Life Drain System

Chapter 166 - A Weird Discussion

    'Please tell me he did not die. Please do not let my thoughts of his death be true!' Rin repeats in his head as he makes his way up to where the dried blood is same as he made last time. Although on his hands and knees he keeps progressing further in search of one of his few living descendants. 

    Crawling through the tunnel, Rin sees the entrance to the first open area on this tunnel. However being pushed even farther down, he takes a break to try and adjust to his surrounding, meanwhile however, he shouts out. "Yueliang, are you there? If you are alive please respond." Knowing that trying to use his chi to send his voice farther would not work due to the way the tunnels work, he has to just rely on his ability to raise his voice.

    Waiting for a reply, all the emperor hears is his voice echoing through the cavern over and over again, until it eventually goes almost silent once more. *Drip *Drop *Drip *Drop. Hearing drops of water trickling slowly, Rin thinks to himself. 'Well at least there is one thing calming about this situation. Think, what am I to do now? I doubt I am strong enough to go in without taking serious damage. Calling him once more cannot hurt, if it fails, I will just try going in once my body adapts to the new pressure..'

    Having had such thoughts he calls out once more, this time louder than the last. "Yueliang! Please come out quickly, I am not able to go in any further." Then under his breath continues. "Not at the moment anyway."

    The sound resounds and echoes through the cavern tunnels, eventually being really quiet it reaches Yueliang who hears a whisper saying. "Yue... come... quick... no... further..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Not able to tell who the voice is due to the muffling in the sound, but hearing distress, Yueliang stands up thinking to himself. 'I should probably check it out, if someone is hurt it would be on my conscience if they die because of me not taking the effort to check. But speaking of, who would know my name that would be here? As far as I know the seven day mark has not arrived, so it is unlikely that it is grandpa, and it is not sister as the voice is male. Oh well...'

    Quickly taking off and using the void steps, Yue runs in mid air dashing left and right to avoid crashing into the stalactites as he gets closer. Swiftly he makes his way back to the first room and seeing a body laying down far inside the tunnel on the other side face down, he descends back to the ground as he walks towards it.

    Meanwhile, as Rin was waiting, he could feel the pressure getting stronger and stronger until his vision darkens, this mind blurs, and looking up he sees a tall shadowy figure walking briskly towards him.

    Walking up to they body laying on the ground, Yue kneels down and rolls over the body with ease before mumbling as he picks up the body. "Grandpa?! It is not time yet, what are you doing here?"

    Either way, knowing he would not yet receive an answer he carries the body into the first open area in the cavern and then setting him down on the ground, emperor Rin sucks in a deep breath as his eyes open wide. Then the emperor exclaims with a smile and relieved expression. "Yue! You are alright."

    "Why would I not be? Also, what brings you here a day early?" Yue asks while sitting beside his grandpa who is now sitting upright. 

  Rin then answers. "I did not think about it at the time, but the one you chose... Well no one has ever survived this place that I know of. All I know is I was told one day the fated person would make it here, although seeing you alive it seems that must have been you." He says while looking around at the new environment.

    Hearing this, Yue does not feel surprised but instead that everything is starting to make sense now, and comments. "Well at least now I understand why this place seemed as if it was designed for me, but there are still many questions that I have. Oh well, anyways, you did not answer my question, why have you come early?"

    Feeling confused by Yueliangs' comment, Rin pushes it aside for the moment and answers. "Lately just thinking about you being in this dangerous place, my mind has been at extreme unease, so I came to pick you up a little early. Plus your sister is also freaking out, so shall we head back now?" Rin asks while feeling as if he knows the answer and starts to stand up.

    "I am sorry, but I do not feel that I should go yet. If I could stay a while longer, that would probably be best. Do you mind waiting a while longer?" Yue asks in reply, thus surprising his grandpa.

    "You want to stay?! ... Wait... Never mind that, are you telling me you have yet to learn all there is in this room already? It should not take a week even for the most profound of techniques with your degree of talent." Rin exclaims, while feeling confused.

    Yue quickly answers while remaining calm. "Of course not. I memorized it pretty quickly, and while I will not say that I have mastered it even after the two or three days of being in this room alone, I have gotten pretty far. Anyways, it is the second room I am working on right now for the most part, of course that does not mean I am not practicing the first part but even then, I have yet to find what I am looking for."

    Feeling more confused than ever, Rin asks. "Wait you made it to the second room and are still alive? Even I could not make it to this room without your help. It seems fate really is playing a big part in this... Now hold on, what do you mean looking for, and mastered? You do not really master cultivation techniques only martial or other ones."

    He replies. "Well that is the whole problem, I have yet to actually start cultivating with a technique. So far both of the first two rooms seem to be martial techniques of sorts, although it feels as if my body is being tempered I guess you could say. It is getting harder, stronger, faster, and what not, but so far no cultivation techniques."

    "What that should be impossible unless... no, it couldn't be could it? Plus he has gotten more handsome, and taller, there could not be another explanation that I can think of... so..." Rin mutters.

    "Do you mind clueing me in grandpa?" Yue asks.

    "Oh right! It is not that you have not been cultivating, but just that you do not know you have if I am correct. Although I could be wrong since it is incredibly rare and even then should not be possible. You see such techniques as what I am about to explain to you are made for the person who made them and no one else. Even if someone else could by chance cultivate it, it would be useless. ..."

    "...However most people do not do such things, because in order to make the technique you must first understand yourself perfectly, but second you must already have a high cultivation to make it. There are many other conditions as well, but over all the technique once made will teach itself to the creator according to legend anyway. ..."

    "Basically, they are martial techniques made to absorb the chi around you to refine your body and at the same time be used for combat, travel, or other things. Anyways, it is similar to body cultivation but it is also cultivating the soul at the same time. First it refines the body then starts making the dantian, then afterwards it will strengthen mind and body at the same time. It is normally a slower method of cultivating, however it is also much stronger normally as well. Of course this is all legend and I have never actually seen such a case, plus you never made a technique right?" Rin explains the situation.

    Listening intently and trying to understand Yue replies. "Well... I will put it this way, I have no such memory of doing anything like that, however when I was learning an older middle aged grey haired version of myself was teaching and showing me the techniques. Also, whenever I slept I was brought to some mysterious space that would be conducive to my training or something. Not to mention that while I was walking in here the first time, as well as reading, it felt nostalgic as if looking at an old creation of mine or something. But I am probably mistaken right?"

please we are worried still want to come back you may after a few days/ ok

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