Life Drain System

Chapter 185 - Questioning

    "I have only ever killed evil people, so who are you to act all innocent about me coming to kill you?! Plus that is pretty cheap, considering normally I charge far more, but since you did not want my blade I made it so." The kunoichi exclaims.

    Hearing this, Yue feels like coughing up blood, but without an injury he just coughs before he comments. "HA! That is funny. If you are so upright, why are coming to kill us. What has your employer told you we did that was so evil? You do realize that if our family dies, chaos will spread once more unless there is someone to stop it, right?"

    "What a joke." She says as she moves her legs trying to twist Yueliangs' head so she can snap his neck. "My employer has shown evidence of your evil deeds. You kill people for sport, and enslave young men and women for servants and rape them!"

    With that said, he immediately exclaims. "WHAT!!! How dare that person spout such heinous lies! I will show you the truth. Do you agree to a truce just for a few minutes?" Yue asks a bit loudly.

    Not wanting to risk killing an innocent because she was deceived, she says. "You have 5 minutes, then if I am not convinced, even if I have to kill myself, I will take you with me!"

    Shaking one of her hands, the two leg loose their legs and hands at the same time and stand up before brushing the non existent dust off of themselves. Then he asks. "May I hold your hand for a moment it will make this faster?"

    Feeling reluctant she decides to trust him, and in the next second after holding her soft and smooth hand gently, he takes a step forward and the two disappear from that spot, instantly reappearing beside his sister back in his subordinates room.

    Letting go of her hand Yueliang kneels down, and waking up Victoria as well at his sister at the same time he rubs their shoulder while saying. "Victoria, sister, get up unless you want us all to die."

    With those last words, the two quickly sat up, still a little drowsy, but they got up and looked around. The only thing different they see is a kunoichi clad in black tight attire to hide her appearance as well as be able to maintain mobility. Seeing this, Victoria asks. "What do you need? I do not see any threats."

    "Ugh. *Sigh. Just get up I need you both to do something." Yueliang said.

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    The two ladies then start standing up. Once up they say simultaneously. "Okay we are up, what now?" They said sleepily.

    Yueliang then says. "Sis, I am sure you know Blake, if not ask around and find her. Then tell her to bring everyone over here, and you come back as well." Then turning his gaze towards Victoria he continues. "Now, Tori, please answer this womans' questions honestly. Oh and before then, please remove your armband for a minute or two."

    Both the kunoichi and Victoria then look at him oddly, but for two different reasons. Then Victoria asks. "Why do I have to remove the gift you gave me?"

    "Please just show her. If not your life will be at risk. You can put it back on immediately afterward."

    Reluctantly Victoria slides her armband off of her arm. Thus reverting back from her human from to her natural orc form which seems even more appealing than her human one.

    Seeing this, the Kunoichi nearly jumps out of her skin, but immediately regains her calm, as this was clearly different from her expectations, and she asks. "You're not human?" 

    "Most of us are not, but the young master accepts us for who we are, and we love him for it." She says while sliding the armband back onto her arm.

    Meanwhile, Yueliang smiling at her reply, starts pulling four chairs and a small round table out of his inventory as this will likely take a little while. Setting them up quickly the kunoichi, Victoria, and himself sit down in the chairs leaving one open for his sister later.

    Once they are all seated, the kunoichi look at the two of them just sitting in silence as if waiting for them to crack although, not a single word is mentioned from either side.

    Not feeling the least bit uncomfortable, but feeling a little annoyed, Victoria asks. "So are you going to ask anything or may I get back to sleeping. I was having a very nice dream after all."

    With that, the stranger then starts talking. "Ok, I have a few questions. Have you been forced or coerced into sexual actions? Have you been harmed, and what is your opinion of this man as well as the imperial family? Lastly, has the imperial family done anything unlawful?" 

    Listening to the questions, Yue feels like going to sleep as this will be more boring than he thought.

    Victoria however says. "I will answer and then I am going back to sleep. Firstly, no on anything sexual, as nothing intimate has happened in any way shape or form. No harm either, nor unlawful activity. As I said before we all love and care about our young master. He is kind, intelligent, and over all wonderful. He has thrown himself near death various time for us, and we had to save him. As for the royal family, they are kind and good people as well. Now good night." She says as she gets up from the chair, not letting herself be questioned any further.

    A moment after, the princess arrives and sits down, saying to her brother. "I told them, and they will be here shortly."

    Yue nods in acknowledgement.

    The kunoichi then questions the princess asking. "Have you done anything unlawful?"

    Ai Lan feeling surprised speaks her mind as she was caught off guard. "Not unless keeping pet mythical creatures is unlawful. Plus I normally just stay in my room playing with my pets when I am not out helping others.... Wait, why are you questioning me?"

    The stranger then looks at Yueliang and says. "So far no lies, and before you ask since I am certain you are curious. Yes I have a skill that allows me to know when someone lies or tries being deceitful as the color of their aura will change."

    Hearing this, the brother, sister duo feel surprised as they did not expect such a thing, but even then Yue just asks. "Sister, would you mind telling Blake and the others to answer her questions? I still need to go back and search for your pets."

    Feeling happy that her brother is taking such efforts to look for them, she smiles and says. "Not a problem."

    With that said, Yue stands up and starts walking away, about to fold space again, to which the ninja woman says. "Wait!" 

    Turning around Yueliang gives her a glance as if asking what she needs.

    She then looks at Ai Lan and asks. "What kind of pets did you have?"

    "Why does that matter.... Wait did you take them? Did you hurt my friends?" She starts asking with an expression of a tigress ready to defend her cubs.

    Seeing this going on, Yue figures he should wait incase she really did take them, and says. "Sis, please just answer her questions, otherwise you might not see them again. I do not know if she has them, but if not she could certainly help."

    Still on guard against this stranger she reluctantly says. "I had dragons, unicorns, basilisks, seals, pegusus', and various other types of creatures. If you want to be here all day I could name them by their names, description, race, personality, etc."

    "No need." The kunoichi says before continuing. "I was going to set them free, as I figured once you all are dead, they may die of starvation. Here you go." She says as she tosses a ring to Ai Lan.

    Quickly catching the ring as if it were the most fragile and important thing in the universe to her she smiles happily and lovingly once she sees all of her pets still alive in the super mini small word inside the ring. Then after Yueliang clears his thought. *Ahem. She breaks out of her reverie and says. "Thank you, maybe you are not an evil person after all."

    With that said, Yueliang lays down on the grass a little less than a meter from Victoria coincidentally and starts dozing off after saying. "Wake me up when you are done, Please."

    Not even waiting for a reply he falls a sleep relaxingly on the grass.

    The stranger rolls her eyes with a smile, as she waits for the others to arrive. Then once they had, she starts questioning them, and is surprised at how man high orcs, and high goblins there are.. Although from there appearance, she could tell the high goblins have not completed their transition yet or they would be as tall as herself.

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