Life Drain System

Chapter 165 - Pick Up ?

    ... Either way, where I come from there is no emperor ruling over us, for good reason. He would likely be dead in the first half hour or less of his rule. Not to mention there are too many sects that thrive on the chaos, that they would most likely not allow someone to sooth them into peace. Personally I do not care either which way, although I probably do lean more towards chaos.'

    '*Sigh. There is so much to do, but at least the room is larger than most other places.' Bing Wen thinks to himself as the two walk into one of the rooms. Then he says. "Well, we should get started. So Yin, if you would please move everything to one side of the room, we will use the remainder of the room to set up all of the ingredients and supplies that we can fit in here."


    Without saying a word, Yin quickly gets to work, and starts moving everything in the room to one side, lining them all up against the wall. Starting with the desk, then the bed, then onto the furniture such as couches and what not. He even moves the decorations and lights, as even one centimeter will make all the difference in space.

    Once everything is moved, he asks. "Master, what are we to do now? Do you want to start setting up, or what?"

    Hearing that, Bing Wen starts searching his storage ring while saying. "Take this liquid and slather it on the walls, then put these shelves up. Do not worry about ruining the room, these come down easily with the simple application of water. You do that half of the room, and I will do this is half." He says as he hands over a jar, a brush, and then drops a bunch of shelves on the ground.

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    Quickly getting to work, the shelves are attached to the walls, and the master puts various ingredients on each shelf right after hanging them. 

    Many minutes later, about half an hour later, Yin asks. "Well, the shelves and ingredients are all set up, all that is left now are the furnaces right?"

    "Mmm" Bing Wen replies while pulling out out two furnaces. Placing the bigger one in the middle of the room, while the smaller he places off to the side just a little less than a meter from the walls in one of the corners of the room.

    Pointing to the small one, Yin understands and goes to his corner of the room to begin heating up the furnace, as his master does the same with his bigger furnace. Pouring in their chi, the furnaces swiftly heat up. Then pulling in the ingredients they both need, they check them before throwing them into the furnace. For if the ingredients are not up to par, it would only seek to hamper the pills they are are working on. Although that is not to say they could not make do if the need so arose.

    Meanwhile far off, back on the planet where the dragons reside, Yueliang is still in the cave training the days away. While doing the intense training he thinks to himself. 'Well at least now I understand this ridiculous training on balance. It was not to just get better with my foot work as I initially thought, although it was a side effect. This is all so I can learn to walk in mid air by using the void steps. A pretty fun and cool technique if I do say so myself. Although sadly it will take a while before I can use it to its full potential. If it were just for walking through air it would be next to useless once you reach a certain cultivation.'

    'Honestly, I cannot wait until I get to master this technique. As long as I know where I want to go, space and time will no longer be a barrier that slows me down since folding space at will is a part of this technique. Sadly that also makes it extremely dangerous, but at least it will be fun learning and using this technique.' Yueliang thinks to himself while sprinting through the air as if he were just on a casual jog.

    "This is so much fun, being able to walk in the sky!" Yue exclaims while messing around in the air even walking in loop de loops. Then continuing on to practice martial arts in mid air in the cave.

    Meanwhile, back at the castle, Emperor Rin sitting before envoys and leaders announces. "Thank you everyone for coming, and I am glad we could get these matters resolved. Also, envoy from the planet Earion, please wait behind so that I can give you the permit and badge to bring soldiers back with you. Everyone else, unless there is anything more that needs discussing I have other matters that must be gotten to quickly. Thus please speak now, or have safe travels until our next meeting unless you have an emergency."

    With that said all the envoys, rulers, and others quickly leave the room with exhausted expressions feeling that they are finally free again. Politics can and tend to be truly tiresome. Every job has their own battlefields that they must overcome. 

    Either way, Once everyone is gone except for the one envoy he told otherwise, Emperor Rin starts writing on a roll of bamboo using his chi as the ink. Upon finishing, he looks up at the lady, and says. "Thank you for waiting, here you are. Take both of these to the commander in the military encampment just a little outside of this castle. He will get you everything listed, and will get the job done."

    "Thank you my emperor for doing this. The wars on our planet have made things extremely difficult but with your will and your troops, there is sure to be peace soon." The lady envoy replies.

    Rin comments under his breath. "I hope that to be the case." He mumbles as the envoy makes her way out of the throne room.

    The average in appearance envoy lady, having left the room, the emperor also stands up and gets ready to leave while thinking. 'It has been a while, a little less than a week. I hope he is alright, but putting off getting him any more will only cause me more worry and strife. Time to pick him up. Hopefully he will not mind being picked up early, but then again I can always drop him off there again later.... maybe. It is frightening to think about losing another descendant, but if I do not allow him to go he might just go without my approval which feels worse. How conflicting!!!' He thinks as he starts walking forward into a portal.

    Walking out of the portal he sees that he made it back to the planet where he grew up, or was more specifically was raised by dragons. Feeling worry for his grandson, Emperor Rin picks up the pace as he makes his way into the tunnel until he comes to the fork in the path. Making it to this point, he shouts. "Yueliang, are you there? Which tunnel have you gone in?" Thus causing an echo in each of the tunnels.

    With that said, he waits for a few seconds, with seconds turning into minutes, and minutes turn into an hour. Feeling some impatience from his worry, and there being no reply, he runs into the tunnel he went in when he was younger to check this tunnel first.

    Seeing no signs of him having been here, and not wanting to retake the trials himself without at least a sign that his grandson has been there, he runs back. The emperor runs in another, and not finding any signs of activity, he goes into the third tunnel, still leaving the one Yue chose for last.

    Hours later, and having checked all the tunnels up to the second part except one, Rin thinks to himself. 'It cannot be possible right? Did he really not just choose the hardest but also make it up to the first portion? If so maybe he is not able to come back and used all his strength to get there. Could he be alive, or maybe he died farther in than I checked last time. After all I only went to the end of the trail of blood on the ground. Maybe he was eaten by something? But what could live in there?' Clearly over thinking and causing himself more worry, Emperor Rin makes his way into the last tunnel.

    'Please tell me he did not die. Please do not let my thoughts of his death be true!' Rin repeats in his head as he makes his way up to where the dried blood is same as he made last time. Although on his hands and knees he keeps progressing further in search of one of his few living descendants. 


Hello everyone, just feel like I have some explaining to do. So I told you I was sick hence the one chapter instead of 2, anyways here are the specifics in case you were curious. So first off, I have had covid for a little while now, but it looks like that is getting better. It has been hard to work but I have been doing it. Next up, I had a bit of an injury a few days ago hence the reason in the drop of chapters, it has been hard to think let alone move. Anyways, I am almost back, I should be able to be putting out the chapters again soon like before.

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