Life Drain System

Chapter 150 - Sky Polo

    '... Either way, daddy says he is in the immortal caves. I hope he comes out alright, that place while very beneficial is more dangerous than any other immortal cave that I know of, and from what dad tells me. I picked the easiest one. I wonder what he chose?'

---- Meanwhile Elsewhere ----

    A few hours later, in one of the rooms occupied by Yueliangs' subordinates, a meeting is being held. In the center Blake is surrounded by all the high orcs, and goblins that are left and announces. "Everyone, I know times have been tough as of late. Many of us lost families and friends, but we are strong and have not let this hold us back. ...."

    "... Right now, the tigers are having their cubs, Yin is learning alchemy that he can heal and strengthen us, and our master Yueliang is cultivating so that he can protect those he cares for including us. Yet all we have done is just continue studying leisurely. Tell me my friends, why are we not working just as hard? Why are we not trying to gain strength instead of staying under the wing of our leaders and the strong. Do we not have the ability or means to become the protectors? No, I say we do, more so even than most others in the cultivation world who strive for decades if not centuries or even millennia to acquire their strength. ..."

    ".. So Why do we do nothing about this. Instead of sitting around and relying on just our intelligence, how about we start using our brawn as well. We have the time, and it would not interfere with our research, instead it may even further it. What do you say?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Feeling inspired, and determined to protect their loved ones, just as their leader does for them, those around her cheer. That is until Victoria comes up and asks. "I whole heartedly agree. Although if I may, what cultivation technique will we use? What I mean is, Yue is away and the only one we have for now is the one some of our people used for the party a while back. Even then, that one is damaged. So how do you intend for us to become stronger? It is not that I am trying to oppose, I am just genuinely curious."

    Hearing her question, and seeing the moral starting to drop, Blake calmly answers. "Alright, do not worry. I had a feeling this question may arise, so here is my answer. We do not have to start cultivating immediately, but tell me, before we learned more of cultivation, did we ever rely on that? No! Cultivation my lead to a lot more strength, but before we begin, we should build our foundations. ..."

    "... Just like a house, we must build well, if it is built on sand it will crumble, but if built on rock, cement, metal, or otherwise, it will stand strong. Thus I say we all should start exercising heavily and pushing our limits. For all the high orcs around, our bodies have been upgraded yet we have not even attempted to touch the thresh hold of what that may entail. We should be making the most of this gift, not wasting it!"

    Listening to Blakes' speech many in the group feel excited to try something new, where as many others feel a bit hesitant, and there are some who do not feel either which way. Those hesitant, feel as such due to having lived their life without having to fight much and feel conflicted about starting now.

    Seeing some of them being conflicted, Blake then says. "For those of you who feel worried about this new addition to our lived, why feel worried. There are people strong enough to destroy planets with a flick of their fingers, do you not wish to live? There are those who kill for fun, and torture families in front of each other for enjoyment. Do you not wish to protect yourself and your children, or loved ones? We will not always have someone to protect us, nor will we always have a place to hide. ..."

    "... Do you really think the emperor will allow us to freeload off of him for much longer? He has guards and soldier he could give to our king to replace us who could kill us with a flick, nay just a simple gaze would be enough. So if you really do not wish to follow our king anymore, than why bother being here? I am sorry if this is blunt, but he is advancing quick and if we want to follow, we must follow suit."

    Knowing what she said is right, yet still feeling reluctant, they submit. And with that now dealt with, Blake says. "Now follow me to our new training grounds." With that said, she steps off the rock she was standing on and starts walking through the crowd.

    Walking off into the distance, the others follow closely behind her. Looking off into the distance they see a field full of stones larger than basketballs, yet maintaining a similar shape.

    Seeing this bizarre sight, the goblin Kiisser then asks Blake the question on every bodies mind. "If I may, what are we supposed to do with these large stones?"

    Hearing this, a smile appears on Blakes face as she turns around to answer. "That is a wonderful question, everyone pair up into groups of three and start passing the stones around at a distance of 10 meters between each person. Of course the training will get more intense later, but for now I made it simple, and a little difficult based on the weight. ... Oh and do not be fooled by appearances."

    Now having their instructions, everyone breaks into their groups to start the session. As the high orcs and goblins lean over to pick up their balls, they quickly realize the stones are much heavier than they look and likely not all stone. Although the goblins have a harder time than the others due to being weaker. 

    Seeing this, Blake thinks to herself. 'It seems they finally noticed. Obviously making it easy would not produce results, hence why I hollowed them out and filled each with led. An arduous process but certainly worth it.' While finishing her thought, she picks up the ball beneath her feet with a bit of effort, and passes it to one of those in her group. Of course, to do so took to hands just to pass it not to mention catching it.

    While this is to get everyone stronger, it will also strengthen every bodies foot work. Thus keeping them standing and able to be more agile in the middle of a fight, vs being knocked over with relative ease, would vastly increase their fighting and survival capabilities.

    As this is going on, Ai Lan is in her room playing with the pets that she has. They are quite playful and there are various different species. Fortunately she taught them how to get food when she is gone so she does not have to worry about them starving to death or something while she is gone. Although to make them so docile she had to raise them from birth.

    Among those in her room are unicorns, griffins, bunnies, tigers, some younger and currently small dragons, as well as a number of other creatures. One of the games they enjoy playing, as well as the one they are currently playing is sky polo. It is played similarly to water polo but in the sky. Since not all of the pets she has can fly, only the ones who can are playing, but that is still more than enough to fill 4 normal teams, yet it is 1 team vs the other one.

    Thus each team is double the normal size. Also while this is similar to water polo, it is different in the fact that you are allow to use magic, cultivation, and otherwise. Therefore this game is far more lethal but also a billion times more fun and exercise inducing. However there is one thing that makes it so they are limited in speed so the game can actually utilize other abilities, and that is that the air around the field is very dense and feels like trying to move through water to a degree.

    Flying around in the air, a white Pegasus hits the ball with its wing sending it flying toward Ai Lan, who charges towards the goal after catching the ball. Swiftly weaving between different creatures, a dragon flies in front of her to block her path, as a winged basilisk flies over to take the ball.

    However not able to stop in time Ai Lan runs into the dragon, pushing the ball out of her arms, and she falls a little from surprise, but quickly flies back up. However the ball has been taken by the flying basilisk already.


    Been a while since I threw in some good old sports, and figured it would suit what Ai Lan does with her spare time. Hopefully you all are enjoying this novel. Please help me to rise the ranks my wonderful readers so that we can spread the story.

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