Life Drain System

Chapter 182 - What Is Going On?

    Smiling, Yueliang says. "I missed you Orslaine, glad to see that you are doing well. If you are not too busy, could we go and say hello to Victoria as well? I am sure you both have been quite hard at work, and could use a break right about now." 

    A conflicted feeling appears for a split second, and then leaves before she nods while saying. "Ok, follow me." Then turning around she start walking towards the residence they all are staying in which is clearly large so as to fit hundreds of people. The very same place that Rin came to just a little while ago.

    Making their way towards the building. *Booom *Ground Rumbling  They feel the whole space around them shaking violently as if they were inside a baby rattle and the world they are standing on is one of the balls inside of it. The ground and air shake violently, explosions are heard for a few seconds. Even some of the people working around the hole fell inside. Fortunately none of the spikes or other dangers have been put in place yet.

    Then as if it never happened in the first place, everything returns to normal instantaneously. This causing the high orcs, the goblins, and even Yueliang to all look around while feeling worry and dumbfounded. 

    However a split second later something clicks, and Yueliangs eyes open wide as he exclaims. "Victoria! We need to check on her." 

    Orslaine realizing what he means after hearing that, has shock written on her face as well, but not letting it hold her back she starts running towards their current residence closely followed by Yueliang. The only reason Yue does not run there on his own is simply the fact that there are hundreds of rooms in that place, and he has no ideas if he would even make it to her in time.

    A few minutes later, inside the building, Orslaine opens a door, and Yue rushes inside to check and see how she is doing. Then to his surprise, he saw knives sticking out of the ground, a few out of the walls, some laying all over the place, as well as other tools, ingredients, and kitchen wares. 

    Looking around as he makes his way through the very large kitchen, towards the back corner, he sees Victoria leaning up against the cabinets full of pots pans and etc. However inside her right forearm is a large kitchen knife all the way through, on her right arm a large gash from a butchers blade which seems to have fallen, and worst of all is the chef slicing knife sticking out of her stomach and blood flowing out of her mouth as well as her other areas.

    Seeing this, Yueliang quickly says. "Orslaine, I will be back. In the mean time see if anyone else is injured, if they are bring them out front."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Orslaine nods her head, and turns around to leave immediately, while Yueliang picks up Victoria as gently and carefully as he can. Once he is standing, he closes his eyes, feels the flow of the spiritual energy around him, and then folds space to the throne room. 

    In that next second, he says. "Grandpa, please hurry and save my friend. I do not want to lose anymore people than I already have." 

    However opening his eyes, he sees the room is empty, causing him to wonder. 'Where could he be?' Although not wasting a second, he tries going to his sister as that is where he told his grandpa he would be.

    Looking around with Victoria still in his arms, and the blades still inside her body, as pulling them out would increase the blood flow, he does not see his sister or his grandpa. Not even a single one of her pets inside. 

    As this is all occurring, he thinks to himself. 'Maybe, it might work? I guess there will never be any results if you do not try.' Thus closing his eyes and feeling the energy around him, he starts thinking of his grandpa, more specifically his most recent memories of him, not wanting to risk too much otherwise he takes a step forward and opens his eyes.

    Opening his eyes he realizes that it did not work, and he has not moved except one step forward, thus he quickly tries again, while pleading internally. 'Please, please work. I do not want others to suffer if I am able to help.' Feeling desperation, and hope, at the same time, he tries a second time.


    Yueliang opens his eyes, and sees a different scenery. Just tunnels, tunnels and more tunnels, all made of stone bricks. While it looked aesthetically pleasing and had a sort of dungeon like aura about it, he walks forward to get a better look through all the different tunnels.

    Not seeing anyone, but feeling he would not have appeared in this strange place for no apparent reason, he calls out in a smooth but loud enough voice. "Grandpa Rin, Sister Ai Lan, Are you there?"

    His voice echoing in every direction as the tunnel area he is in is like a ball with tunnels going every which way. Making it exceedingly easy for someone to get lost in here.

    Receiving no reply, Yue turns around just to look once more before leaving. "Nope" He says as he does not see anyone and then focusing on his sister this time, he starts taking a step forward.


    A hand reaches out and pulls Yueliang back, his eyes still closed, he opens them to see what is going on, and sees himself inside of his grandpas portal, as he looks as him with a finger over his mouth telling him too be quiet. Next to him is his sister, and behind those two are some maids, soldier and others.

    Looking down through the portal he does not see anything, but then raises his arms as if to ask his grandpa to please heal her.

    Gramps shakes his head in reply. 

    Feeling a bit annoyed, Yueliang tries to maneuver his hands to put Rin and Ai Lans hands together, and then points for the others to all do the same.

    After a few seconds the servants, emperor and princess all feeling confused are now holding hands, and with that, Yue grabs hold of grandpa and Ai Lans' hands. Then closing his eyes, he folds space back to the front of his subordinates room.

    Yueliang then says. "Now will you please heal her? And the others if there are any?"

    Grandpa Rin sighs. *Deep Sigh. "I guess it is too late now, they will likely know that we were there. *Snap. The reason I did not do it before was Chi fluctuations can be detected by others if they are sensitive to them or looking for something. Anyways, while your void steps may not cause them, my portal had to be left open in order for them to assume it was natural." Rin says as he heals Victoria, and pulls out the blades lodged inside of her.

    A few moments later, not a scar is left, and Victoria just rests in Yueliangs' arms because of the tiredness from blood loss.

    Either way, seeing her healed, Yue says. "Thank you, but by the way, could not keep the portal open from a distance? If you did that it seems like it would not be a problem?"

    The emperor shakes his head and snaps again, to heal those laying on the ground before them. *snap. "I can only be so far from it for it to stay open, and even then it requires a lot of energy just to keep it open. If you had not come along, in a few minutes we would have had to leave anyway. It is just that I could still feel some ones presence in the tunnels, and did not want to leave until they left."

    After healing the three bodies laying on the ground, Rin says. "That is all, my spiritual energy is running low, so if anyone else needs healing they will have to wait."

    Yueliang nods, and says. "Thank you very much."

    Ai Lan quickly intervenes asking. "Now that the question and answer portion of the talk are out of the way, who is the cause of this? I thought the culprit from last time was dealt with?"

    Hearing this, Rin answers. "I have no idea either honey, but the culprit from last time, we found out they were just a pawn..."

    Yue cuts in while the servants start spreading out a little not wanting to bother the royals. "By the way sis, I just wanted to ask, where are all of your pets?"

    "And that is another thing, why are the enemies not in brothers subordinates room? While I am not complaining, I am curious....  Anyways, to answer your question, no. They are still back in my room. I figured the enemy likely would not touch my pets since they seem to be only coming after humans." Ai Lan answers after asking what was on her mind.

    With that said, Rin starts thinking, but Yue says. "I do not know why they have come, nor do I know who these enemies are, but I just wanted to say when I went to your room earlier searching for you and gramps it was desolate. Dead silence. The plant life was still there, but not a single one of your pets that I saw before. Not even a fish.. At first, I was wondering if you moved or it was the wrong room."

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