Life Drain System

Chapter 181 - Should Not Go Over There

    With Aria now gone, Yue can feel tears welling up in his eyes, but will not let them flow. Three words, fine young man, he heard in 'her' voice. His mothers voice that he has not heard since so long ago and he was sure he had forgotten. Just hearing it once the emotions came back, although not any other memories than the one he saw with gramps.

    Having so many emotions welling up inside him, Yueliang spends a few minutes just sitting in the chair trying to organize his thoughts and mind. 'Honestly, I do not get it. I did not feel so much when they were dead to the best of my knowledge, but now that there is knowledge otherwise so many feelings keep affecting my state of mind. Why is it so difficult to control myself all of a sudden. This needs to be my next project later, but in the mean time let us see if there is anything else around here.'

    Getting up from the chair and pushing aside any unnecessary emotions, he starts walking around the room and exploring, however aside from the strange plants, environment, table and chairs he found nothing else. However in the unlikely chance that he has missed anything, he walks over to the edge of the room starting from where he came in and starts walking around.

    *Soft breeze blows.

    Feeling and hearing the very light breeze that would not have been noticed had he not walked over to this particular spot, he turns and walks towards the wall presuming it is an illusion. 


    'Nope, not an illusion.' He thinks as he pushes on the wall in case it is a door.


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    'Not a door?' At this point confusion runs rampant in his mind before a solution comes to mind.

    Pulling his hand back, he punches at the wall, thus separating the chi and unassigned matter. Revealing a light hallway, he walks through.


    Looking back he sees the ground raising in slabs quickly and closing behind him, so Yueliang starts running through the tunnel. A few minutes later he notices it has stopped but is in another white room now causing him to wonder? 'What is the point of all this?'

    Walking along the walls, there is nothing, so he tries the center and finds ... more nothing. 

    '*sigh. I can always come back later and check this place.' Yueliang thinks to himself as he closes his eyes and taking a step forward he arrives outside the cave. "Ahhh, Fresh air at long last." Yueliang exclaims while over exaggerating a bit, even causing the giant lizards to look at him oddly.

    A moment later he starts stretching, twisting his back, moving his arms, and legs in very difficult positions. Feeling everything properly in its place, Yue says with a smile. "Good bye dragon planet. I hope to one day meet more of your inhabitants." 

    Closing his eyes, he feels the space around, as it flows by him, he starts thinking of the throne room of his grandpas castle. In the next second, Yue opens his eyes only to see his grandpa in shock. Looking back he sees others in the room in shock as well, thus he says to himself. "What happened here? Did I miss something important?"

    The first person to break out of their shock is one of those behind him who says. "Young man, how did you appear here? It should not be possible to teleport in and out of this castle without the emperors technique or a direct high class teleportation array. Seeing as none of those are the case what did you do?" 

    'That seems a bit long winded just to ask one question, but it seems I was the cause.' Yueliang thinks before answering. "My apologies if I interrupted your council grandpa. I will go see sister first, but once you are done here please let me know. There is something I am sure you will want to know." Yueliang says before folding space to his sisters room, not letting anyone get a word in otherwise.

    Meanwhile those in the throne room feel a series of feelings over come them, just to name a few relief that the young man is his grandson or he would be a threat, surprised he is so powerful as to 'teleport' as he please (they misunderstand), and a number of other thoughts. 

    The emperor however brings them back from their reverie. *Ahem "Well let us get back to the matter at hand."

    In the mean time, Yueliang appears in the circle of beasts, but behind his sister. Seeing this, he kneels down while seeing his sleeping sister on the grass, and pokes her right shoulder as she is laying on her side. 

    Waking up, with a cute drowsy look on her face she turns around to see what her pets want since she does not imagine anyone else coming in her room. However seeing her brother with a smile on his face, she immediately hugs him exclaiming. "Brother! When did you get back?"

    "Just now." Yue replies as he reciprocates her hug.

    A few moments later, the two separate and Ai Lan asks excitedly while wearing a sincere smile on her face. "How are you? Did your training go well?"

    He smiles as he answers. "I am glad to see you care so much for your brother." He teases shortly before answering after seeing her pouting face. "Alright, no need to make such a face. I am doing well, and learned a lot. It was dangerous and painful, but over all it was fun. There were many beautiful sights, and new experiences that I wish I could share with you." Yue says.

    Pouting again she says. "Brother did you forget we are cultivators of course you can share it with me, but seeing as I am not very good with the technique, we should ask daddy." She says with a conflicted expression as she wanted this to be between just them.

    Yueliang nods at this, and says. "I did not forget, but just figured it would be more meaningful if I could share it with you myself. Waiting works. Anyways, sorry for waking you sis, I am going to see my subordinates and how their progress is so far. We can talk later." He says before giving her a hug.

    Then without allowing her to stop him or say anything, he steps back as he folds space back over to the room where most of his people are. Only needing a single glance, he can already tell the hold is nearly finished. Then next to it are a few large piles of thick glass panes, as well as metal I- beams of a few different types or quality as it is a little difficult to tell from this distance.

    Happy that he is getting faster and better at folding space, he walks over towards his people as he watches them carrying heavy supplies of various types from location to location. Even having his attention drawn towards the pillars of smoke near the mount which are clearly from the forges melting ore and casting metal. Which causes him to wonder. 'I wonder where they got the oil for casting? While I may not know much about forging, I at least know the basics.' 

    Either way, turning his head back towards where the massive project, he hears a familiar voice behind him say. "Hello Yueliang, it has been a while, good to see you back, not to mention in one piece." The person jokes, as Yueliang turns around to see Orslaine.

    "Orslaine, it has been to long." Yue says while feeling happy to see her again, and continuing. "By the way, I thought you where learning from Victoria. Have you finished already? It is interesting, as much as you enjoy fighting, it seems you have found another battlefield to enjoy and experience."

    Hearing this, she smiles, as it is clear that he has not forgotten her, and at the same time he is making cute jokes, so she replies. "I have not finished learning everything from her yet, but even after that, there will always be more to learn. By the way, probably best if you do not go over there, as it looks like they have picked up a rhythm to work to again."

    "Oh?" Yue looks back at them for a moment before saying. "Good to know, I will come by later to drop off cultivation techniques, unless they want to learn what I have been working on." Yue says while hoping. 'Hopefully they choose the second option, as it means I could save up my years and shop coins. Plus as far as I can tell, this is stronger than what I was learning in the beginning, which seem odd but oh well. Why question it? Then again, Blake said earlier they will choose what I am learning.'

    Orslaine answers. "I know many are anxious and eager to begin cultivating, but they are probably more interested in yours. Although some seem to not care what they practice. Either way, whatever you choose to pass onto us will be what we practice. In the meantime everyone will keep working on the project you have given to us."

    Smiling, Yueliang says. "I missed you Orslaine, glad to see that you are doing well.. If you are not too busy, could we go and say hello to Victoria as well? I am sure you both have been quite hard at work, and could use a break right about now." 

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