Life Drain System

Chapter 157 - Return

    "*Disappointed Sigh. ... But for the sake of your growth you have one last shot, if you fail, you will take on major limitations to your body until you learn. Last chance: What gives both understanding yet confusion during your life?" The mystery man answers.

    Then before Yueliang can answer the man pulls back his body and affixes the two to each other again. Waiting for his answer the man sits down.

    Thinking for a moment he sits down as well, and a few moments later, Yue answers. "It is clearly not you, nor it is the mind, maybe questions, wait. Going by what we have talked about, most likely Love."

    "Well at least you got that one.. So combine what we talked about and find your determination. If I tell you it would be pointless and near useless. Thus figure it out, and before then do not continue down the tunnel. Just keep practicing, deliberating on this, and reading what is written in that cave. You have 5 days before you have to leave, but also 5 days to gain the understanding or you will take on some major limitations." The mystery man says before disappearing and reappearing in his previous spot to continue what he was doing before.

    Yueliang still seated on the clear floor surrounded by the stars starts thinking. 'So we talked of heart and soul, feeling, love, determination, and not of science or at least none that I know of. ... Maybe a determination to have friends or family, no that does not seem right. ... Let us see, cultivating is about self improvement, helping those around you, and what not. Wait! He said everything I have been through, so it must be a determination to protect those I love! But I do not get it. How does this help? Also I have that, but maybe it is not strong enough? Although I thought cultivators are supposed to understand that losing those around you to death is not loss but growth for them and you?'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Looking to his right the mystery man thinks to himself. 'He picked it up faster than I thought, but it seems his motivation is lacking. He must either have a very profound and understanding disposition towards those moving on, or he did not feel all that attached with them. Haha, who am I kidding, it is obviously the first choice, since we are the same person after all. Although, what a pity. It seems due to growing up too fast, he will not be able to learn this technique as easily. Maybe I should help him some more. Never mind, it would be best to let him stir for a little longer.'

    Thus facing the meteorites, he continues.

    Yueliang however is still in thought. 'Possibly... No, maybe I need to clear my head some more, not that I can every really clear it. This memory ability I have is both a blessing and a curse at the moment, hopefully that changes eventually.' Thus without further ado, Yueliang stands up and leaps into the fray. Practicing the martial technique while picturing each meteorite as those who have tried to kill, harm, or maim himself or those he cares about.

    Watching his self, the mystery man thinks. 'Well it seems he is actually learning something, it is a good thing this is a technique that does not require any chi other than what your body is made of, other wise this would be useless until he begins cultivating again. Although, I guess the cave trials have been tempering his body which is good for the future.'

    Yueliang continues this training, while thinking. 'Anger is bad, do not attack out of anger, nor spite, nor sadness, but out of the desire to protect. Think back to all those who I care about that have been harmed and killed because of others greed, spite, and other negative emotions. Change that image to those who are alive, and now I must protect them from such things.' 

    With such thoughts, he punches one of the meteors and it stops for a split second, and Yue can see that he made an imprint with his fist. Then exclaims. "I did it." Surprising the mystery man, and as he exclaims, a meteor crashes into Yue. Thus sending him flying along with it.

  Meanwhile the mystery man thinks to himself. 'Well it seems he is not as slow as I thought. He figured out part of it, then quickly was able to put it to use. I cannot wait to see how it turns out when he fully comprehends the technique as not even I do.'

  Minutes pass, and turn to hours, yet feel like days. Yueliang wakes up and seeing that the sun is going to come up soon, he crawls out of the tunnel, as he has yet to get used to it. Then getting into the stance, Yue begins practicing the new technique until the sun is completely visible. This whole process only lasting 45 minutes.

  Then afterwards, Yueliang spends the next 9 and a half hours reading the text which is fast than last time. Finishing that, he walks over to the cave where he was sleeping, and walks in a step. Feeling the heavy pressure, he does not fall to the ground this time but barely stays standing using all of his effort. Passing the time like this, after an hour, he decides to maintain horse stance as he needs to build his muscles.

    However 30 minutes after that, he returns to standing and finding it easier than before, even if only slightly. He starts practicing the martial technique very slowly as it is difficult enough to breath and stand let alone move under all of this pressure.

    Doing all of this to pass the time, and trying not to waste a second, Yue goes to sleep once he feels tired enough. Only to return back to that space area where he practices. Then he repeats the cycle the next day as well.

    Meanwhile at the end of the next day, Ai Lan says to the commander. "It seems the time to go home is fast approaching, we should probably be heading back now. Not to mention the fact that you and all the soldiers above are likely very tired. Thank you for bearing with me." She says as she starts taking off the bracelets while laying on the grass again.

    The commander says. "It was not a problem, and I would say if anything it was nice to go swimming in the ocean and seeing such sights while you where free diving, and cave exploring among everything else you did today."

    Getting up off of the grass, Ai Lan feels her cultivation beginning to return but not fully yet thus she asks. "Commander here are the talisman, I will need you to do the honors since my cultivation is not fully back yet, and I do not want to harm anyone."

    Accepting the talismans from her, he says. "Thank you for your care, and the honor. I will begin the shift now." Inserting his chi into the first talisman the soldiers in the sky, the princess and himself all appear in space. Then he uses a second, and a third until they eventually arrive just outside the palace walls where the soldiers in the sky descend quickly so as to not offend nor alert anyone, especially the royal family."

    Landing on the ground, the soldiers get into standard military groups and follow behind the princess and commander as they proceed towards the gate.

    Those on the ramparts upon seeing the princess, the commander, and their own troops open the gates as one of the higher ups on the wall says to one of the guards. "Hurry and inform the emperor that his daughter has returned. Also make sure to let him know the servants have finished cleaning the courtyard around the castle."

    The guard nods before running full speed towards the castle, to inform the emperor as instructed, although just as he gets to the entrance. He is not stopped by the guards, but an assassin drops off the roof and stabs him to death on his way down as well as quickly taking out the two guards. Then swiftly the assassin runs towards the princess, not caring about the small army that is behind her.

    Pulling out a bamboo shoot while running, the assassin blows a small metal dart through it aimed perfectly at the princess heart. However in case it does not work they keep running towards her.

    Meanwhile, seeing this, the commander swiftly pulls the princess towards him and then jumps upward, and pushing off of the stone wall he lands behind the battalion of his troops he brought. He pulls out a shoot of bamboo and pulling a string a flare shoots out of it. However those on the ramparts, before even seeing the flare, just seeing the commander maneuver in such a way, turn around and quickly knock their arrows.

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