Life Drain System

Chapter 180 - An Emotional Day

    Since he has not yet relearned how to cultivate, Yue closes his eyes to let himself rest, let his body absorb the energy around him as it has before, and anything else that may happen here. Then while that is happening, he tries to think on the nature of the way things work around here. Trying to think on the nature of how the nature is down here, he inevitably falls asleep. While he may not have done much today, healing takes a lot out of people sometimes.

---- Exactly 12 Hours Later ----

    *Yawn. Yueliang stretches his arms and legs as he thinks to himself. 'What a great nights sleep, quite peaceful. It is a pity I cannot tell the time while here. Then again what is the point of telling time? As long as we work hard to get done what we can and not waste our lives than why pay attention to it?' He wonders as he sits up comfortably.

    Stretching out his back, legs, arm, fingers, toes and neck it finally hits him. 'I do not feel pain anymore! Maybe I am mostly healed?' 

    With such thoughts, Yue pushes himself back up to his feet, as he walks on the smooth pebbles sliding beneath his feet. Looking down he realizes that he is not in the same place he went to sleep, lifting his gaze up ward, he sees the grassy area a few meters from his location where he slept. 

    Seeing this, Yue looks at the large crystal that is big enough to have a small house on each level of it, he finally understands one of the things he has been trying to learn. 'It is not with energy that one folds space, but with understanding of the space around you. You are not going against it, but flowing with it as it moves.' 

    Having figured this out, Yueliang closes his eyes and focuses on the energy around him while thinking about the river above him. Taking one step forward he smiles as he feels the flow of the energy and opens his eyes to see that he has succeeded. Then jumping up while raising his fist he exclaims. "YES! I DID IT!" Then landing. "Ouch Ow Ow." He cries out as he feels that he is clearly not fully healed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Feeling a little sad that he cannot share this with anyone at the moment without leaving this place, he closes about to fold space with the void steps before coming to a conclusion. 'Wait, as much fun as it is, and as nice as this is. It is most probably for the best to not abuse such an ability.' Thus without wanting to waste anymore time, he uses the void steps to walk into the air back up to the cavern tunnel.

    While walking he mumbles to himself. "*Sigh, it is painful just to think about going back here, but without going back there is no way to conclude my training. Although I will not deny that while it is extremely painful, all of this training is fun and feels good." (Not in a masochistic way for those of you thinking about such things. More like the good feeling after a good workout.)

    Having gotten back up to the tunnel, there is something different, every part of the ceiling walls and floor are covered in ice spikes. So proceeding through regardless of this, he says while walking a little above the ice spikes in the air. "It seems the cave is only giving me this last chance to make it through or it will kill me." 

    Eventually getting back to the firing area, where he got shot many, many times before, Yueliang closes his eyes takes a breath, and while feeling the spiritual intelligences around him, he takes a step forward following them as he folds space to the other side of this trap. Not knowing what awaits him on the other side, Yueliang just hopes it will not result in his death this time.

    Seeing a dry but smooth tunnel made of slate rock before him as well as seeing the bright light in front, he looks back and sees the area where he was shot before many tens of meters behind him. It is not without hardship that one can advance. Is the feeling in his heart at this moment as he starts walking forward towards the light.

    Nearly going blind with each step closer he gets, knowing this place is for training, Yue focuses his eyes and tries to see what is beyond this light as he does not want to fail without putting in some effort first. Picking up his pace a little he hurries towards the light fearlessly as he desires to know what is before him causing such a bright light.


    Stepping into the light, his eyes adjust after a few seconds. Although all he sees around him is just bright white light everywhere, even making up a table and chairs in the center with flowers all around that look like origami but are certainly growing naturally. 

    Moving towards the table and chairs, he notices a figure appearing in one of them with each step closer. Then before he realizes, he finds himself sitting in the chair across from that person while feeling a bit disoriented. 

    "Hello, I am Yueliang. Who are you?" Yue asks with a curious but soft voice, hoping to not offend this new creature that looks humanish. Although its hair moves as if it is made of metal thread, its body refined and toned but not to an unsightly degree but instead an appealing one. A tunic that appears to be made of light as well covering the strangers chest and body except the arms hands. There is even a hood covering the strangers hair that seems to be long enough to touch her lower back or even her butt.

    A very soothing, feminine voice calmly comments. "Well, well, look at you, it seems you have manners unlike the one before you who tried to force their way through the tunnels." The stranger notices the look of disappointment on Yue's face and adds. "Do not worry, you should still feel honored. This place was made for you only, the rude and brutish person who came in died in the first cave due to their bodies weakness." She says as if she could read his mind.

    Feeling a little proud of his accomplishments so far, the smile reappears on his face. But Yue tries to get rid of the proud feeling while staying happy, because pride is bad.

    Seeing this, the lady giggles a little before saying. "I take it you must be wondering why you are here right?"

    "Miss ..., Is it not because of my future self or something?" Yue asks while confusion floods his mind.

    Not knowing whether she should laugh or sigh, she says. "That is not the case, you just saw a vision of the future. While I admit it may have seemed like they were talking to you, it was just an artificial memory of you teaching someone else. Anyways, sorry for my lack of manners just now, I am Aria, pleased to meet you."

    "What a pretty name." Yue mumbles quietly and accidently speaking his mind.

    "Hehe, thank you. Although my other name you would be incapable of pronouncing. Either way, the reason you are here is for training obviously, but also something else. Your mother is in danger but in your previous state you would have died before you could blink, now you might die after getting closer to her location. A big step if I do say so myself." Aria explains.

    Hearing about his mother, Yueliangs mind tries to wrap itself around the thought before he takes a deep breath and comments. "If you do not mind, how do you know my mother?"

    She smiles, as he is actually doing better than she thought he would. Then she answers. "It is not a problem, you see, I am one of her .... creations I guess you could say. Just as I appear, I am an ai no human soul or beast. Anyways, she is not in any immediate danger of death, but she has been captured. Before you go there, you must go and receive training from each of my fellow creations. Please be quick young man, follow your current path and you will find them." She says before her body starts disappearing.

    "Wait...." Yue exclaims.

    Arias' body begins reforming as she tilts her head as if to ask 'what is it?'

    "I have two questions. You said follow my current path? What do you mean by that? Then also, an artificial memory? Could you please explain?" Yue asks as he feels that such answers will ease his mind.

    That said, Aria replies. "I guess, I can indulge your curiosity a little. Current path - how you are living your life so to speak. Just keep helping those you care about and you will find what you seek. Then artificial memory, created by analyzing your dna, and then using what you would likely look like as a simulation for teach others. Of course this was made just for you."

    Yueliang opens his mouth, but Aria starts again before he can speak saying. "As a little bonus for you, since I am sure this is your next question. Yes, your mom misses you, but will not come to you, as you must first grow up into a 'fine young man' first. She was out helping others before getting kidnapped and imprisoned. That is all, now I must be going." Aria says as her body dissipates before Yue could say another word.

    With Aria now gone, Yue can feel tears welling up in his eyes, but will not let them flow. Three words, fine young man, he heard in 'her' voice. His mothers voice that he has not heard since so long ago and he was sure he had forgotten.. Just hearing it once the emotions came back, although not any other memories than the one he saw with gramps.

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