Life Drain System

Chapter 155 - Zipping To The Cliffs

    Ai Lan nods her head, and immediately runs to the barracks where the army is stationed so she can quickly start trying out the sport she was thinking of. Meanwhile, watching his daughter run off so happily, he sighs before having the guards let in the leaders of various worlds.

    They quickly move back into the throne room like a crowd trying to get into a store serving limited edition cakes, or a premier of a movie. Swiftly moving back to their seats, the curiosity written on their faces.

    Seeing this, Rin figures they will likely not get anything done unless he gives a taste of the information. Thus he says. "I sent my daughter to hang out with mortals, however she is protected by my best trained soldiers." He adds just in case they get any interesting ideas about kidnapping or harming his daughter. 

    With that said they continue on with the meeting, and discussing everything else that has yet to be said about the current state of affairs. How they are trying to maintain the peace, and either imprison or kill those who seek to disrupt it only to cause chaos. 

    Meanwhile, Ai Lan was so fast, she has already gotten one of the best commanders, as well as a battalion of his troops to join her on her journey.. Thus having to use a couple of shift talisman in order for it to be effective enough, since there are more people. She eventually arrives in a world of mortals that is known to very few except the royal family, as they felt this may be a useful place in the future to hide if need be.

    It was not long before she made it to her destination, a large mountain range full of cliffs, and ziplines as this place seems to have more advanced tech. Although because it is much farther along than earth, it has long since abandoned such futile entertainment so as to focus on bringing about a better future for both themselves and future generations.

    Growing organic food, raising free range animals, they no longer damage the land around them to acquire the resources they need either. They exercise all the time, and if they had a proper technique, the whole planet would likely be full of strong cultivators. Plus anything they need, that they already know the genetic structure of, they can create. This being because a century ago, one of their finest researchers managed to create a device that copies the genetic structure then duplicates the item with the chi and unassigned matter around. They have also long since upgraded these devices so the general public has them, at least one in each household.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Regardless, Ai Lan takes the bracelets that her father gave her out of her storage ring, and then puts them on her wrist. Then feeling her cultivation disappear, she waits a moment for the process to finish. 'I only have 38 or so hours left, hence I should make the most of the time I have on this planet.'

    Finding a piece of metal nearby, she tries to bend it. After not being able to bend it, she smiles, and jumps of the cliff while using the piece of scrap metal to go down the zip line to a shorter cliff so as not to end up killing herself.

    Holding onto the piece of scrap metal for her dear life, because without cultivation, her death would be as simple as a mortals. Either way, while ridding down a zipline for the first time, she feels excited, of course in her heart she can feel something is missing. Although for now, this is enough to keep her satisfied.

    Coming up on her landing with will be pretty dangerous considering the kinetic energy and g force behind her at the moment, she only has one thought. 'The lake is just off this cliff. There is no going back now, I either live or I die.' Although subconsciously while she is thinking these thoughts a smile begins to appear on her face.




    And she lands, but without stopping she keeps on running. However a few meters before the drop, she trips due to speed. Rolling out of it like a pro, she keeps on running and then jumps off the cliff like a certain person from a certain killing game. Doing a front flip in the air as she goes down, the seconds feeling like minutes, she then gets ready to dive into the water.

    From above, the cultivator army she brought with her watches as she does this, and one of the newer soldiers to the group lets out as a joke. "We are ordered on babysitting duty. Who knew being in the army would be so easy?"

    However the moment those words came out of his mouth, every soldier there looked at him with a death glare that crystal clearly said. "We should kill you now, before you end up getting us killed!"

    Landing into the water, she does it so well that she did not even make a splash. Her fingers hurt but the pain quickly went away, causing her to  wonder. 'I thought I remember pain being much worse for mortals?? Oh well. That was fun, I want to go again.'

    Looking up in the air, seeing little dots who Ai Lan presumes to be those who came with her, she waves, and then beckons them down.

    The commander quickly descends through the air to see what the young princess needs. Although to his surprise the moment he came down she says. "Could you give me a ride back up the mountains?"

    Lowering himself down to the water, he stands on top of the waters surface while reaching out his hand to help her up and asks while doing so. "If I may princess, why do you need me to carry you up there." Pulling her up, he swings her over his shoulders gently before flying up despite his question.

    "That would be because I have removed my cultivation for the moment." Ai Lan replies as if it is an everyday occurrence.

    The moment he hears her answer he stops in mid air and says. "Milady, why have you broken your cultivation? I thought you were just hiding it. You know the emperor will likely kill us for dereliction of duty for this right?" He says worriedly, but still remains loyal as he knows the type of people the imperial family are and thoughtless or vindictive are not the words one would use to describe such honorable people.

    Ai Lan calmly replies "You do not need to worry commander, your lives will not be taken because for one it is only temporary. Then two, father already knows, and it was actually his idea." 

    Hearing this, the commander feels more at ease and begins flying again but wonders. 'What is her father the emperor thinking? Also, how can one temporarily remove their cultivation? I know you can store it, break it, fuse it, and etcetera, but never a temporary situation only permanent.'

    Moments later, he stops at the end of the zip line to pick up the metal scrap she left behind when she jumped. Then picking it up, he flies over to the start of it so the lady can once again enjoy her life threatening fun. Of course should she fall, the army would immediately catch her even at the cost of their own lives.

    Once he drops her off at the start, he says while handing her the metal scrap. "Here you are milady. But if I may, could you explain to me why you want to do something so dangerous rather than a safer sport? I mean there are plenty of cultivators sports after all that are plenty dangerous if you wanted."

    Accepting the piece of metal, she answers. "I am doing this because I hear it helps free the mind, body and soul. At the moment, I have something causing me to feel extremely bored and lonely. This adrenaline filled activity however, seems to be one of if not the only thing to relieve me of such feelings that I do not understand. Thus I cannot reject nor accept them."

    With that said she starts running to do it again. Although getting the metal over the steel cable, she could not grab it with the other hand and begins falling.

    Although before she could fall more then 2 meters, the commander caught her in a princess carry saying. "Please excuse me princess, as this was the fastest, most efficient, and safest way to catch you."

    "It is alright, thank you for saving me." Ai Lan replies with that always cheerful smile that lights up the room.

    The commander, while bringing her up, asks. "Princess, I will not say that I am all knowing or anything, but given my age I may be able to help. You said you have feelings you do not understand, could you tell me about that? Unless of course you already told the emperor who clearly is more wise and knowledgeable."

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