to make it look like they were killed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Once a sizable hole is made in the wall, she starts dragging the two maids bodies behind her, as she follows the mole rat. Looking behind herself, she even watches the wall repairs itself as if the hole was never made.

    Walking through the tunnel she starts thinking. 'It is surprising they thought they could hold me after leaving me alone with those weaker than myself. Plus with the gas leaking under the door, the guards will likely get tired soon. Thus it should be a while before they even check to see if I am gone, by which time I should be long gone. But first, the mission still has to be finished.'

    About two hours later, the mole rat breaks through the other side of the mountain. Once Ai Lan walks out with the two bodies in two, she puts one on either side of the exit, and says to the creature. "Thank you my friend. I will send you back now."

    With that, she snaps her fingers, sending the mole rat back to its home. Meanwhile, seeing that the two maids are starting to wake up, Ai Lan jumps up, and quickly flies away in the direction that she mapped out.

    While flying away she thinks. 'That was close, obviously they would wake up once out in fresh air, but I am surprised they did not wake up sooner. Did I put too much carbon monoxide in the room? Hopefully it does not end up killing anybody.'

    Flying back towards the town she was taken from, she has a feeling she should fly higher, so moving into the clouds, she flies based on memory alone. 

    A few hours later, once back over the town, she stops flying and lets her body free fall out of the clouds and into the town. However just before she lands, she uses guides her chi to soften the landing, so as to not make a crater, nor injure herself.

    Walking through town, she comes to a certain building, and looking at it she thinks. 'I wonder what would be the quickest way to finish this mission. Should I burn them out or oh that would be perfect.' 

    Thus, without further ado she snaps her fingers and a cute blue ball appears before her, and she says with mental transmission. 'Eat all the bad people in that building alright?'

    Then without anything further having to be said, the little ball of slime rolls over to the building, and starts getting larger and larger as it envelops the entire building. However a few moments later, the whole building starts disintegrating inside of the creature. Then it starts spitting people out that were not in the image Ai Lan gave it, before eating the bad people it has kept inside of its body.

    Once that is done, the slime goes back to its small size and emitting an aura of satisfaction and happiness. Although the people on the street were more feeling terror from how quickly the tiny little slime devoured everything. Especially considering this town is mainly one of mortals, the cultivators tend to live in isolation or in sects.

    Rolling back to the one who summoned it, the slime then waits in silence as if wanting something.

    Ai Lan then says. "Good job little one. I will send you back home now alright?"

    The little slime turns a little brighter hearing the praises, and happily disappears as she snaps her fingers. Then Ai Lan herself begins to disappear as she teleports back home to see her father.

    Once back in the throne room, she bows before saying. "Daddy, I am back. Sorry it took so long, I was delayed by some mean people who kidnapped me. But at least I am home now."

    Hearing this, the emperor says with a look of worry. "I was worried that you were killed, or taken hostage, or something worse. It seems why worry was right. Anyways, it seems you completed your task, so good job. But who kidnapped you? They must be punished."

    She then replies quickly. "That is right, it seems one of the nobles are behind this. Although not a high up one or I should have met them. They did not say a name, but it seems they hired some skilled mercenaries to take me. However it does not seem that they had bad intentions as they gave me a good room, and delicious treats for dinner."

    "I see, it seems we have another traitor. Did they say what they wanted?" Her father asks.

    Ai Lan answers. "Nope, they did not say. I wonder what they took me for if not to kill me or use as a hostage? Either way, I escaped without anyone getting harmed by putting them to sleep. Therefore it should be a little while before they realize that I am gone, but I could be wrong about that."

    Thinking for a moment, her father then says to one of the guards behind him. "Send some soldiers to this location, and take her captors prisoner. Even if she came out unharmed this cannot be tolerated or it will happen again. While you are at it, check to see if you can find out who was behind this and do so quietly so as to not spook them into hiding."

    With that said, the guard leaves, to go notify the soldiers of their new mission. Not that all of them would be sent, but either way, he must send those most capable so as to not risk messing up.

    After the guard left, Ai Lan asks. "Daddy, where is brother? I did not sense him when I teleported back."

    "He is at the immortal caves. By the way, it seems he has grown fond of you. Yueliang kept asking where you were, if you were alright, and other things. Even saying he would go and find you if you where not back soon." The emperor says, hoping to create some entertainment for himself. Plus everything he said was true, and was not told to keep it secret.

    Hearing this, she smiles and says. "Really, brother missed me? I must see him immediately when he gets back."

    "Alright, in the mean time, there are numerous things to do. Especially now that we know there is a traitor in our midst." The emperor says in trying to get her to go for the moment as he truly is busy.

    Understanding the situation, Ai Lan bows and then leaves the room while thinking. 'I cannot wait to see brother. Already missing his sister how cute. Either way, daddy says he is in the immortal caves. I hope he comes out alright, that place while very beneficial is more dangerous than any other immortal cave that I know of, and from what dad tells me. I picked the easiest one. I wonder what he chose?'

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