Life Drain System

Chapter 156 - A Second Chance Meeting

    The commander, while bringing her up, asks. "Princess, I will not say that I am all knowing or anything, but given my age I may be able to help. You said you have feelings you do not understand, could you tell me about that? Unless of course you already told the emperor who clearly is more wise and knowledgeable."

    Surprise appears on her face as she answers. "How did I not think of that? If I just told father, maybe he could have answered my question. Do you really think you can help?" She asks filled with hope, as she wants this feeling to go away, the loneliness and boredom that is. Not caring who the answer comes from so long as she can trust them.

    "I can certainly try my princess, however I make no guarantees. Either way, I will listen well and try to give a satisfactory answer." He replies.

    Hearing his reply, she feels it is worth giving him a shot as she does not feel like going back to the palace until she has had her fill of fun. Thus she sits on the ground, followed by the commander then says.. "I feel lonely and bored with brother not around. The things that I used to do for fun and enjoy feel like that without him by my side it is not as enjoyable. So what is this feeling and what should I do about it?"

    Listening closely to the princess' words, he answers after debating for a few seconds. "This is a troublesome matter, and it is one of two things. The first is that it is highly likely you and your brother were very close friends before this second stage of life. However the second option is a little less likely but still probable. You may have fallen in love, but please do not mention that I said this to the emperor or it will likely mean my death. I have been wholly honest with you, but it is up to you to decide whether to be friends, explore what this love will bring, or separate, but I dare not guide the princess on such matters."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Feeling that he is likely right that it is one of the two she comments. "Thank you, and I will not tell father, as I can clearly see what trouble it would bring you and possibly your family. Your knowledge on this matter is much appreciated. However, the first option makes me curious, how do you know of such a thing?"

    Answering the princess, the commander says. "Long ago, I was walking the streets shopping, and the moment I saw a certain someone, I knew we would get along without a doubt. However to explore my curiosity and see where it goes, I went up to her and we became the best of friends and experienced what you are now. Later, I married her and we are still together. Either way, to answer your question, when I wanted to know the reason I went looking and found an ancient text that spoke of such things. Although it is badly damaged so I could not read more of what it entails. Sorry princess, that I cannot answer your question more fully."

  "No no, it is fine, you have already educated me more than I would have guessed or figured out about such a matter. But if it is not too much too ask, may I see this text when we go back? I do have more resources and may be able to figure out what the rest said, in which case, we can both learn more about it together." Ai Lan asks hopefully.

    "I dare not say that I educated the princess, you likely would have found out eventually anyways. Although, I will gladly bring it to you upon our return." The commander replies.

    "Thank you." Ai Lan comments sincerely as she stands up to go again.

    Little did the two know at the time, but something begins between them, whether a friendship or something sinister is yet to be known, but what is certain is they are now starting something.

    Regardless, jumping off of the cliff, Ai Lan repeats her ziplining and cliff jumping escapades once more. While riding down the zipline, she thinks to herself. 'What should I do next after this. I know that time will be passing much faster the more fun I have. Maybe I should ask dad if I can keep these bracelets, then make some of these things for later. He will likely say no, but as a mortal once said. You miss 100 percent of the shots you do not take. Although depending on ones thinking that could be a dangerous metaphor to follow."

    The soldiers staying up in the sky watching as everything goes on draw their swords and decide to practice their martial arts while watching the princess, as they have such precious time, why not use it to improve. Not that they can cultivate, but they can at least work on mastering their techniques. Although they make sure that they always keep their focus on the young miss so as to not fail their mission due to distractions.

    Gradually the time passes, Yueliang with his training, Ai Lan having fun with the commander in tow, and the emperor with his work and all his meetings with leaders and envoys. Many hours pass, and Ai Lan goes to an area of flat grass on top of the hill to sleep, the commander just stands nearby in case anything happens, while the soldiers stay up in the sky.

    Meanwhile, back in the cave, Yueliang is sweating a lot as he has exercised most of the day long, pushing his stamina and muscle limits multiple times. However feeling tired, he moves to the tunnel to the next part. Taking one step in, his body is instantly slammed to the ground causing him to think. 'That certainly hurt, but why am I not dead? Before this amount of force would have been more than enough to kill me. Never mind, I will just go to sleep and think about it in the morning.'

    Laying in the uncomfortable position he is currently in, he uses all of his remaining strength and effort to flatten out his body into a more comfortable position. Although comfortable being a relative term with the pressure and pain he is feeling. He flattens out his body, laying on his chest as he cannot really turn over, Yue closes his eyes before drifting off to sleep quite quickly due to his physical strain on his body.

    Falling asleep, he once more awakens in that starry space this time laying on his stomach in the same position he fell asleep in. Pushing himself up to his feet, Yueliang then looks at where the meteors are flying around in a circle and sees his older self still continuing the same thing. However before hopping in to practice himself, he stops just outside and asks curiously. "Mister, do you need help? I may not be of use, but I can try."


    Not receiving an answer from the mystery man, he tries again this time asking. "Mister, how are you turning those meteors to dust? I have tried and do not understand."

    This time the man turns to look at Yueliang, and disappears before his very eyes. In that same moment, Yue feels a hand on his shoulder behind him. Turning around, Yue faces the mystery man who is towering over him by two thirds of a meter and then says. "You are kind, but it seems that you are finally asking the right questions involving your purpose here. Thus I will give you some advise."

    Kneeling down to one knee, the man then continues pointing as he speaks this time. "You fail, because you have no purpose, no drive. Tell me what causes you to feel?"

    "The neurons, the brain?" Yue answers hesitantly, as he is confused.

    The man then scoffs and says. "Tch... You still do not understand even being through so much. It is not the science you know of." Thus without any further words, and before Yueliang can react, he hits Yueliang in the chest with a palm strike.

    In that same instance, Yueliangs' body flies back leaving his soul in its place. Thus the man says. "Now you have no body, but you have no second chance to answer this. You feel with your heart and soul. Although I will give you a second chance to learn. What makes you do better in different things?"

    "I do not understand these puzzles, but if I have to guess, than a purpose that drives you?"

    "*Disappointed Sigh. At least you are getting closer, the answer is determination, and her I thought you had a good memory. You read what was written yet still retain none of it. You are not fit to be me. But for the sake of your growth you have one last shot, if you fail, you will take on major limitations to your body until you learn. Last chance: What gives both understanding yet confusion during your life?" The mystery man answers.

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